William Thompson

"On June 20,2002 I had the large apron of fat removed that is the results of large weight loss, and years of childbaring, and various surgerys. I love the results, still recovering, but can't believe the difference. I never in my life thougt I would every obtain a flat stomach. Jan 4,2003, just thought I would update you, I am having some additional lipo done Jan 8, 2003 with Dr Thompson again, having met with him twice again, and feel very convident that I will get the results I am looking for. I am a very senstive person and Dr Thompson coundn't have been kinder to me. At my last surgery tt with him I had an infection if one of my drainage sites, and he left the golf course on July 4th to meet me and take care of the promblem, he didnt want me to have to go to emer, he wanted to take care of it himself. I appreciate him so much going beyound the call for me on several occasions. I think he comes across different at first, but when you can get by the initial meeting you find out what a fine Dr he is. I was impressed with his explanations of what I could realisticly expect and that he was very cabable of achieving that. I am older 61 at the time of surgery, and knew I would never look 40, and didn't want to. I just wanted to be the best I could be with his expertise and my healthy living, good food choices, and exercise. Thank you for letting me give you my experiences. Nancy Suzie Meriwether"

Harris Dabideen

"Dr Daberdeen is the most kind, caring Dr. His whole staff couldn't be kinder. They have a very thoughful waiting room, larger chairs, etc, and most of their staff have had the surgery. He is very thoughful, and since I live 3 hours away, and can't always get back to Flint for checkups he will call me to see how I am doing. The dietian is very kind, and compentent.They follow up with you, and provide a support group. The whole team aproach was very effective, and everything was explained very well. I couldn't have asked for a better Dr. The nursing staff was wonderful, this is just a little over a year program started at Hurley. I would encourge anyone to visit him. It was a good experience, and not as bad as some have had. I being older took longer to recover, and had a infected site, but was still able to return to work 4 days a week after about 5 weeks.Thank you for letting me tell some of my story. God Bless Susie"
About Me
Largo, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 17, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Susie waiting for surgery Sept 2001
WLS Banquet 11/03-Our daughters 40th Birthday 12/16/03

Friends 3

Latest Blog 4
SEPT 14, 2008
FEB 7 2008
DOING GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
update Sept 16, 2997
