nothing much

Jun 16, 2007

Went for my 4th appt with my pcm, 2 more months to go. I cant wait. Also, only got 4 weeks and 5 days til I go back to see the surgeon and see the psych. I still am waiting for the referral for me to go get that sleep study done. Just wish this was the day of the surgery feels like its taking forever. Dont help that nothing is going good in my life right now. Oh well, Ill write more later.

So tired of waiting!!!

May 25, 2007

I cant believe how long this feels like its taking.  I just want it to be the day of my surgery. I am having such a hard time with my insurance, its such a pain when you dont live near a military base. I hate it. I go on June 6 for my 3rd appt with my new pcm, so that will be 4 months, only 2 more to go. I also gotta get this sleep study done and a psych consult which I am going to do on July 26 when I go up to see Dr. Papasavas again. I just want to be on the losing side of things, so tired of feeling like I am nothing to anybody, if that makes any sense to anyone.? Well ill write more later.

First Appt. with Surgeon

May 13, 2007

I met with Dr. Papasavas on May 10, 2007. He was very informative and was very nice. I also met with his RN, the nutritionalist and the insurance lady.  The people at this office are awesome, very down to earth and just genuinely nice. I was told that I will probably have to do the six month diet but thats not so bad, as long as the accept March when I was down in NC. Then I should be eligible for the surgery around September which isnt too far away. Im feeling pretty confused, because of my insurance. I have to do everything myself through my PCM or PCP as non military people call it, and its a pain. Ill do it though, I am completely dedicated to getting this done. I have lost 30lbs since Dec and thats a good deal of weight for me, I am down to 307 which believe me is the lowest Ive been since high school.  My husband quitting on me and my boys has been very hard, I have nobody to share my feelings with now. But ill get on with everything. I have another appt. with Dr. Papasavas and a psychologist on July 26, I cant wait for that day, I also have to do a sleep study, but I have to get a referral from my PCM to do that also, so I have to reschedule that appt. Have to get bloodwork done but thats no biggie. Ill post more later.

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 16, 2007
Member Since

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Latest Blog 3
nothing much
So tired of waiting!!!
First Appt. with Surgeon
