Kenneth G. MacDonald

"I had my first consultation with Dr. MacDonald yesterday, 9/5, and was immediately comfortable with him. Our conversation was limited to health-related questions and answers. He was professional, but personable. He did not waste time, mine or his, but I felt like he would he would stay with me until all my questions were answered, no matter how long it took. He explained the risks of surgery clearly. I was also impressed with the way his staff approaches aftercare -- they said after the surgery we "belong to them" and they will be there for us for the long term. He would like to see post-op patients once every 3 months for the first year, then once every 6 months after that. Finally, I feel like he treated me with respect; there was no "talking down" to me like I'm stupid as well as fat (yes, that has happened in the past, unfortunately)."
About Me
Charlotte, NC
Surgery Date
Aug 19, 2000
Member Since
