T. Paul Singh

"First, be prepared to set up camp in the waiting room. I have had a few appts. there and the shortest wait time that I had was a hour and 20 minutes after my appt. time. Dr. Singh is not highly personable, but I don't really care about that if you are good doctor. The first time I met him, I felt like he made a lot of assumptions about me, which were not true, and he already had some ideas about what was wrong with me, even though he had no information. When I told him that I have no other symptoms of his proposed diagnosis and I have already been tested for it with negative results, he was rather dismissive of my information and said that the nutritionist would probably have me tested anyway. I got the feeling that I was a patient on an assembly line, where each person receives a standard course of treatment with an attempt to push people along to the end result. It only bothers me slightly now, as long as I get to the end result. If I have to jump through hoops and take a bunch of tests that everyone else does just because that's the procedure, then so be it. "
About Me
Aug 07, 2014
Member Since
