A Day of Appointments

May 18, 2009

Today I had my first set of appointments with the surgeon, dietician, nurse, and the psych.  I'm so excited.  Everything went very well.  The only blip, and I hope it's not going to be a big blip, is I was honest about smoking pot, or the fact that I quit on March 1st.  The psych was concerned about addiction transference, especially as this is a big problem with WLS recipients.  She was concerned that not only was I having to give up pot, but also my old way of eating.  She said this would not stop me from having the surgery, but that she might send me for additional counselling (2 to 3 sessions) to make sure I had my head screwed on straight.  This was a major prick in the balloon feeling, but she did say that after the meeting that she really didn't think additional counselling sessions would be necessary.  I don't have an issue with doing the extra counselling....so long as it doesn't hold up my surgery date.  I really really want to have the surgery in July and not have to wait until October.

But back to the good stuff.  I like my surgeon.  He's up front about everything, doesn't ramble on which is a good thing as I don't need a bunch of hand-holding.  Just give me the facts and tell me what's going to happen, the risks & the rewards.  I also like the fact that the other bariatric surgeon in the office assists with my surgeon - they assist each other on the surgeries, so it's kind of like having 2 surgeons working on me at once.

The office staff is GREAT!!!  After only being to the office once a month ago for the info seminar, the program coordinator recognized me when I came in the office and greeted me by name.  I was amazed.  I had spoken with her a couple times on the phone, but for her to remember my name even without hearing me speak, was incredible.  She's so outgoing and freindly and has alot of patience and never rushed me with any of my questions. 

The RN had also had WLS so it was great knowing that someone who's had the surgery was also working there.  Makes a person think that they trust the facility to work there.  My surgeon assisted on her surgery, so it's good to have that first-hand recommendation.

So onwards and upwards.  Friday I will get the confirmation if I'm a candidate or not.  I'm not worried about that as I think I'm a good candidate.  Just have to wait and see if I have to do the extra counselling.

So far, still on track for July surgery.

Woo-hooooooo :)



Before & After

May 05, 2009

Each time I come to this website I always spend some time looking at the Before & After photos.  Very heady stuff!!!!  I see women's before photos and they look somewhat like me....arms not hanging straight down but bowed out to sides because of the big stomach/hips, long  tops hiding the bulges, legs slightly spread as the thick thighs won't allow the legs to rest naturally up and down.  This is me I see...different faces, but similar bodies.

But then I see the after photos.  Wow oh wow!!!  What I notice most, besides the slender figures of course, are the styles of clothes.  Styles that I want to wear, dammit.  That chic little summer dress, the sleeveless top and capris.  All outfits that seem so casually thrown together BECAUSE THE BULGES DON'T NEED TO BE HIDDEN ANYMORE!!!

It's when I see these after pics that it truly, TRULY, hits me that I can do this and one day, sooner than I ever thought possible, MY after picture will be up there too.  Holy jumpin' jahoulies!!!!

Well, that's all I have to say for tonight.

Best of luck to all 


OH East Bay Inaugural Luncheon

May 02, 2009

Today I met a group of wonderful people at the first meeting of the East Bayers.  I was so inspired and appreciative of the warm welcome I received from everyone. It was wonderful hearing everyone's stories...unfortunately I didn't get to speak to everyone, but June 27th (the next gathering), I'm hoping to talk to even more people.

Out of everything I've experienced so far on my new journey, I have to say that hearing others talk/blog about their experiences has been informative, inspiring, and the best way of realizing that this really is possible.  Like many people, I've tried dieting...it's now to the point where I don't even bother anymore as I know what the outcome will be.  But this tool that I'm being given has made me change my thinking.  It's a long, challenging road ahead, but with WLS I feel that I can finally achieve the goal of losing weight.  I've never felt this positive before about diet and exercise alone.

Easy way out or not, it's a way out of being overweight...and more importantly, a way out of being unhealthy and a chance to realize optimal health. These are things on my mind as I've recently turned 42.  How long before my body breaks down under the weight and serious health conditions are added to my already existing "minor" weight-related health conditions.  So when someone tells me I've taken the easy way, I'm going to respond, "It's not an easy way, it's still hard work, but it is an out and that's all the matters."

I"m extremely excited about the coming months/years, and I'm finding the more I read and hear others' stories, the less I'm anxious.  It's the not knowing that scares me....if I know or am aware of the good and bad things, the more in control I feel and the better able to cope with whatever comes up.  There's still alot to learn and absorb and I'm all eyes and ears.

In conclusion, I want to thank all the people who made it to the luncheon today to share their experiences and answering my nosey questions.  LOL  Only in this group can a person get away with asking how much weight a person has lost without offending the person.  I know, once I've had the surgery and started losing weight, I'm going to have to control myself from running up and down streets shouting to the world how much weight I've lost.

Signing out...

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Rodeo, CA
Apr 16, 2009
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