tj14504 16 years, 5 months ago

Yay!!!!!!! Mary Ann is home!!!!! Get better, take your time and allow those around you to cater to you!

Bluedog 16 years, 5 months ago

I'm so glad you came thru in flying colors. My wife and I said a few blessing for ya. we love the way that all your post are upbeat. Keep the attitude and everything is going to be fine. Now you have about a 3 1/2 week head start on me. Don't let me catch ya (ha,Ha). Later, Ken

so_blessed 16 years, 5 months ago

I"m thinking of you and praying for you!!! You are gonna do great!!! Let us know how your doing when you feel up to it!! We miss you already!!! Get home soon!!! Love, Andrea

sureangel 16 years, 5 months ago

Mare, you will be in my prayers. You will be just fine see you on the losers bench dear friend sureangel

Reenie07 16 years, 5 months ago

I'll be thinking about you today and you will be just fine. Shazanne will be getting you up walking and will take very good care of you. Be looking forward to hearing how well you went thru the surgery. Love, Reenie

Shazanne 16 years, 5 months ago

Sweet Peanie, I will be thinking of you and praying throughout the morning tomorrow. And I will be with you to walk your first lap around the hospital floor when you wake up! We will all be with you there in that waiting room as you are prepped and chatting with the anesthesiologist, so don't be afraid, we got your back! Love you!

julianaloriel 16 years, 5 months ago

Good luck on your surgery!! You will feel so much better!! Hope everything goes well!!

judyanne 16 years, 5 months ago

Tuesday is your day! Just remember you are on the journey of a lifetime. Try to enjoy every minute. It may sound weird now, but know that you are cared for and prayed for here, and all too soon this will be but a memory and you will be an inspiration to someone else. I am waiting for you on the losers' bench! ~JudyAnne~

SandiC_1973 16 years, 6 months ago

I hope you are having a beautiful day! Sandi~
About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 25, 2006
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Merry Christmas To You & Yours - From Me & Mine
We ALL Need To Watch This!
Flying Squirrel
4 Months Out
Three Daze Away From 4 Months Out AND...
For Travis - RIP Sweet Boy
Yay Me!! I'm "Pappy-Freeeeee!!"
