Day 13 Post-op-- Feeling Zen, Inner Peace

Jun 21, 2012

I don't know if maybe I'm getting too philosophical, but I feel more peaceful inside since I had surgery.  It's like the noise in my head telling me "I'm hungry, I'm craving, eat eat eat, don't you want something salty? something sweet? You're soooo hungry," has suddenly stopped.  It's a great feeling.  I'm less anxious, and feeling open-hearted and open-minded, like I can do just about anything but in its own good time.

I'm feeling lighter on my feet and lighter on my knees.  I really want to be able to get this extra weight off me so I can feel what it's like to move my body effortlessly.

There's still a little pain and itching around one of my incisions especially, but otherwise I'm not doing too badly at all!  I'm about 75% back to normal.  I still feel a little limited by the tenderness in my stomach (when I push it too far and do too much), but it's getting better day by day!

Tomorrow is my Puree day where I can move forward from my full liquid diet to more pureed foods.  I'm REALLY looking forward to this, since my favorite food is Indian food and soon I'll be able to have soft vegetables.  I miss salads most of all, though, and those are still several weeks away :(

Still, this is marvelous!  I should have done it years ago!  When I think how miserable I made myself on super strict diets (with my HUGE stomach always wanting more food) it's like night and day.

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