Stay encouraged

Sep 14, 2009


Well OH family I have my last doctor's appointment tomorrow at 1:45.....I'm starting to get nervous and excited at the same time...I keep thinking that something is going to happen and the doctor will not be able to do my surgery on Wednesday, but the Lord keeps telling me that he has already taken care of everything and it is not for me to worry. So I’m not going to worry!!!! I pray that everyone stays encouraged through out there individual journeys.
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To all the wls singers...

Sep 13, 2009

To all the singers out there that have had Wls…can you sing better after you lose the weight?can you hold a note longer and not feel winded…..I would really love some feedback on this family.....I have a dream of singing in the choir but I get winded very fast....will this surgery help me with my dream?

Not doing to well on Pre-op Diet

Sep 07, 2009

I need help!! I'm not doing so well on my pre-op diet. I should have 2 protein shakes a sensible meal and a protein bar. The first two days I did well but as the days pass I'm starting to nibble was awful my family had a cook out and that is all she wrote...I think I tried every thing twice. I was told in my pre-op class that if the liver is suppose to shrink on this diet and if we do not stay on it and the liver is to heavy to more they will not do the surgery or have to go in the old fashioned way by cutting. I hope it's not to late I'm determined  the finish these last nine days on the diet without messing up.

Any advice would be helpful......

Has anyone not did the pre-op diet and had surgery any way?
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I'm on my way

Sep 03, 2009


Today was grueling...I was poked and prodded and asked every question you could imagine. I learned a lot about my new life and how to take care of myself. I'm ready...So ready... To start this journey!!! I want to be healthy... and fulfill the task that God put me here to fulfill... I would be lying if I said I was not looking forward to looking better. I want to turn heads when I walk in a room (OH family don't tell anyone I said that). Thank you all again for all your prayers and I pray that everyone receives what God has for them (Remember that any and every thing that God has for you has to be wonderful!!)

Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?" (John 11:40).

Be Blessed OH Family

Time is starting to fly by !!

Sep 02, 2009

I have a very busy day today. At 12 noon I go into the hospital for pre-op, 2pm I have my last meeting with the nutritionist, 3pm I go back to the hospital for pre-op testing DTV (I'm not sure what this is yet she said it has something to do with the veins in my legs and getting a filter if I need one). And last but not lest at 4pm I have my pre-op class. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Only 13 more days to go. God is so good !!!

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The count down is on!!!

Aug 28, 2009

I received a call this morning from my surgeon’s office...And my wls date is September 16, 2009 . God is amazing (so amazing)!!! He is giving me a new lease on life, a new start. The enemy is flooding my mind with negative thoughts and feelings, he as even come into my dreams. This is how I know that this surgery is nothing but a blessing from God...the enemy is working too hard to distract and confuse me. I’m just happy that my relationship with God is strong and I can see through the tricks of the enemy.


I Got it !! I Got it !!

Aug 27, 2009

I was approved by my insurance company today!!!!!! I want to thank everyone for your prayers My question now is How long will it take to get my date and final appointments? I received a call from my insurance company this morning I have not heard from my surgeon’s office yet......

In his will

Aug 26, 2009

I know this surgery is in God's will...A second chance at life...There is no way this cannot be in his will. My approval is on the way, I’m trusting and believing.


wondering whats going on !!

Aug 24, 2009


OH Family it has been three weeks and I have heard NOTHING from my insurance company or surgeons office. I have called a few times and all they would tell me is that my claim is still pending. Is this normal? If it takes this long is it good or bad?

Still Waiting

Aug 18, 2009

I'm still waiting, it's will be a week today and I'm trying to stay positive and calm. I know that it is done because I asked God for this in prayer and he said what ever we ask of him in prayer trusting and believing it's done than it is done.....Thank you father!!


About Me
Newberry, SC
Surgery Date
May 06, 2009
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