Debbie J. 21 years ago

Lisa, I am wishing you GOD speed in your recovery. GOD does everything but fail. You will be feeling better soon.

maureen 21 years ago

Lisa, Sorry to hear that you are having complications, you are in my prayers for a speedy recovery. hugs and God Bless Maureen

cherby56 21 years ago

Hi everyone, Sorry I have taken awhile to update on my friend Lisa. She has had some complications since surgery and will be seeing a cardiologist soon. She has had fluid build up in her lungs and the doctor wants her to see a heart doctor now. She seems to be in pretty good spirits but of course this is a frustrating event to have happen since surgery. I will keep everyone advised and update as soon as I learn more from her. Please keep her in your prayers for the doctors to find out what is causing the fluid so she can soon be on her way to feeling good. Any words of encouragement and support would be appreciated so drop by her site and wish her well. Thanks to all, take care, God's blessings.

donnaa62 21 years ago

Congratulations on your successful surgery and may you have a rapid recovery.. Hugs

cherby56 21 years ago

Hi everyone, Lisa's Angel stopping by this evening. Lisa is 10 days post-op and doing very well. She e-mailed me and said she's feeling better and going "stir crazy" ( a good sign and one I could relate too, haha) and she is getting out doing things with her family. Drop by her site and wish her well when you all have time. All of us post-ops know how important it is to have encouragement along the way. Welcome to the "other side" lisa, the wonderful losing side. You have come such along way to have this surgery and your now on your way. Good luck to you and God's blessings on your success. {{{hugs}}} to everyone, take care

cherby56 21 years, 1 month ago

Hello everyone! "Angel" stopping by for an update on Lisa. I talked with her this morning and she is getting read to go home. She said she is feeling so much better. She sounds great! The problems she was having with the heart racing and blood pressure are better. She said the doctor thinks it has something to do with the I'v's and her veins causing the troubles. She hasn't been able to have pain med's in the hospital because of it all, but she's a real trooper, and she is getting through it. She will have her JP tube in until next tuesday. Her second leak test came out fine so that is a huge relief for her (and me). I am just so glad she's going home. Your on your way Lisa to a whole new life. Way to go girl and I am so proud of you.{{{{hugs}}}}to you lisa. Thanks to everyone who dropped by her profile to wish her well wishes and words of wisdom. This site is an incredible means of support and love and I am thankful to God for allowing us to have access to it. Take care everyone, God Bless,,,,,,

Billysmawmaw 21 years, 1 month ago

Lisa: I had surgery on 4/29 and also experienced a multitude of complications but I have now been home a week and am doing great! I know each moment seems like a day but you will feel better and these "forever moments" will indeed be just fleeting moments in time. I have said a prayer for you as I wrote this. Relax, take deep breaths, and think positive thoughts. Blessings, Cathy Denney

Margaret M. 21 years, 1 month ago

Lisa, I hope and pray that everything is okay. I will keep you in my prayers. May God continue to bless you. margaret@goal

Shari H. 21 years, 1 month ago

Just read about your difficulties on the message board. I'm sending you lots of good healing energy, and you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the doctor finds the problem quickly and resolves it, and that your pain in the meantime is not unbearable. You have a great Angel looking after you, I'll be checking back. Warm gentle hugs to you!

cherby56 21 years, 1 month ago

Hi everyone. Lisa's angel dropping by this morning. I talked with Lisa a little bit ago and she has had some complications since her surgery yesterday morning. Late yesterday she had tachycardia of her heart and her blood pressure got very high. She said her arms got numbness and she felt like passing out. They were concerned she had a blood clot. As of right now that has been ruled out but she had her leak test this morning and they now think she might have a leak so she is currently in the middle of another test called a "blue dye test" to check for leaks. She has been taken off all pain meds for now so she having pain to deal with too. I would like to ask everyone to please keep Lisa in their prayers so that she gets through this quickly and can be on the road to recovery and come home. She has alot of concerns right now about what she has done and how will it all turn out and any words of encouragement would be appreciated. Also, she wanted me to ask if anyone has had similar things happen with having a fast heart rate and high blood pressure after surgery with arm numbness, or even any comments about problems you may have had with leaks, to please let me know and I could pass comments on to her. My e-amil address is [email protected] Thank you to everyone on this site for all your support and words of encouragement. I will update again after I get back with Lisa or her husband later on today. Take care,
About Me
Sacramento, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 21, 2003
Member Since
