Getting there...

May 19, 2010

I am getting down to the last few things and closer to my 6th month nutritional counseling with my pcp.  Besides my pcp that got me started on this journey, my gyn, the bariatric surgeon, and the pulmonologist have all made a big deal over how much I will benefit from this surgery.  Right now, I am oooooohhhhhh sooooo ready.  I am on two different bp meds and at this point still have times where it is still far too high to be healthy and I am staying tachycardic more often than not, despite the calcium channel blocker.

I attend the exercise class tomorrow afternoon, see the dietitian and attend the nutritional class next Tuesday, then see my pcp and Dr McGill next month; after squeezing a 2nd appt with the psychologist, that will cover all the requirements between ins and the surgeon.  Dr McGill said it generally takes about 4wks to get approval once everything is submitted to insurance.  He also said my thinking having it in July/August is reasonable.

I am hoping I won't roast so much after all this.  Right now I freeze my poor mom to death, even getting it as cold as about 63 in the apt b/c I am roasting so bad even the insides of my elbows and back of my knees are sweating. :|  NOT my idea of fun!!

I will write more once I know more! 



About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 27, 2010
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