This is harder than I thought

Jan 28, 2009

No matter how many times I was told that WLS is a tool, it really never sunk in.  Until now.  I guess I just had this picture in my head of me losing weight and eating whatever I wanted.  I didn't think that after surgery I would be counting calories and fat grams.  I don't regret having surgery, but it's hard to turn off the part of your brain that says "feed me sweets or fried foods."  Eating healthy is suppose to be a journey, not a destinantion, but I can't seem to keep myself off the scale, constantly scrutinizing myself for every half pound weight fluctuation.  I sometimes wonder if I'm the only one to have a problem giving up food after surgery.  My body knows what I can and can't eat, and how much, but my head says something completely different most of the time.


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