Can I do it?

Aug 06, 2012

Hey gang-
 Here I am trying to lose the weight on my own and it's not easy. I have given up on so much foods and sick of being sick. I have celiacs disease. It's very hard to lose weight on a gluten free diet because they are mostly carbs. I have started skipping meals to try to lose weight. it still doesn't work. I went back to my regular way of eating which is who cares , nothing is going to work. I really want to lose this weight but its' so hard and have no one that could do this with me. I just started exercising last week. My goal was to walk 1 mile but ended up walking a total round trip of 2miles. It was awesome. The rest of the week, I didn't do exercise but just stayed in bed and gave up. I am afraid to walk again . I don't know what's stopping me. Has anyone been in my shoes and can understand where I am coming from. Losing weight is not easy. I went for my weekly weigh in and didn't gain and didn't lose, I stayed the same. I am still trying hard to lose the weight so I can meet with the surgeon and start getting myself ready. I need extra help. I don't know where or who to ask for. I live in Hampton, Nh. If anyone has any advice for me, I would really appreciate it. thanks, lauren


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