
Jan 06, 2009

Well I completed all of my pre-op yesterday and boy was it a long day! I drove down the Ft.Worth on Sunday and stayed with my brother so I wouldn't have to get up so early to drive to Baylor. Well turns out I was up at the crack of dawn anyway! Due to the weather (ice) I was on my way to Baylor at 5:50 for a 8:30 appointment The weather man said things would start getting bad around 7:00 AM so they advised you to start your commute early if possible and I did not want to miss my appointment so on my way I went. I got to Baylor at 6:30 and as soon as I got in the parking lot the storm started. I waited on the car about 15 minutes for the rain to let up and then I went into the cafe area and pick up some pamplets and read for awhile. It really sucked because everyone around me was eating breakfast and I could not eat. About 7:30 I was tired of sitting and decided I would walk around the hospital. Before I knew it it was time for my 8:30 at Dr.Kuhns office. The time did go by pretty fast. I met with the NUT and got all of my pre-op diet info which would start that day and then all my post op info. I have done my research so she wans't telling me anything I didn't already know. I was just glad to see he wasn't one of the drs that keeps you on liquids FOREVER ! After I met with her I went and had a sono of my gallbladder and my legs checked for blood clots...YAY everything looked good there. Then I went to meet with the lady who goes over everything else but it was 9:30 at this time and my Upper GI was scheduled for 10:00 so off I went to do that and pre-admit then I could go back to Dr.Kuhns. The upper gi went smoothly and I didn't have to wait very long for that. Then it was off to pre-admit....OK word of advice for anyone using Baylor Dallas .. MAKE SURE YOUR HAVE AN APPOINTMENT FOR THIS! I thought I did but I didn't and I waited 70 minutes before they called me back. Then after that paperwork I had to see the nurse and that was another 30+ minutes. After I talked to her I had to have blood drawn, chest x-ray, and EKG. All that went VERY fast. By this time it was about 2:00 and I hadn't had anything to eat or drink (other then the nasty barium from the upper GI and a sip of water) since about 7:00 PM the night before. My head hurt, I was cranky, irratible, and I wanted FOOD ! But unfortunately only Boost for me. Back to Dr.Kuhns office I went where I got all of my instructions, my rx, and paid my co-insurance. Guess I am done with all that until 5:00 AM Monday morning ! Wheww what a long day....


About Me
Abilene, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2008
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