Getting Started

Jun 14, 2012

I have been reading through some of the blogs, and it is amazing to see all the success stories, as well and the issues that people are having, which all sound normal from a nursing stand point.  I am a RN.   I am just starting my success story.  My surgery is scheduled for June 26, and the closer it gets the more nervous I get.  Some times it sucks being a nurse because I know what could happen.  I am also excted because, I am over being fat and there is nothing that I have done in the past that ahs helped.    I have been on a preop diet for 3 weeks now, just taking in around 910 calories, which seems crazy but if I stay on schedule I am not hungry at all.  If anyone has in post op pointers for me that would be greatly appreciated. 


About Me
Jun 14, 2012
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