An amazing year

Sep 17, 2007

I forgot to come and update on my aniversary :(  But I will do it now.  So far everything is amazing.  I am down to 160.  I can fit into an 11/12.  I REALLY LOVE shopping.

I can shop in the juniors section.  I bought myself some beautiful summer dresses for some weddings that I had to go to and everyone commented on how wonderful I looked.  I feel absolutely awesome.  I am still able to eat pretty much anything.  I haven't thrown up in a couple of months but I have felt nauseaus a couple of times.

I can eat a normal portion almost.  My appetite is regular though.  I do get hungry so I will say to all the new post ops, maximize this time!!!  I would have done a few things differently now that I look back.  I would have NEVER put a sweet in my mouth.  Knowing that I can have a cookie or a slice of cake is depressing.  I did much better when I thought I dumped.

I still go to the gym.. but not as often as I'd like.  I walk a lot though at least an hour each day.

I am still hoping to get down to 140.  It might take a while, but I am thinking I can get there.

This year has been wonderful.  I don't regret my decision one bit.

Almost one year out

Aug 13, 2007

Time has really flown by quickly :)  I can't believe that it has almost been one year since surgery.

I am weighing in at 166.  I am hoping to get down to at least 140-150.  I believe that is very reasonable.  I haven't been to the gym much this summer, but I will be back on track in a few weeks once school starts back.  I am REALLY looking forward to going back to working out.

I can fit a 13/14  and I was able to get into a size 12 over the weekend!  They were some stretch jeans, but they looked very nice!  I love going to shop at REGULAR stores.  That is just an awesome feeling. 

There are times when I'm out and I feel so blessed.  I'm no longer the biggest person in the room.  I went to an amusement park and RODE every ride that I wanted to and I fit!!!

My boobs look awful and hopefully I can do something about that soon.  But I wouldn't change one thing.  I am very glad that I had the surgery.

I didn't really have any complications at all.  I am able to eat a normal portion of food without over eating.  I don't dump so I do have to be careful, because I LOVE sweets but I know that I can not eat them like I used to.  It is much easier to get the water and protein in although there are days when I can't get in either.

I feel healthier and I have a lot more energy than I used.  I thank God that this worked for me!

Summer is here!

Jun 24, 2007

The scale finally started moving again.  A couple of weeks ago I started the Extreme fat smash diet and dropped 4 pounds right away.  I stopped doing it because I wasn't getting enough protein in.  But I am going to start again tomorrow and just add the protein bullets to my daily meals.  That way I should get my protein in just fine.

I am down to 171 as of this morning.  I know that I won't make my surgeon's goal of 130 by 8/25/07 BUT I'm planning on being being down to 160.  I think that realistically I may be able to get downd to 145-150 and that may be it.  And I will be fine with that.  Starting out at 285, 150 will be awesome!!!

I fit very nicely in a 13/14 and am hoping not to stay there too long.  I'm ready to move intil 10/12's very soon.  Well in my mind I'm ready, lol.

Still able to eat pretty much anything I want.  Haven't thrown up in a couple of weeks.  There is no specific thing that makes me throw up.  I can eat sugar and anything else, I just try really hard not too.  I do eat chips and popcorn sometimes though.

at 10 months out it does get much easier to get the protein in.. but somedays it is still a struggle.  Looking back when I was just a couple of months out I worried about a lot of things that eventually resolve themselves.  YOU CAN NOT get all of your protein and water in at first.  It's almost impossible.  But you can strive each week to get in a litle more and more.

It's amazing that I will be 1 year out shortly. This has been such a wonderful journey.  I am really glad that I made this decision.  I would not change anything at all!

Gotta find a balance!

Apr 29, 2007

Life has been going great!  I'm down to 179!!  I hope I can keep the scale moving.  Because when I plateau.. I plateau for around 6 weeks!!!

I just have to find someway to balance out my carbs.  It's almost as if the worse I eat the more I lose.  Understand that when I'm talking about eating bad I mean having more carbs than I think I should have in a day.

So I'm thinking there has to be a balance in  order for me to lose.  I definitely can't overload on carbs.  But my body seems to do well when I have some.  I found this Brownberry bread that has I think 9 grams of carbs.  Sometimes I eat that for breakfast and maybe have  a sweet potato for dinner.   I will have a mini bag of popcorn for a snack (after I've reached my protein goal for the day).  That seems like a lot of  carbs to me.  But when I eat like that or close to it.. I lose.. consistently.  

I bought a pair of capris in a 15/16 AND THEY FIT!!!!! I haven't worn them out in public yet (It's a really cute outfit and I'm waiting until I get my hair done).  But I can't wait!!!

I don't remember EVER being a 15/16.  I can only remember being an 18/20 in grade 11 or 12.

I started out in a 26/28 and some 30/32 tops and look at me now!!  I still go to the gym.  But I'm kind of sporadic so I need to work on that.  Other than that things are going great!  I still have about 50 pounds to lose according to my surgeon but we'll see what I can down to!!!

100 pounds gone!

Apr 10, 2007

I am officially 100 pounds lighter!  I can't believe it.  I was starting to get a little frustrated because I was down to about 186 and then all of a sudden the scale said 190.  I thought this couldn't be right.  So I waited a couple of days and the scale read 184!!! So I was technically down 101 pounds.

So exciting.  I did go to North Carolina for Easter and boy oh boy is it hard to get a healthy meal down south, lol.  They have fried fish, chicken and okra.  Trying to find some baked chicken was sure tough but I found some!

I haven't been to the gym since last week but I will be back full force tomorrow!

The scale moved!!!

Apr 01, 2007

Well I've been working out at the gym pretty regularly. I haven't been eating the greatest.. but not too bad.  I have been eating some carbs.. not overloading but getting some in.  I try to eat one or two pieces of fruit every day.  I know a lot of people don't, but my surgeon's office has fruit on their menu.

I am weighing in at 187.  I think my size 18's are starting to get a little baggy!  I am very happy about that !!!  I went out on Friday night and got hit on constantly.  I'm really excited.  I only have 2 more pounds to go before I reach my 100 pound mark!! I can't believe I will have lost 100 pounds.  Good lord this is awesome!

Darn Scale

Mar 26, 2007


So I got on the scale this morning and I'm at 191.  It keeps going between 191-193.  I pray I can get it moving.  I only have a little bit to go before I'm at my century mark!  I'm making a decision this week to get in at least 100 grams of protein each day and to definitely get 64 or more ounces of water each day.  I can do it!!!

I can only go to the gym on Wed Thurs & Friday this week I think.  I may try and go on Saturday too!  We'll see.  It's going to be tough though because I've got a lot going on.

Still trying out all the new things I bought from bariatriceating.  Here is some more of what I tried.

Praline Scream RTD smoothie 35 grams of protein/can - I really enjoyed this a lot.  It was really good, not gritty but it left me gassy because it has skim milk in it!

Strawberry RTD smoothie.  This was good and the nutrition stats are similar to the Praline smoothie.  I loved this but it upset my belly.  It's got to be the skim milk!

Italian Herb Gourmet wafer crisps from bariatric eating.  You can put cheese or cheese spread and even spinach dip on these.  This is a better alternative than crackers or potato chips.  You can eat 3 crisps and they have 2 carbs, 6 protein, 80 calories and 6 fat.  They are large enough that if you eat 3, and put something on them it will be a good snack!

I'll post back as I taste!

Almost 7 months out

Mar 22, 2007

So, soon I will be at the 7 month mark and things are still going really well.  

I've been loosing pretty slowly and playing with the same 3-4 pounds for a few weeks it seems.  I got down to 191 but then I weighed today at 193.  So we'll see how it goes over the next couple of weeks.

I have been really doing a good job at the gym.  I've raised the bar for myself and it feels good.  I finally incorporated weights into my workout and I like it!  I even did 10 minutes on the cross trainer today.  I said I would never get back on that machine again, but I realized I was cheating myself.

Food wise I still tolerate just about everything however I had a very nasty experience with some shrimp a few weeks ago so I'm not in a hurry to have shrimp for a while.

I order a lot of stuff from bariatric eating and nashua nutrition and I have found some really good stuff.  Nashua nutrition has protein hot chocolate that is really yummy.  They also have some soup that isn't bad.  I finally tried unjury.  So far I've only tasted the chocolate but it wasn't bad at all.

I bought some micellar milk and some of those rtd extreme smothies.  I haven't tried them yet but I will update when I do.

I bought a bunch of different protein bars too!

So for those of you who are trying different drinks and are wondering what is good and what isn't, here is my favorites list:

Nectar Drinks:
Twisted Cherry
Roadside lemonade
Fuzzy navel

New whey liquid protein bullets both flavors of the 25 gram protein

Nashua Nutrition:
Variety pack of protein hot chocolate all flavors are really good!
Strawberry kiwi protein drink


Power crunch bars:
Peanut butter creme (YUMMY)

I'll have to think of what else I've tried (believe me it's a lot)  but I thought someone might find this list helpful.  Keep in mind as far as the drinks go.  I do not like thick gritty drinks.  I prefer the ones that are more like juice and actually have flavor to them!

Good luck to everyone and don't be afraid to experiment a little!

Soon to be 7 months out

Mar 09, 2007

I can't believe how fast this time is going.  I swear I remember the night before surgery.  It seems like it was just yesterday that I was preparing for my big day.  I remember waking up thinking this is the first day of the rest of my new life.... I had no idea how true that statement was at the time.

Life is really good right now.  My scale did not move for a very long time.  I went to Atlanta and came home on Feb 2.  I was 205.  A week later I was down to about 200 but the scale stayed there until yesterday.  It read 193.  I am so excited.  I am so ready to be down 100 pounds.  I am praying that I will reach that goal by April 1st.  I've been going to the gym sporadically because of my lifestyle sometimes it's really hard to go as often as I'd like.  But I have made a commitment that when I don't go to the gym and the weather is good to walk for about an hour.  I think that is helping.

My eating is so-so.  It could be better but it's not horrible.  I honestly think that I needed to add SOME carbs into my diet.  I don't think I was getting enough.  I also don't think I was eating enough calories.  I've tried to increase the calories slowly.  So we shall see.  I'm still not getting more than about 800 in.  But it's a start.

On a very positive note, I went out to eat with my friends tonight.  We went to Bahama Breeze.  Everything looked so delicious but of course I just couldn't eat much.  I'm okay with that though because I have a nice stash of leftovers lol.

After dinner we decided to do a little shopping.  I am so proud to say that I am now COMFORTABLY in a size 18.  I haven't been in an 18 in 15 years.  I almost cried when I saw myself in the mirror.  I think that tonight is the first time that I actually saw my NEW self.  I look awesome.  This surgery was so worth it.  Worth every pain, negative comment, queasy feeling and all.  I would do it again 10 times if I had to.

Until next time................

Almost six months out

Feb 10, 2007

It is so amazing that I'm almost six months out.  This time has flown by and I am so greatful.  I remember the day I came home from the hospital like it was yesterday.

I was in so much pain but overall I felt okay.  I can remember wondering if I was ever going to feel better and if I was ever going to be able to eat regular foods again.

At almost six months out I can eat mostly anything.  There isn't too much that bothers my stomach.  I recently found out that I don't dump.  I had a long overdue date with a krispy creme donut. And I was worried that I was going to feel horrible shortly after and nothing at all happened.  I was actually saddened.  As silly as this sounds, I was hoping that I would be a dumper.  Now I really have to hold myself accountable and be careful.

So far my eating is totally terrible.  I have some really awesome food days.  I eat a lot of fish.  And as far as vegetables go I normally eat, zuchini, cucumbers, salad and sometimes green beans.  I don't usually eat sides like rice or noodles.  I probably could eat them a couple of times each week but I'm so worried about the carbs.  I love fruit though.  Apples, bananas and strawberries.  I try to eat at least one piece of fruit every day and veges twice each day.  But mostly I'm eating protein.  Chicken and fish.  I don't eat a lot of pork and mostly no beef.

I just started eating turkey burgers.  There's a ton of protein in one patty.  I also bought some salmon burgers.  Not too bad.  I'd love to have one of those off of the bbq grill though.  I'm thinking that would bedelicious.

My clothes are all really huge.  I have bought a couple of new outfits but I don't want to go hog wild because the winter will be over soon and I will need a whole new spring/summer wardrobe.  That should be fun.  I don't notice a whole lot of saggy skin because I feel like my fat is still in there, lol.

I know I've lost weight but sometimes I don't see it.  I can tell when I look at new pictures versus the pre surgery ones.  And when I wear my clothes but I still feel so fat.

I'm sure I will get over that soon.  I'm just so excited to be under 200 pounds.  I pray my doctor's scale says the same thing when I go on Monday.  Shoot actually I hope it says less.  I weighed in at 199 on Friday maybe I can be 195 on Monday!  Here's to hoping.

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 19, 2006
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 18
An amazing year
Almost one year out
Summer is here!
Gotta find a balance!
100 pounds gone!
The scale moved!!!
Darn Scale
Almost 7 months out
Soon to be 7 months out
Almost six months out
