Cindy M. 20 years ago

Well today I hit 11 months post op and I am still amazed when I see pics of me. The other day someone showed me some pictures from a shower and I caught myself asking who the woman in the picture was me!!! Weight loss is going much more slowly now but it is still going downward so I am happy. My doctor say he is extremely happy and actually said I have lost everything he expected me to (over 1/3 of my body weight). The big areas I have to focus on are snacking and taking my vitamins. As my appetite has come back I find myself snacking when bored at home, so I am trying to keep busy. I can't believe it has almost been one year, what an amazing journey this has been. Truly worth everything.

Cindy M. 20 years, 3 months ago

Well I just hit 8 months post op and things are going wonderfully. I have now gone under 200 pounds for the first time in who knows how long. For the first time in my life I have two new hobbies: shopping and exercise. I can't believe it now but I am right on the cusp of being able to shop in the Misses section of the store!!!! This has been the best decision I have ever made in my life. I feel so much more energetic and more comfortable with myself. No it hasn't been easy but it has definitely been worth it.

Cindy M. 20 years, 6 months ago

Well I am now at 5.5 months post-op and inching up on the 6 month date I keep hearing about. I am getting closer and closer to the 100 pound mark and hope to reach it within the next 2 months. My birthday is on January 28th and I hope that 100 pound mark will be my birthday gift to myself. As of today I am down 85-90 pounds depending on which scale I follow. Last week I got back from a cruise and amazingly everything went very well. I was able to eat everything I wanted and still lost 5 pounds. The exercising is the key and boy does it make me feel good. I did have two occasions of throwing up on the ship but I caused it on myself by talking too much while eating and not paying attention. On the down side I was diagnosed with a hernia a few weeks ago but even with that I am see it as a positive as it might help qualify me for surgery which will allow my tummy tuck next year :) So far so good and 5.5 months later I don't regret a thing.

JOLENE D. 20 years, 8 months ago

Hi Cindy, You're doing an AWESOME job, keep up the good work! BIGGHUGGZZZZ

Cindy M. 20 years, 8 months ago

Today makes three months since my surgery and I just got back from my checkup with my surgeon. According to his scale I have lost 57 pounds, of course I like my home scale better that has me losing 60 pounds :) Things are going wonderfully. I am eating well and while I have had issues with throwing up that is resolving itself. I just have to keep reminding myself not to eat too quick and to chew my food well. I am so happy I did this, for the first time in years I am beginning to enjoy life again and that says it all.

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 11 months ago

Congratulations on getting through the approval process, Your big day is next and then you will be on the losing side. Try to hang in there and stay focused and take one day at a time. Remember your AMOS friends are always here for support. 24-7~*~Hugs~*~

cindy 20 years, 11 months ago

My thoughts and prayers are with you for a safe surgery and a speedy, uncomplicated recovery, God Bless

MommaAngel 20 years, 11 months ago

HI CINDY I just want you to know that I am praying that everything will go smooth as you journey to the losing side. LORD BLESS

MommaAngel 20 years, 11 months ago

Empty page here needs your support. LORD BLESS
About Me
Honolulu, HI
Surgery Date
Jul 01, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Day of Surgery
16 Months Postop
