Hi there!   My name is Amy and I am 39 years old with two beautiful children (girl age 7 and boy age 3) and a supportive husband.    My weight has been an issue since middle school.     I remember being weighed in Phys Ed twice a year in front of the other kids and always being the heaviest and terribly humiliated by the experience.  I would have terrible anxiety around the beginning and end of year Phys Ed classes!

 My weight was a blur throughout High School.  No regular weigh ins was freedom!  Freedom to climb higher.   (My family is large too)    After 5 years of college, I remember weighing in at my highest weight ever!   I lost over 80 pounds just by "getting happy" and finding a social life.  I ate smart, exercised and partied a lot.  Living on practically minimum wage and having a roommate, I have very fond memories of those years.   I was happy and carefree!  Men showed interest in me and I loved the attention.

When I met my future husband, I thought I had life by the tail.   He moved in, we started eating out more and I began fixing lots of comfort food at home.  The weight started piling back on.  We were happy, in love and food added to the great times together.   When I got married I had only gained back 15#'s of the 80 I had lost.  By the time I got pregnant (1999), I was up 58#'s from my lowest adult weight!   DEPRESSING!!!    Two more babies later and I had regained all of the 80#'s plus  more.   

While the marriage is strong, I hate what I've become.   Like so many moms on OH, I want to be a healthy role model for my kids and active in their lives.   I don't want them to be teased about their fat mom.   I want to be the funny, zany mom that lives inside.   I shy away from social events, am loath to meet up with people from my past and get stressed out when I go to new places (airplanes!  restaurant booths, hairdressers, etc.) for fear that I will be uncomfortable in the small seats.   How awful!  I've done this to myself and have sat by and allowed it to happen.

I have been actively and avidly research WLS (the band) since August.   I originally attended a seminar in Boston and utlimately ended up in Virginia for a number of reasons.   I am scheduled to have surgery December 12th.

This is just the prelogue to my real story:  my life will be enhanced by conquering my issues around weight.  My normally strong self-confidence will re-emerge and my children will have a happier (and healthier) mom to play with.   I want them to be very proud of me.   Taking this step requires courage and determination.     My Journey really begins now.

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 09, 2006
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 5
1st Fill Complete!
Has it been three weeks already?
8 Days Post-Op and doing great!!
3 Days Post-Op!!!!
6 Days Until Surgery!!!
