I have been overweight since I was a baby and although I have tried several times in the past to lose weight and get in shape I always failed. This time I am getting help through an excellent program where I learned about this website.

I want to extend my time as a living and active human on this planet and I'm too old to not take it seriously any longer. I'd also like to be able to get back to doing some things I really enjoy like fishing and spending time on the ocean which I avoid now.

I started this lifestyle change on July 19, 2011 by visiting a doctor for the first time in about 25 years, I asked for a referral to a weight loss surgeon and he recommended Dr. Bernard Bennedetto in Danvers, MA.  At my first visit I went on a scale for the first time in I don't know how long and weighed in at 466 pounds.  Since that time I have been enrolled in the Surgical weight loss program at Northshore Medical Center in Salem, MA.  The program has several requirements that all patients have to follow through on before they will be considered for surgery and I have been progressing through those steps.  I am presently in a 13 week Heart and Wellness program that holds classes once a week at Union Hospital in Lynn, MA where we learn about nutrition and exercise.  

So far so good I have lost 42 pounds since my first visit to Dr. Benedetto through watching and logging everything that I eat and have begun to exercise although I am a bit limited still in that regard by arthritis in my legs, I love the NuStep machine at the gym at Union Hospital and wish I could have one at home.  :)  Sorry about my avatar Lime cat is the only picture I have on my computer that fits in the size limit for avatars.


Update 12/13/12:

Now almost 8 months after surgery I am at 250 pounds which is close to my first goal weight of 233 pounds which will be half of what I weighed the day I saw the doctor for the first time.  Had blood work done yesterday and all levels look good, so far so good. 

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 26, 2011
Member Since
