
Feb 11, 2010

I live in Columbia, Maryland and we got 38.3 inches of snow LAST week and yesterday, we got another 18 inches of snow!!
When will it end.  I just got shoveled out today and had to pay a young guy $50 to shovel my car out of the 2 snow storms.  They say more to come by Monday or Tuesday of next week.  What the hecks goin' on with this weather?  

Now I'm just waiting to hear back from my surgeon's office on whether I got approved for surgery.  

My name is Nora and I'm "lookin4ward2it"


Updates as of today

Jan 30, 2010

Hello everyone!

I met with my dietician on Thursday and she went over with me all the foods and vitamins I need to eat after I have my surgery.  She also told me how important it will be to get in my 50 grams of protein.  She told me not to go out and buy bulks of protein drinks right away because my taste may change after the surgery and if I only invest in 1 or two cans it won't be a large financial loss.  I'm excited. 

How's everyone.  Let me know how you all are doing?  How's progress?

1 comment

Updates on my WLS Journey

Jan 19, 2010

I will be going for my counsel with a nutritionist next Thursday evening.  And then February 3rd, I was supposed to have knee surgery but that's been postponed until March because I don't have enough leave time to take off for a week.  I am by myself and if I don't work, I don't get payed if I don't have enough leave time.  So, I am going for my psych counsel that evening instead.  Thanks everyone for your support and encouragement.  Hope all is going well for you today! 


Have to have knee surgery

Jan 14, 2010

I have been nursing a knee injury since September when I went to the gym and  a personal trainer had me lifting 140 lbs. of weight on my knees.  I found out yesterday that I have a torn meniscus and I will have to have surgery on my knee February 3rd.  I've been walking with a cane since September and not getting any relief at all.  The surgery is called "a clean-up" and only takes about 30 minutes.  I sure hope it helps.

Thanks Everyone!

Dec 29, 2009

Thanks to Majicol and others for your comments and support.  Yes, you are write, Majicol.  I am eating because I am saying to myself, "better eat it now cuz I won't be able to eat like this afterwards" now that I realize that's what I'm doing, I will slow down.  Feeling a bit better today.



Got the Blues from Weight Gain

Dec 29, 2009

OK, I haven't had my appointment for consultation with the surgeon yet.  But today I had to go see my Primary physician to go over the paperwork that my insurance company will need, which is 6 months of consecutive, supervised weight loss by a physician.  I got on the scale and in just 1 month I have gained 11 pounds!!!!  So much for holiday food!  I am so sick and tired of this weight gain train that I am ready to jump off this ride and get on the weight loss surgery plane.  My appointment is just a week away on January 6th and I am nervous, excited, sad and mad.  I want this weight gone and it's starting to tick me off.  I know I did it to myself, so the only person I have to blame is me. 


Appointment with Surgeon - Jan. 6th, 2010

Nov 27, 2009

It's the day after thanksgiving of 2009, and I am wondering what my life will look like a year from now.  How much weight would I have lost?  Will I be able to have a Thanksgiving dinner again?  My appointment for consultation with a surgeon is Jan. 6th and I'm looking forward to it.

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 23, 2009
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