April S. 20 years, 7 months ago

Dear Jean :) Best wishes on your upcoming surgery! May it be safe and may your recovery be quick and comfortable :) April

Noelle D. 20 years, 7 months ago

Just wanted to wish you well on your upcoming surgery. You'll come through with flying colors to a new life full of wonder, joy, health and happiness. You have my sincerest thoughts and warmest wishes. Hugs, Noelle

Debbie B. 20 years, 7 months ago

Jean - Best wishes for an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. May God hold you and your surgery team in his precious hands.

Melissa S. 20 years, 7 months ago

My prayers will be with you as you go through the surgery and recovery. May your strength be restored; your recovery be swift and your tender heart be renewed.

Laura M. 20 years, 7 months ago

Jean <b>~*~ To live your life in your own way ~ To reach the goals you've set for yourself ~ To be the person you want to be ~ That is success ~ Author Unknown ~*~ </b>Congratulations on making the journey of a lifetime. May God keep you safe in his arms during your upcoming surgery and throughout your recovery. God Bless...

Sharla F. 20 years, 7 months ago

Jean, I am having my surgery on Nov. 12th. I pray that you will have an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. May God fill you with His peace and remember that He does not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind(II Timothy 1:7). His perfect love casts out ALL fear! May you see the blessings of God in this gift of a new life and may your hopes and dreams be fulfilled. You are in my thoughts and prayers!

Eileen S. 20 years, 7 months ago

Jean I am having my surgery on 11/4. I understand your fears, because I am just as nervous. Please know you have people praying for you and you have a place to come for support. This site has been wonderful!

Karen N. 20 years, 8 months ago

Best wishes and extra prayers for smooth surgery and recovery. A positive mental attitude is your best preparation! You'll do great with this life-saving tool!

Cathy W. 20 years, 8 months ago

I wanted to wish you well with your upcoming surgery. I hope that all goes well and that you are up and out and about real soon. I'll bet you are are doing a happy dance accompanied by a bundle of unwanted "NERVES", but don't worry be HAPPY! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Good Luck!

LS F. 20 years, 8 months ago

Hi there, Hope that your prayers are answered soon and that all goes well for you during this process. May your Surgeon be skillfull and the Recovery Speedy! I will keep you in my prayers as all the pre-ops and post ops are on this site. We all are struggling to meet the same goal. Best wishes. Sue
About Me
Cleveland, OH
Oct 05, 2003
Member Since
