Well were do I start it has been seven years since my surgery and I still can believe it.  I have lost 120 pounds and have kept it off. Let me tell you that it hard after your inital weight loss.  Everyday you must pick and chose the right foods to eat. I still have days that I get sick because you have to has that last bite. It has been the best decision I have made other than getting a divorce. My ex-husband was never supportive of me having the surgery.  He told me that I was taking the easy way out.  I knew it wasn't the easy way out but it was what I had to do.  I was 268 pounds borderline diabetic and had high blood pressure.  Not no more.
I can remember the first time that I had my labs done after surgery and everything was normal I cried it was a very happy day for me.

You see when I first started my journey 7 yrs ago I was scared to death everything moved along with the insurance company and clearances then my surgery day came I got to the hospital and sat in the waiting room and cried and then I went home.  It took a couple of months before I reschedule everything and that time I knew I was ready and everything went perfectly.  I knew I had picked the right person to due the surgery. My post op recovery went great. and now it has been 7 yrs. Wow I still can't believe it.

About Me
Philadelphia, PA
Surgery Date
Apr 17, 2002
Member Since
