I'm with the Band!

Feb 10, 2011

Hello everyone! I'm new to ObesityHelp.com, and am excited to be a part of the community. :)

I am 3 days post-op from having the Lap-Band surgery, and have to say I feel pretty good. Unfortunately, the doctors had to also repair a hiatal hernia while they were in there, which is causing a bit of pain as it heals... especially when I breathe. But, each day the pain becomes less and less. I can't wait until all the CO2 dissipates. At least that's not as painful as the first 2 days either.

I have to say this whole experience has been enlightening and amazing! This was not a decision I came to lightly. In fact, it took me over a year to make the decision to go ahead with the surgery. When I first learned about it, I was completely against it. No surgery for me, thank you! However, I have 2 close friends who work in the field, and I slowly became immersed in the world of bariatric weight loss. As I learned more about the procedure, I began to understand why people would chose it, and it seemed like a great tool to help... but I still thought, not for me. I began to meet more patients, and see that they were living perfectly normal and healthy lives. My thirst for knowledge always gets the better of me, and I learned even MORE about the procedure and after-care. Last fall I finally came to terms with the reasons I was anti-surgery, and took the first step by meeting w/ the surgeons and staff at North Jersey Laparoscopic Associates (NJLA). (Side note... this decision came at THE perfect time. I happened to have my yearly physical beginning of that same week, and for the first time in my life, my cholesterol and triglycerides, were not only high, but alarmingly so!)

My first interactions w/ Dr. Vaimakis were at more casual settings, but I could immediately feel the kindness, love and care radiating from her. When she smiles, you feel its sincerity and warmth. Walking into her office that day for my first consult was no different. I also met w/ Maria, one of the Insurance Specialists, and Stella, one of the Surgical Coordinators. Unfortunately, I had an HMO that only worked In-Network, but Maria took the time to explain several different options I had, and how the office would be willing to work w/ me. Stella also took the time to explain, in detail, what I would expect in the days leading up to the surgery, as well as post-op, and scheduled a tentative date.

My particular process had a few hiccups and hurdles to overcome, but between everyone working in the office, I didn't have to worry about a thing. The Executive Director, Thomas, was super supportive and extra caring. Sharon and John (Patient Relations) were a breath of fresh air every time I called, always helpful. Sandra (Insurance Specialist) was a miracle worker and actually got my insurance to cover certain expenses! Stella was there every step of the way guiding me along, from the first intake, through the pre-admission testing, to the surgery... she was even there for me when I had post-op questions. And Dr. Vaimakis, along w/ Dr. Silvestri, answered any questions I had and eased any concerns I had about surgery (being a virgin to the Operating Room myself, you can imagine I had a few). When I went into the OR this past Monday, I felt completely confident that I was in good hands.

NJLA is different than any other bariatric practice, because they really place the patients and their needs above all else. I've been to seminars for other practices and have friends who have had bariatric surgery with other practices. I am speaking to you from knowledge. Most practices see you, have you schedule all your pre-admission testing, figure out your insurance, and once you have the surgery (any surgery, whether Lap-Band, Bypass or Sleeve), they give you some instructions and send you on your way. Good luck! :)

At NJLA, they are committed to seeing you succeed and provide ALL the tools necessary for you to do so. Sure, the surgery is a huge step, but the AFTER-CARE, is MOST important! Bariatric surgery is not magical... it is not a miracle cure to weight-loss. It is merely a tool to help you lose weight and become a healthier person, with a much longer lifespan. But how can one be successful without the knowledge and help along the way? NJLA has a nutritionist to help you adjust to your new dietary needs; a psychologist to help you adjust to your new lifestyle change; a fitness instructor to help guide you into a more active lifestyle AND the doctors are available for adjustments several times each week, in various offices (for your convenience), even including some Sundays each month. It's not about the numbers at NJLA, it's about the patients. I've experienced it first-hand, and you can ask any other patient of theirs. In fact, several of their patients are people who had bariatric surgery somewhere else, but were neglected by their surgeons afterwards. You are not just a "patient" to the staff at NJLA... you are FAMILY.

I am so happy I went through with this and am excited as I embark on this new journey in my life. Like I said, this was not a decision I came to lightly, but I am certain it was the right decision for me. :)

I probably won't be posting on here that often, as I have my own blog site that I post on almost daily. Here's the link, if you're interested: Banded for Life. I would love to have you follow me along my journey! And I am looking forward to being there for your journey as well! :)

Good luck everyone! And have a wonderful day! :)


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Feb 10, 2011
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