Alexander Abkin

"As time has gone on, I realize more and more what an excellent surgeon Dr.Abkin is. Some people have told me that they were not treated too well by their doctors after their first follow up visit (I guess that's're okay...I'm done with you) and then they see the nurse when they go. Not with Dr. Abkin. I guess if you want more flexibility, you can see another doctor or the physician assistant, but he's just as happy to see you himself. He is such a pleasure to work with on this truly need the support and caring of a good surgeon. I recall the slightest bit of fear just before I was given my pre-surgery sedative (ha! after that happy med who cares?) and I was a little anxious; I just wanted to see my doctor before surgery and time was getting short. But, in walked Dr. Abkin and smiled at me, asked if I had any questions or concerns....I took his two hands and said something like God bless these hands....I felt right then and there a connection...and a great peaceful feeling that I was going to be just fine. There is a lot to be said for the look in someone's face, and the calm demeanor one has before such a monumental moment such as surgery; changing someone's body. That seems like such a long time ago....but it was the best thing I've ever done for myself. "

Alexander Abkin

"My first impression of Dr. Abkin was positive...he was friendly and genuinely interested in hearing my concerns. My sister in law had been a patient 2 years before and referred me to him. I was instantly pleased! I was more impressed when I attended seminars pre-op classes and worked with his nurse and nutritionist. He is very confident, but not arrogant or cocky. He's a regular guy who happens to change people's lives incredibly."
About Me
Jul 29, 2012
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