Hi, my name is Amanda but friends and family call me Mandy. I am 30 yrs old, started gaining weight in Jr. High and High school got made fun of and as a adult after high school. I ended up always settling for guys that paid me just any attention and it got me in troble a lot. I soon learned my lesson with one ex the physically and mentally abused me, why I stayed in that relationship I think it was that I was afraid and didnt want to be alone. I know those are stupid reasons but I had rought times then. But as time past I found some great friends that now watch over me which I really need now it I feel the so alone with all the family passing in my life here is a small time line of my life:
            Nov. 12, 2000 I lost my very close cousin she was 33
            Dec 13,2001 I find out I was pregnant
            Jan of 2002 my daughter's father ran off not to be seen again.
            Mar. 21, 2002 lost my job forced to move back with parents
            August 22,2002 My daughter was born (suppose to be happy day but it was also the day my brother was 
            sentenced for armed robbery)
             July 5th 2003 my aunt died
             Nov 2004 father passed away Thanksgiving Day but his then ex wife didnt tell me for 4 days and she took
            off with his ashes that hurt me
            Aug 2006 went to college finished in 2007 got great job thought finally I have something good going on in my life. Then March 26, 2008 I called an ambulance for my mom because she was very ill then came out took her blood sugar and said it was 459 and then DID NOT take her to hospital because she was expecting a call from her doctor so they said the ER couldnt do anything for her. Well 1/2 hr later she was shaking uncontrollably and fell out of bed and couldnt move ( to watch her was very painful) I called 911 again and told the supervisor about them not taking her the first time and then need to get her. They came back took her, I got my daughter ready for school ( she saw most of it too) got her on the bus. I went straight up there and they pulled me into one of those family consult rooms and then here comes 2 doc and a chaplian and I know it wasn't good.  She coded once in th ambulance and then again in the ER. They finally let me see her, all I did was cry.  She looked awful, my brother and me were a mess (this was a wed). They ran all kinds of tests wed and thur, friday we found out she was brain dead, sat  we turned off the machines, that was so hard to do. She was only 55. God rest her soul. I miss her so much. So I feel so alone anymore. 
Then I went ahead with surgery 2 months later, may be I should have waited a little but I dont know. So I have had a rough time lately. But now I am 5 weeks post op and down 47 lbs. I got to get healthy for my daughter I am all she has now.

I am not looking for sympathy I just want people to have some what of an understanding of where I am come from. I have some issues with the surgery but after ready some success stories, I am inspiried.  



About Me
Jun 04, 2008
Member Since

Friends 12

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My lab results
Hi all!
