Sitting on this Losers Bench is pretty sweet!!!

Mar 01, 2011

So all in all everything has gone pretty great. I got to the hospital earlier than I was told so I went ahead and finished my registration and came on up to the surgical floor. Once I got back to the holding area everything went so fast!!! All the people I came in contact with were super nice and friendly. I got back to the OR and was out before I knew it. I wasn't quite prepared for the pain I experienced upon waking up. It took quite a while for the pain meds to kick in and when they did it still wasn't alleviated completely. It took a good bit for everything to build up.

I was told that surgery went very well. I had one small problem where my respiration went down a little bit but other than that I didn't have any issues with bleeding. I guess I was a rock star!!! 

I've felt nauseous off and on but it seemed like the only times was when I got up and was moving around at all. Today when I've gotten up and moved it's been OK and I've not had any issues. So far I've not noticed any changes with my tastes. Water and bullion seem to taste just like they did before. I wasn't able to really have any liquids until about 4pm today but have been tolerating them just fine. I've had 6 ounces of broth and 24-30 ounces of water so far. I'm not really having issues with drinking more than an ounce at a time but that seems to only be with water for now. Broth went down and bubbled and acted like it was coming back up bubbling too.

I had some crazy hiccups and gas pains not too long ago and per the wonderful advice I've seen all around these boards I picked me up some gas-x strips and popped 2 of them bad boys and I've felt pretty good since.

I'm being told I'm going home tomorrow which is great news!!! I've enjoyed the quite here though and the opportunities I've had to rest...even if they were kind of far between. I'm anxious to get back home to my babies and start implementing everything into my daily routine. Luckily my MIL and my DH will be around to help so the transition shouldn't be too troublesome.

Thank you everybody for your amazing words of encouragement and support. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing resource and "family" to be able to go to whenever I need advice, help, etc. Here's to finally being on the Losers Bench!!!   WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, so far from my starting weight I've lost 12 pounds!!! 

I also meant to add that aside from some pain here and there, I don't really even feel like I've had anything done. I feel like I've been sucker punched in my gut a few times but don't feel anything internally just yet other than gas pains. I even asked my nurse if she was sure that I had surgery done and she assured me that I did!!!


About Me
Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Surgery Date
Oct 18, 2010
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