Pre-op diet is so strict

Sep 17, 2011

Last night was bunco.  It was tough.  Hostess made lasagna from scratch and a spring mix salad.  There was apple pie for dessert.  I had stuck to the diet all day so I had a small piece of the lasagna and a good size salad.  I passed on the pie.

This morning, my dear friend wanted to meet for breakfast and talk.  So I drank my shake and had tea with her while she ate.  That wasn't as hard. Not sure why.  Then we went to McDs so the grandson could play and that didn't bother me either.  I'm not crazy about McDs anyway.  I think Friday night was hard because I love lasagna.

Anyway, tomorrow will be 1 week on pre-op diet and I done pretty good at sticking to it, little infractions that I have controlled.


Today is full of doubts

Sep 15, 2011

Well, now that I've busted my hump getting everything done for the insurance and it looks promising that it will be approved, I'm having a lot of doubt today.  I know that this is going to help me fight that 'always hungry' feeling and I hear that I won't be hungry after WLS but I fear the mental aspect.  I like the way food tastes. I didn't want to stop eating, I just wanted to eat less. My logical brain is saying that I'll be fine and healthier but fear is a powerful emotion.

The pre-op diet is tough.  Very restrictive and I'm left hungry. Also hard because everyone else in the house is able to eat whatever they want. I'll never be able to eat what I want again in my life, ever!

I just wish I would get the answer back ASAP. I think knowing for sure, one way or the other, would go a long way in settling things for me.  I think some of this fear is my way of not getting my hopes up too high, just in case I get denied.

On the good side of today, I spent quite a bit of time with my grandson.  That helped remind me why I am doing this in the first place - so I can spend more time with my grandchildren and more quality time!

Now we wait...

Sep 14, 2011

Today is my daughter's birthday but I got the present.  The bariatric coordinator called to say he faxed my entire packet off to the insurance and is expecting a quick turn around.  I hope they say yes this time.  I need to get this surgery done before the end of September when I loose my insurance.

Went out an bought a few things like protein drinks so I'll be ready when they say go.  Already started the pre-op diet. Need to get a pre-op photo for my before and after. I'd like to get a set of measurements, too.

Getting started

Sep 13, 2011

I have done all the preoperative screenings and tests, had psychiatric approval and am just waiting on the insurance to approve.  They rejected the first request due to insufficient documentation. The bariatric coordinator has been very helpful and is trying to push everything through because I lose my insurance coverage soon. I started the preoperative diet so that as soon as we get the approvals we can take the first open surgery slot. The diet is a little monotonous but it is short term.

I went to my first support group meeting last week and met a lot of great ladies (yep, all women).  It was at that support meeting that I was told about this website. 

Summary of my pre op situation:
Preoperative weight 281, height 5'3" and a BMI of 50.
Sleep Apnea
Pre Diabetes

I expect most of these conditions to go away within a year of surgery and the rest to get much better.

I need to take a picture for my before - I hate pictures. Now it is just a waiting game.....

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 13, 2011
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