No post = Good news!

May 03, 2008

Well, after my rant about my surgery being postponed, I was able to get my surgery rescheduled from 4/7/08 to 4/10/08. My surgeon only schedules surgery for Mondays, but since it wasn't my fault the paperwork was not followed up on he told his secretary to get me in to the next available OR slot. That turned out to be Thursday, 4/10. I was so nervous that something else was going to come up that when the hospital called to confirm my surgery on Wednesday - I almost didn't want to answer the phone for fear they were canceling me yet again! I successfully was banded on 4/10 and I stayed in the hospital until 4/11 after undergoing the swallow study to verify that the band was in place. I was very sore, but every time the nurses or aides wanted me to get up and walk, I did it! I did hit a wall the following Monday (4/14) when at home all by myself. I was having trouble drinking all the Whey protein they wanted me to and I had no appetite. I had buyers remorse! I could feel the band inside of me due to the swelling, and I didn't want to shove anymore powdered Whey protein down my throat. I had a little pity party, cried it out, and called a friend who came over right after work to sit with me. I was not prepared for those feelings!! I had worked so hard to get this surgery, I thought I was going to love my band right away. I was not prepared for the "What did I do to myself" feelings! The good news is that I'm finally past those feelings and I'm getting used to the band. I've lost 33 pounds since starting my pre surgery diet. It's coming off slowly, but at least it's coming off!

One step forward, two steps back

Apr 04, 2008

So, I was all set. Ready to go. I killed myself this week getting all of my pre-op appointments taken care of while covering for one of my co-workers and making sure I worked 40 hours because I cannot lose any time. This included two 12 hour days I might add. To only be called tonight, Friday, @ 5pm by the surgeons secretary to tell me that there was an error in submitting my paperwork to my insurance and because they never received the paperwork, my insurance denied my surgery. It's not that my insurance WON'T cover it, I just have to be precertified. And in order to be precertified, the insurance company actually needs to receive the 25 pages of paperwork. I had time taken off of work, my husband cleared his schedule. I had family coming in to help out and at 5pm this evening - it all went to s*it. I am just completely numb. Disappointed and numb.

Not too much longer!!!

Mar 28, 2008

I haven't updated in awhile. I went for my first appointment 1/29. I had already done my sleep study and Psych evaluation before I went. That was all I needed to do! They did tell me that I had to lose 5% of my weight (14-16 pounds) by the time I came back to see the surgeon six weeks later. I started the South Beach Diet - lost 17 pounds by March 12!! Met with the surgeon, had all my testing done, he gave me a date for surgery! April 7th is the date, I feel very good about this date!! I'm ready and willing, let me sign that consent on the dotted line and let's get this surgery going!!!! YIPEE!!!!!

Must be prepared

Jan 21, 2008

I have been so anal since I've had to wait so long between my orientation and my first appointment with the NP, Dietician, and PT. I've been going to more doctors than I even have before. I did my sleep study on my own (I had my PCP order the test since Drs. Posner, Forbes, and Hoffman usually always send the patients for this test) & I'm doing my Psych evaluation tomorrow. I called the Weight Loss Clinic to verify that the Psych office I'm using is one that they have dealt with previously. I was told yes, other patients have used the Suburban Psychiatric Associates before and that was sufficient for the evaluation. However, I had to pay out of pocket for the Evaluation because they claimed to not accept my insurance. After a little more investigation, I found that many of the Employees at SPA are listed under my insurance when I search for physicians. So maybe I can get some of my money back. See, SPA wouldn't schedule my appointment for the Psych evaluation until I prepaid. I just cannot wait - I want all the information in my hot little hand when I show up for my first appointment. I'm just not a patient person, but I only have to wait until 1/29 to really get this surgery ball rolling.

The waiting game

Oct 29, 2007

I called Dr. Posner's office regarding my status of acceptance into the program. I was originally told by one of his secretaries that it takes 4 weeks to be accepted into the program. I called today to see how patient's are contacted that they have been accepted into the program - either by phone call or letter mailing. I was told by the the secretary that she would call to schedule the orientation meeting - that is how you know if you have been accepted. I said "Oh, well, it's only been 3 weeks since I sent in my paperwork", the secretary then snorted and said "Then you might not hear from me until December." My college degree aside - I believe that would be twice the amount of time I was told I would have to wait to even be ACCEPTED into the program. That is not for a surgery date, that isn't even the amount of time to see the doctor. This is just for the nurse to say, "Yes, you weigh too much and we will see you about surgery". This makes me very sad, I want to atleast meet with Dr. Posner. I want to know when I will start my path to surgery.

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 29, 2007
Member Since

Latest Blog 5
No post = Good news!
One step forward, two steps back
Not too much longer!!!
Must be prepared
The waiting game
