Insurance approval

Aug 04, 2007

Wow!  It seems like I just met with my surgeon and I already got my insurance approval this week.  I am getting anxious to have the surgery, but I understand they want me to be sure.  I have all my appointments set up through the end of August.  At that time, I will be able to call my surgeon for my second appointment with him and schedule my surgery.  

I am still nervous about what my body is going to look like after I'm done losing the weight.  I won't have a tummy tuck right away, because my husband and I hope to adopt an embryo that I will carry.  No use doing the tummy tuck until after we're done with pregnancies.  I want to feel beautiful and it would be a shame for me to go through all of this only to feel like an anorexic elephant with all kinds of wrinkly skin hanging all over me.  I know my husband loves me for who I am, but I'm not sure I can ask him to find that kind of a body sexy.

1st appointment

Jul 18, 2007

I have my first appointment with my WLS surgeon on Monday!!!
I can only pray that everything goes smoothly and that I can have the surgery soon.  I will home-schooling my children this year and want to get it done before the beginning of the school year.  I guess the good thing about home-schooling, though, is the schedule is flexible.  I'll write again after my appointment and let everybody know how it goes.

About Me
Jul 18, 2007
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Insurance approval
1st appointment
