I can see this is going to take a while...

Jun 05, 2011

I called the Weight Loss Center the morning after the Orientation Meeting -- wanted to set up an appointment as soon as possible, but was told they were reviewing everyone's paperwork, and I had to wait for the to call me.  So they called me a few  Idays later, and scheduled my appointment for June 15th.  Wish I could have gotten in quicker.  

In the meantime, I went to my scheduled PCP appointment.  Let them weigh me for the first time in a year, and discovered I had lost 50 pounds in the past year!!  Being as overweight as I am, I haven't dropped any pant or blouse sizes -- still wearing the same sized clothing.  In the past, generally after I lose about 50 pounds, then as I continue to lose the sizes start dropping.  Hopefully this weight loss will satisfy the Weight Loss Center requirements.  I haven't really been on any type of "official" diet -- what I've been doing is I cut out ice cream, and watched what I was eating and my portion size.  I have not been avoiding anything in particular, but when I do eat KFC or pizza or Chinese food, I have one "normal' portion -- I don't eat 6-8 pieces of chicken and I only have one plate of Chinese food, not two or three!!  

Things on the home front are tense, to say the least.  No need to go into details, but I am not a happy camper.  Right now I'm leaving things alone right now -- keep the status quo.


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Apr 18, 2011
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