Here come the hormones!

Jun 18, 2008

I kept reading of the weepy hormone highway that sometimes happens and didn't understand the big deal. AAAHHH I get it now, this has been the hardest week. I just want to stay in bed and pull the covers over my head. Unfortunately that is just not going to happen, its so draining to put on a happy face when you are miserable on the inside. I can't get my antidepressants right, not only have I hit a stall but now I am gaining weight for some reason and the surgeon will not call me back. I have a huge case of depressed buyers remorse about this surgery and don;t know how to get out of this funk.


Jun 13, 2008

It seems like life has zoomed by since surgery. I'm 9 weeks out and down 47 lbs. Currrently in a bit of a stall and I know if I exercised more the scale would move. I plan to as soon as this head cold lets up a little. I just got a wii fit and hope to get moving slowly with it and progress to the gym (if we can afford it).  Food continues to be a learning process, if the pouch doesn't like something she will eject it - and how! At this point I have learned that mayonaise is not my friend, it will always make me throw up. Interestingly enough she LOVES steak- I was a vegeterian for 18 years and now I crave steak! 
   I am starting to get into clothes out of the back of the closet and that has been so much fun! I still cannot look in the mirror and see any difference but I can feel it in my clothes and the delight ful abscence of many aches and pains that have plagued me for years. For the first time in 10 years my feet do not hurt everyday! These are the reasons I had this surgery to be healthy-happy and thinner come hand in hand with that.  I am even finding myself recognizing that many of my food cravings and obsessions have nothing to do with food(who would have thought)!!!!

At Last!

Mar 21, 2008

At long last I have a date and its coming up quickly I will be starting the 2 week liquid diet on Monday and I am so nervous. I want to be successful and yet Iam more nervous about this than the surgery. I feel like it will be easier when I have a restricted stomach but how do I manage until then?

Moving along 12-3-07

Dec 03, 2007

Well we have been told the offer on the house has been accepted hoprfully we will close on the 14th of Dec. My Mom's foot surgery was successful now she is on the road to healing. I have found a nut who is not to far away if I can only find the money to pay for it. I did go and do the bloodwork and the ultrasound my doc requires, all that is left is the nut and the psych, psych is scheduled for Jan 2. I'm still hoping to have surgery some time in Jan so I better get it together. 
  I usually love Christmas but it seems like there is so much going on this year I can't seem to get in the spirit.Don't want to decorate this house because we want to move before Christmas. Moving at this time of year is to much but we have to be out of this house by Jan1.
Have good thoughts for me as I struggle through it all!


Nov 24, 2007

I have never been good at waiting, and right now that's all I am doing. Waiting for insurance approval, waiting for the purchase of a house to go through, waiting for my Mom's foot surgery to happen....ARRRRGGGHHHH sick of it.

I went to my best friends house tonite and her husband voiced his concerns about my surgery. Finally some one who had questions not just opinions! He seemed almost suprised at the fact I could answer his questions with actual information not just emotion. Thank you to every one on the OH site for helping to further educate myself. I can now be faced with questions from people and I feel like I am capable of answering them in a way that makes people understand my decision. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER !!!!!!

About Me
Homosassa, FL
Surgery Date
Nov 02, 2007
Member Since

Friends 7

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Here come the hormones!
At Last!
Moving along 12-3-07
