3 weeks post-op

Mar 07, 2010

  Well, I must say that I am not feeling back to my old self again but better than my old self.  I'm down 36 pounds and just beginning to tell it.  My ring went from my ring finger on my left hand to my right hand and is so loose it will soon be on my index finger!  I can take my jeans off without unbuttoning them and can fit into my old jeans.  My belly no longer rubs the steering wheel and the exercising has made me more limber and flexible.  And I CAN TOUCH MY TOES!   But, (and I must be honest here)... all these digestion changes the last month have caused me to have the worst hemorrhoids of my life!!!!  I guess I will have to call my gastro doc because nothing seems to help.

Aside from the weight loss, I can now sleep on my left side. I couldn't lay on my left side for 10 days and then I needed a small pillow under my belly.  You get awfully tired of laying on just one side and I don't like laying on my back.  But about day 15 or so I woke up on my left side.  Now there's no pain at all.  And speaking of sleeping, I'm surprised to find that I'm looking forward to my honey visiting this weekend!  He's a big guy and I really couldn't crawl over him to get out of bed until now, (and he's too big to crawl over me)!  I needed my whole bed with all these incisions, cpap machine, pain killers and crazy sleep patterns.  But things are getting back to normal and I'm ready for action!  More on that later!

Drinking all my fluids is getting easier, but I still can't tolerate eating much meat.  If I do manage to get some down, I fall right to sleep!  My friend scolded me for eating some canned ravioli, but I could only eat 2 a day so it took the whole week to finish one can!  I'm not getting enough calories to worry about the carbs in 2 raviolis and I tolerated them extremely well.  I did have some thinly sliced tuna sashimi (2 pieces) while out with my friends. It was very tolerable and all the flavor of the wasabi and ginger was great and the meso soup was to die for!  Of course, I had to eat the soup first and leave to tofu bits and greens to make room for the sashimi. It gave me good energy and I was not sleepy.  More fish for me!  It is still hard not to drink with meals. I have to remove my glass or I will forget.

Now I'm off to 7/11 for a Sugar Free Crystal Lite Slushy and my Grape flavored chewable Iron tablet.  Later...


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 06, 2010
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