
Jan 11, 2009

MARCH 3,2005

1.)To reach all areas of my body. ***ACHIEVED***
2.)For my husband to put his arms all the way around me. ***ACHIEVED***

3.)For my husband to have me sit in his lap. ***ACHIEVED***
4.)For my husband to be able to carry me.
5.)Not to concern myself with everything I sit on.. wondering if I'll break it.
6.)To be able to fit in any seat.. anywhere. For example, I've always wanted to go to...

(a)Any movie theater. ***ACHIEVED***
(b)The opera.
(c)A ballet.
(d)To watch a sport.
(e)The circus.
(f)Ice Capades.
(g)Any restaurant. ***ACHIEVED***
(h)Airplane seats. ***ACHIEVED*** (but I still need an belt extension)
(ij)Amusement park rides.
(j)Seats at the community college.

(k)Any car.. & have room. ***ACHIEVED***
(l)Lobby seats,Dr.s office,Veterinarian's,Hospitals etc. ***ACHIEVED***
(m)Beauty salon chairs for haircuts and manicures/pedicures. ***ACHIEVED***
7.)To fit through a turnstyle. ***ACHIEVED***
8.)To wear a seatbelt. ***ACHIEVED***
(a)To shower without nearly passing out from exertion. ***ACHIEVED***
(b)To shower without having to sit down to wash my lower half.
10.)To walk freely and easily without heavy breathing.
11.)To not sweat buckets while doing next to nothing. ***ACHIEVED***
12.)To wake up without back pain, knee & ankle pain. ***ACHIEVED***
(a)To lie on my back and be able to breathe. ***ACHIEVED***
(b)To lie flat on my back (back touching mattress, not arched). ***ACHIEVED***
14.)To run. ***ACHIEVED***
15.)To jumprope.
16.)To roller/ice skate.
17.)To ride a bike.
18.)Canoe/Kayaking with my husband.
19.)Play frisbee. ***ACHIEVED***

(a)To spend the day walking through the mall,hiking trails or amusement parks... ***ACHIEVED***
21.)Do a cartwheel.
22.)Wear a bathing suit without being everyone's source of entertainment or horror.
23.)Buy clothes from a regular store and not from a fat lady catalog or plus size store.
24.)Wear clothing sizes without double digits or an "X" next to it.
25.)Wear high heels and be (fairly) comfortable.
26.)To carry a purse on my shoulder without it constantly falling off.
27.)To feel free to say "yes" to invitations from friends without having to concern myself with whether or not I can keep up with them or worrying about the accomidations meeting my needs. ***ACHIEVED***
28.)To feel as though I am not an embarassment to my family.
29.)To participate in my husband's "work parties". (Picnics etc)
30.)To not have rashes.
31.)Get a job. ***ACHIEVED***
32.)Ride a horse.

33.)Be able to use any toilet and not have to run home because I have to go. ***ACHIEVED***
34.)To be pretty and sexy for my husband.
35.)To be able to stand long enough to do simple tasks. ***ACHIEVED***
36.)To tie my shoes, put on socks. ***ACHIEVED***
37.)To reach up and out and bend over easily and without making my bra straps fall off, clothes twist, wrinkle and catch in every roll.
38.)To even just sit or simply "be" in clothes and not be uncomfortable. No position is ever comfortable.
39.)To DANCE!! ***ACHIEVED***
40.)To be able to sit on the floor and get up easily and gracefully.
41.)To be graceful period, and not always feel like a clod.
42.)To sit with my knees to my chest.. or in indian style.
43.)To lay in a hammock.
44.)Swing on a swing. ***ACHIEVED***
45.)Go down the slide (easily without getting stuck).
46.)To be able to withstand an exercise regime. ***ACHIEVED***
47.)To be able to choose clothes that suit my tastes and not just settle for what I can squeeze into.
48.)To look nice in a bathing suit that doesn't resemble a "hippo tutu".
49.)To polish my toenails. ***ACHIEVED***
50.)To squeeze into small places when neccesary.
51.)To be able to climb onto chairs or ladders.
52.)To no longer break toilet seats. ***SO FAR SO GOOD***
53.)To "swim" rather than "bob".
54.)To have a lap. ***MUCH BETTER***
55.)To not drop food on my chest when I eat or not have to hold the plate right under my chin (which looks piggy) to avoid dropping food on my shirts.
56.)To be able to wrap my arms around myself.
57.)To cross my legs.

To be cont.


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Clermont, FL
Surgery Date
Feb 19, 2004
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