Hi everyone!

My name is LeAnna and I am 30 years young, live in Portland and work in the sales business. I have been a big beautiful gal for a while and made the decision a year ago to have WLS. I am currently 2 weeks away (Jan 29th, 2016) and I am going crazy! The liquid diet is only killing my mental well being, which was expected. My boss pretty much knows that I will be a B** the entire time lol.  

I have to be honest, I have never really felt insecure about my looks, maybe my size, but I have always thought that I was super good looking with a personality that was just as attractive. The only reason I am even talking about this is because I want everyone to have an idea who I am. I am 30 and I am single... Not, I don't have to be single but I know, that it is impossible to be in a relationship if you are not fully happy with yourself, and I am not. WLS is going to help me get to where I need to be physically. This will able me to become everything I was meant to be. It will allow me to do all the things I love that I have not been able to(adventure photography, snowboarding,) due to my health/size.  I wish I would have done this sooner in life but I don't think I was ready just yet.. I'm ready now. 

I have never been good at blogging but I made a promise to myself that I will do so during the process. 





About Me
Jun 27, 2015
Member Since
