
Jul 22, 2010

I had my RNY surgery 7/6.  My weight started @ 239 at my pre-surgey weigh in at the nutritionist's office.  I had my 2 week post op appt w/ her and I was 214.6  That's almost 25 pounds down.  I get to increase from 1 oz to 2 oz of food.  She wants me to up my protien to help in the healing.  I had open due to numerous previous abdominal surgeries.  I now have a wonderful incision from breastbone to belly button.  No bikinis in my future!!  I can't walk much yet due to the stomach muscle strain.  I also tire easily.  I actually had an easy time w/ surgery.  1 week in hospital stay.  They removed 2 drain tubes.  I still have one left on the left.  I had my 25 staples taken out last Wednesday.  I'm so worried the weight loss will end and the surgery won't have been worth it.  I have extreme metabolic syndrome.  Prior to surgery I could eat 800-1000 calories and never lose weight or even gain.  I guess I'm scared, worried, excited and nervous.  I say reborn cuz my birthday is 7/17, so I am becoming a new person ( I hope) with this surgery.  I wasn't extremely heavy (145) til an AF (newbie) doctor took me off my thyroid meds in 92.  I gained 60# in 4 months.  Then it took till 4 years ago to find a doctor who would do the testing and put me back on them.  I take more synthroid than my sister who had her thyroid irradiated, ie: destroyed.  I have to have my hubby upload some pre surgery pictures and try do an upload a month as my body changes.  I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to go to the support group meetings here in Co. Springs.  I don't know if they'd help or not. 


About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 20, 2010
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