John Baker

"I first met Dr. Baker at his seminar. He was very professional, went into great detail about the different surgeries he performed...he had an awesome sucess rate and over all he gave a very good first impression. When i was finally able to wade thru all the required paperwork and blood tests and psych tests... i met Dr. Baker again at his office in Little Rock. He was very professional... stern almost...made it very clear this wasnt a quick fix and i had alot of hard work ahead of me. Aftercare was stressed very strongly, it was explained that i would need to follow through with the vitamins, ect. and the exercise to make this tool he was giving me work. I think Dr. Baker is a fantastic surgeon, and his bedside manner is just as impeccable. Overall i feel Very lucky to have had him as my surgeon."
About Me
Aug 05, 2009
Member Since
