I am 36 years old and have 2 children, Joseph (1) Amanda (8), I have noticed the older I get with this extra weight I just cant do it any more. I work full time and I am running out of steam, I mean walking around with an extra 100+lbs on your back is tuff phew! I have been over weight my whole life, and extremely shy/insecure as a result of it! I have always been told "but you have such a pretty face", what is that some kind on consolation prize? I don’t even like to look in the mirror, cause I hate what I see--I know the inside is beautiful but sometimes that just don't cut it!
I just want to live a normal life, for my kids and for me, I don’t want to hurt when I walk, or get out of breath when I walk up stairs, or chafe, or not be able to fit in a chair with arms!
I work for an Airline and the thought of flying is horrible, it's not the flight, it's the SEATS! That alone is so stressful! I could go on and on, but I am sure you all have a similar story!
My PCP has recommended Dr. Gadaleta, and has given me clearance to seek out bariatric surgery. I have an appointment set for January 10th, I made the appointment in September, that’s such a long wait, but I have been over weight my whole life, ah whats a few months. I can't wait to start my new healthier life! I'll get back to ya fter my initial consult!


Well tomorrow is my first consult with my Surgeon (finally), I have to say the closer it gets the more obsessed I become with this, I don't know what I would have done with out this site, especially all the sleepless nights, this site was the best company I could ask for! Just by reading the message board I get alot of answers to my questions, that really helps! Anyway keep your fingers crossed, that all goes ok without a hitch! Especially the insurance thing.. I'll let you know how I make out! ;-)


OK I did it! I met with the Doc, it went well, he said I am a great candidate for the "LAP RNY", so that is what I am shooting for! Just knowing I am doing this has been bad for my eating habbits though, I have put on 15lbs! (ouch!) I just hit MY ALL TIME HIGH for the first time ever :-( I must get under that..
Well anyway I have the list of Dos's I need to see (what a Drag!) but I will do what ever is nessasary. My next appointment with my surgeon is in May, and who knows when I will get a date!
I am thinking sometime in September or October (uggggh) That seems like a life time away, but I will be patient--Thats all for now! :-)


OK today, I made appointments for some on the list. I typed it all out nice and neat with dates/address and phone numbers, so that I can remember everything, cause it's alot to remember.

1/25 Dietary Evaluation-Emily Marcus (out of pocket ouch!160.00!)

1/27 Back to my PCP-Maria Musso,need referrels for cardiologist, pulmonist,and internist

2/5 Psych Evaluation-Hope Klopchin (out of pocket 275.00 ouch x's2!)

2/8 Stress test thank God its covered!

2/12 Gastro Interologist consult re: Endoscopy

And my next appointment with Dr. Gadaleta isn't till May 12th! that blows! But my mission is to get all these tests done and over with ASAP!! then I will call My surgeon's office religiosly looking for a cancelation(they will get sick of me)
I don't want to wait till November or December, that is just soooo incredibly long (i am whinning now)Any way I will keep up the postings with all new stuff!Later :-) peace&love buh bye xo


Hi well, this past Saturday I did the Nutritionist, it was great and very imformative! Last night I went to Dr. Musso's (PCP) and she scheduled my stomach sonogram for Monday 04Feb03, and then she wrote about 5 referrals to different Dr's, she is very supportive, and is excited for me about all of this! I tell you haveing your PCP on your side is a BIG DEAL! i really appreceiate that she also wrote the letter of neccessity and is sending it to my surgeon Dr. Gadaleta. I think I will get most of the tests done in February 03, and then I will start hounding the surgeons office for a cancellation!
Well I need to run, I am beat 2 kids full time job in NJ (YUCK) I mean the cummute not the state (relax) and my marriage Blows!
ok I am done ragging for now, I will post soon! buh bye xoxo =)



Today I went for my psych evaluation, and I thought it was going so incredibly well untill she asked me to leave the room after our talk which was about 1 1/2 hrs, then she would look over all her notes and call me back with her reccomendations--Well ok she does agree that i could go for the surgery =)***BUT***She wants me to have 8 sessions with a licenced social worker or psychologist for cognitive behavioral therapy!! Needless to say I was VERY DISAPOINTED to hear this! This evaluation cost me $275.00,(not covered) to tell me I need a SHRINK! The therapist said I could continue to go to her for an out of network cost of $110.00 per session (YEAH RIGHT!) forget that! I know I must comply so that I get the green light on everything, so I have made an appointment with an INnetwork therapist $10.00 copay--that is a little better, but I dont get why I have to do this! The reaseon I have some emotional hang ups is because I am FAT! and I am trying to correct that--Oh well what ever I will do what I have to--I just needed to get this off my chest. Saturday I am going for my stress test I will let you know how that one goes, I hear it's hard work phew! bye for now =)


Hey, well I completed my stress test, and boy was I under stress!You know the kids and the husband etc. To my surprize it was easy!
What do I have left to do?
At this point I still have to see a shrink 8x's, get the Endoscopy and the PFT test "Lungs" and then I will be done! It's tuff because I have been missing some time at work because of this-but the end results will be well worth it all! Later = )bye


Hey, I had my Endoscopy, it wasn't as bad as I thought! I was expecting pain, and to my surprize it was fast and easy, the anesthesiologist gave me some sleepy stuff, and I was out cold, 10-15 minutes later it was over! No problem, so guess what I only have one test left to do, that if the pft Pulmonary Evaluation, I have an appointment set for March 4th, and then I am done Yippie!! Today I went to a buffet brunch, and I was thinking, this would be a bad scene for me to go to in the future, so I will enjoy it no while I can, and I did! I am now seeing a therapist every tuesday, and at first I was annoyed that the first therapist recommended that I have 8 sessions of therapy, but I actually feel that it will be very helpful with my transition, and I think we all could use it, especially after living with the predjuduces of obesity your entire life, imagine what it would be like to be treated like a normal human being? Well enough said you know what I mean.Bye for now! =) xoxo


Well, I had all of my testS! Done finito! Yippie! Now I just have to sit back and wait and wait and wait! I am trying to get some info from my PCP to see if they have mailed my test results to my surgeon's office, I am getting a little tired of the slow process.
I called my surgeon's office today, and it seems I always call when they are out to lunch, who heard of an entire office taking lunch at the same time every day? Oh well more waiting.. I want to see if they have a cancelation for Monday 17March(st. Patty's day) I just feel that since all my pre-surgical tests are done, then I need to get into that surgeons office before my scheduled appointment in Mid May(Man that is a long wait, to not even have a date) Guess you can tell I am getting frustrated! I'll let you know the out come soon! Oh and by the way, all my test's went fine, no probs! Lisa xoxo =)


I HAVE A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't beleive it--I didn't think it would happen until Jan 2004--But--A cancelation!! I don't even know if I am emotionally ready, but I am doing it! I am so excited! = 0 OMG! Now I am only 4 weeks away from my dream becoming a reality!! Wish me luck! Oh and Happy Easter guess this will be my last "FAT" Easter! Hot Damn! yippie!!! Can you tell I am happy? I'LL write more soon, gotta run now. xoxo Lisa


It's getting closer! I am getting nervous, and I am not prepared!I am not even totally sure who will stay with my kids ect. My Mom will be with me after I come home, but I am not sure during my hospital stay what will happen, since this date came u p so fast it left me with no time to prepare, my Mom will be away in Florida when I go in--Ahh I won't worry, everything always has a way of working out! OMG positive words are actually comming out of my mouth! who would have thought! Monday May 5th I will be going to my Pre-Op surgery group meeting, hopefully I can drag the hubby so he can understand better what is about to happen!
I met a nice girl through this site and I think we are becomming fast friends, live is not too far away, and we have alot in common, I am looking forward to meeting her in person Monday, as she goes to the same surgical group. so life is good! talk to you soon xo = )

Hey, I have not been here in a while, here is an update:
5/5/03 I went to my Pre-op meeting it was great and very informative, I met my new friend patty there, she'a a doll, she is at the begining of her journey!
5/12/03 Went to Dr. Gadaleta's for a final vist, sign papers, and talk a bit of what is to happen, it went well, I am very confident in him!
5/15/03 went for my pre-surgical testing at North Shore Hospital, on long Island, i saw a nurse, had some blood work, a echo-cardio gram, and a chest xray, all of which was honkey dorey! 307LBS OUCH!!!

So now I am trying to get the house in order, do some last minute shopping, and make arrangements for my beautiful kids! I am nervous, but I am told thats normal. I am just looking forward to a healthier happier more positive Lisa, she is in me waiting to emerge! I wil try to post once more before I go, and thanks to you all that have e-mailed me your good whishs, I feel like I have about a million friends thanks to this site! xoxo = ) God bless us ALL! Lisa

Well, tomorrow is my BIG day! I am so nervous! My husband Kenny will take me to the hospital at 11:30 surgery is scheduled for 1:30..I wish he were more enthusiastic about all of this!
Oh well wish me luck! *next time I post I will be a post op* yay!

I am home! I wont lie I am in pain but, I know the end results will be well worth it! OK here is what I went through:

Surgery day 5/21/03
1. go to pre-op admitting-fill out papers and get in my gown
2. chat w/ Dr. Gadaleta a bit to reassure me
3. say see ya later to my husband, and get wheeled away
4. I am on the table, they hook me up and off to sleep I go.
5. wake up wheel me to recovery where I am grogy and in pain, but ok
6. next its off to my room where I discover I have a drain bag
and I am cathaterized, sleep sounds good about now
Next day 5/23/03 Post-OP
1. round the clock care by some nice nurses
2. I was able to put on makeup for some strange reason
3. still in pain, very hard to get in/out of bed
4. practice walking (ouch!!!)
The next days are the same painful but uneventful. The residents
and Dr. Gadaleta checked on me every day, they all said I was healing well!

Now it is up to me to do my part--I will let you know my progress
I will see Dr. G Friday May30th/2003 and I cant wait to see how much I have lost! (I still miss food :( oh well) Bye from the other side yippie!!!!!!!!xoxo

HI! Well I am 3weeks post op and 30lbs less!!! YAY!!!!
Yesterday was my son's 2nd birthday, we had a pizza party for him it was tuff, I miss pizza so much, but 30lbs! I will keep that in mind when I crave something sinful! I am haveing trouble w/protien, that powdered stuff called pro-cell is disgusting, and I bought a whole case, it makes me gag! I have been doing good w/non-fat plain yoguart, add a little nutrisweet and I am good. I do feel that I am seriously missing chewing, my Dr. wants me to be liquid and puree for the 1st 2months, it's tuff, but the lbs are melting away, I need some soft puree suggestions, I am getting bored of this limited plan.
Next Dr's visit is 6/23/03 will post then. Bye for now ;)

Update* I have lost 44lbs! I am eating food again,( nvery little) I have nerver dumped or got sick in any way so far , lucky me yippie! and my clothes are falling off! For a self consious shy girl, I am starting to feel great, people are noticeing the weight loss and I feel much better about myself! : ) I still have a long way to go but it's a start- I was lucky enough to get 8 weeks off on disability, but my time is running out soon, I go back to work on July 21, 2003, I really hope to be 50lbs less by then, keep your fingers crossed, and hopefullY I will reach this personal goal.

58lbs!!!!! Need I say more! I am so happy, every day gets better and better, people are starting to notice, though I still need to loose a substancial amount of weight I am getting my hour glass figure back! The future looks so bright and less negative.
To anyone who reads this and is thinking about it, do it! After just 2 1/2 months I feel great, and it's only going to get better! Oh and I am starting to eat more normal, but I havent tried everthing yet, I am following to Dr's orders, and introducing different foods very slowly, I have never dumped or had any problems so far! ; ) (good luck, write me if you need support)

90LBS GONE FOREVER!!!!!!!! It has been a long time since I have updated--Things are going great! My life is on a up swing for sure! The future is so bright, my negative attitued has changed to a positive and everything around me is good, even my bad marriage is good! They say this surgery can kill a bad marriage, but it helped mine, we are happier than ever!

I have gone from a size 26 to a 16 in 5months, and I will be a 14 pretty soon cause the 16's are getting loose too! I feel atractive again all I can say is Thank God and Thank you Dr.G!

Merry Christmas!!! Okay thing are going slower but I am still loosing--110LBS Gone!! Now that is a Christmas present! I want to loose another 45 to 55lbs hopefully by my one year anniversary I can acheive that goal.

WOW I have not written in so long, well, heres an update, I have lost 130lbs! So cool! I want to loose another 30lbs, it is going very slow now, but I know it will happen! This whole experience has ben so positive for me, I am thrilled with the way things are going! My marriage on the other hand is going down down down, we just dont seem to have "it" any more.
The only side affect I seem to have is Gall Bladder pain, I had a sonogram, and was told I have stones! UGH! Its pretty painful too, I am going to see Dr.G Monday, we'll see what he wants to do. Next thing I really want is a lower body lift, I am going to start investigating that really soon! My tummy, legs and butt, are in a saggy sad situation, but I look great in clothes so it's okay for now. Well thats my update, hope I wonte stay away too long..Bye for now! = )


Oh my goodness! I have been soooo bad! So sorry for not updating! lots have happend in a year! Had my Gall bladdeer taken out last year doing fine! (now) 1st of all I lost 30more lbs since last year total 160! WOW..I do however play with 10lbs up and down..I notice I really have to be careful now, because I can eat sooooo much more! "it's actually scarey!".
I am now a size 8 and happy with that! I will try to get better before and after pictures on here. I feel better than ever! I look 10 years younger and my hair is back to normal! life is good. if you read this and are not sure if you should go through with it, well let me tell you, it was a life saver for me! No more chaffing, sweating under my boobs! getting out of breath doing the slightest movement..I need to take care of the tummy, but will wait till the fall. All in all the best thing ever!

Well good luck in you journies! = ) Lisa

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 13, 2002
Member Since
