First Thoughts

Mar 22, 2008

OK, here goes.

I went to visit my surgeon last Saturday.  Not sure I was real prepared.  He walked in and said I was perfect for the surgery.  We sat and talked a bit but I didn't have many questions.  He told me he wanted me to start on Protein shake for breakfast and Protein shake for dinner the only food is a salad at mid-day.  I can have all the water and Crystal Light I can drink.  He wants me to lose 10 lbs.  UGh.  He then took me over and had me talk to the lady who sets up insurance coverage and such and he tells me to investigate more and come back with questions.

So I talked with the lady who does the insurance processing and she said that she would get started on getting approval, gave me info on a support group just starting in my town and then said she would call me when she hears something.

 I then went and purchased my protein mixes and some Benefiber that was suggested by the lady there and we left for camping.  Needless to say I didn't start right away, I thought I had time to start when I came back aft4er a week.  I was wrong!

She called me while I was on my camping trip and said she had the approval and wanted to set me up for surgery in 2 weeks! Arrrgh! 

Well I am home now and I started the shakes today, doing well but quite hungry! 

Anyway, I go on April 3rd to all my appointments and then on April 9th I have my pre-op testing then surgery the next day!

 So fast I won't even make it to my first support meeting and I thought from all that I read it takes months to get to this point.

I must say I'm nervous but I have started collecting things that will help me. we go!

About Me
Altus, OK
Mar 22, 2008
Member Since

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First Thoughts
