2nd anniversary of weight loss surgery

Aug 30, 2011

The latest on my weight loss journey.  I have reached my goal and so far I am still thrilled with the results.  I have lost a total of 107 lbs.  I do not have to have any plastic surgery due to excess skin, I suppose I am lucky for that.  I do zumba 2 times a day and I really like it..suprise suprise suprise...lol    I am able to eat just about anything however I still watch everything that I do eat.  I eat slow and listen to my body when it tells me that I am full.  I still follow the rules as much as possible not saying that I am always perfect....So far I have no regrets at all.  I take one day at a time and hope that next year I will beable to write the same positive review of my surgery....thanks to all that laughed with me, cried with me and carried me through this journey,  it is because of you that  I have been as successful as I have been....


6.5 monts post op

Mar 21, 2010

I  started this journey on aug 27, 2009, weighing in at 253.  Today I am 173 .  i have 26 more to go unitl I reach my goal of 146.  I am 5"7.5 and had to buy a size 8 pair of pants.  yea... I feel wonderful.  My health has imporved so much and all my blood work has come back great.  I do take my vitamins and excerise, and try and get in all my water.  I really don't care if I lose anymore weight cause I did this for improved health and I have achieved that so tjhe surgery is a sucess, the smaller pants size is a bonus....I like to shop now....lol .  My husband is not thrilled about  that but he is so proud of me and  glad that I am going to be around longer to  pester him....hehehe  He loves me either way overweight or not but he is so happy from  q health stand point that I had the surgery.  He was a great support and I think he might just be alittle proud of the way I look too....sorry it took me so long to write but this has been a process.  My mother passed away in Dec and emotionally I have had my ups and downs but as far as the surgery, after 6 weeks  I felt good and my journey really began.  I have not lost much hair but really did not care about that anyway.   I now can eat just about anything I want, but I do not eat high carb things.  I stay away from rice, pasta, french fries (yummy)  I don't eat sugar, but I do eat cashews....I have been very lucky and only had trouble in the beginning when I would eat to fast, and it only took a few times for me learn...I hate that pain when I did get something stuck.  I have had no problems with sugar , all though I do not eat much if any.  I think that brings me up to date...Hope to write again soon

thoughts before surgery

Aug 17, 2009

Feeling anxious, scared, really wanted to get this over with.  I keep trying to think of the future.  I reread all the posts for inspiration, and courage.  I need to go and check out different drinks for my protein but sometimes I feel overwhelmed on which to get.  I will probably go to walmart and just do some research.

About Me
Alexander City, AL
Surgery Date
Feb 23, 2009
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