
Oct 09, 2006

Just had to share my excitement with those that understand!
WOW! what an exciting morning for me I am doing the HAPPY DANCE I am under the 200 Lb mark with a weight loss of -4 Lbs this week making my weight 199!
I am so happy I can not tell you how good I am feeling...... next goal is the CENTURY CLUB! look out here I come!
well untill next week. Where ever you are in your journey my thoughts and prayers are with you.
hugs and God Bless


Oct 09, 2006

Hi all, hope this week finds you all doing well,
I have had a great week, we just got back from a trip to Spokane where my eldest son Paul played in a Wood Bat tournament, the trip was long but nice, I can say since losing 75 lbs my tush hurt like the dickens sitting for such long periods of time.... ( can you say bony butt ) ouch!
The kids started the tournament off on a sour note and it just got worse as the time went on, and needless to say the couching was now where to be heard. They did improve in the last 2 games of the tournament but still to little to late.
As we sat there watching the games all we heard was complaints about the couching of the team ( which was nil )
in my opinion, needless to say it seems like there was a lot of disappointed parents that agreed with hubby and myself in that department. I know my son who lives and breaths baseball, had nothing but negative comments to make about the coach, as he stated that the coach could not make one positive statement to the team but that all the coach told the boys was " you suck" what kind off coach is that? My son says he was so embarrassed to have been there playing...... I felt bad for him as he really played well and it didn't get recognized by the coach at all. Nor did it make a difference on how the team did in the tournament........ugggggggh
Tough being a parent at those times amongst many others but hate to see my kids hurting.
I am so glad the season is almost over......next year I will find a better way to spend my $$$
On a brighter note I WENT ON VACATION AND LOSS WEIGHT! I AM DOWN ANOTHER -3 LB FOR A TOTAL OF -75 LB YIPPY HEY YA ALL THAT MEANS I HAVE MADE IT TO THE THREE QUARTER CENTURY MARK!!! I can't every recall going on vacation and losing weight! Being gone all week though I have missed out on my exercise routine and to tell ya the truth I even missed working out....so at the hotel instead of taking the elevator we took the stairs :o)
and of course walked all I could as well....... And get this ME IN A "JACUZZI" IN PUBLIC!!! never would have happened prior to losing 75 lbs! Life is only getting better. My BMI has now gone from 54.3 to 39.6.... I still have a ways to go but I am getting results weekly and keeping a positive attitude, for I know my goal is obtainable.
Well until next week, Where ever you are in your Journey my thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless ~~~~~Maureen


Oct 09, 2006

Hi, here I am back for my weekly update!
This week things started out great, my dad had his back surgery today and all went great I am so happy that he came through with flying colors.....he is in his room and comfortable....he will be getting up to start walking tomorrow! Now I am praying for a speedy recovery for him....I want to thank everyone for their prayers...as I really do believe in the power of prayer.

My sisters ultrasound went great and things are looking great for her and baby only 8 wks to go and there will be a new baby in the family!

I had my 3 mo follow-up appointment with my surgeon today....it went very well he was very pleased with my progress.....down -72 lbs since surgery on 3-11-03! He said that I was doing great and that he had only planned on me being down 60 lb at this stage of the game so I am doing great!.....So I guess I can stop thinking of myself as a slow loser now :o)
I have kept up with my exercising all week, and am very proud of myself doing my 1 mile walking off the pounds video and doing 400+ stairs a day is an awesome work out routine....of course I plan to build it up over time....But hey I am moving and I feel great!
It has truly been a great week and I am truly blessed...I thank the good Lord daily as I am so grateful to have had this surgery.
Well until next week, Best wishes to all pre-ops and post-ops were ever you are on your Journeys.
God Bless ~~~~~ Maureen



Oct 09, 2006

Hi all sure hopes this finds everyone doing well.

I had a good week.......my exercise routine is down and I am sticking to it.... I am now doing the stairs on my 15 min break as well as the 1 mile workout video on my Lunch break.... I am proud of my self for sticking to the plain and it has paid off with another -4 lb this week total down now - 70 lbs!! I will soon be under the 200 mark and in what I call the home stretch lol even though it will be a long road I know once I get out of the 200's I will be walking on cloud nine and doing the happy dance!

Today is a happy day for me as my MY ANGELETTE KIM MOBJ is having her surgery this morning I know she has been waiting to get on the losing side...and I can't wait to welcome her! YOU GO GIRL!

My dad is scheduled for back surgery on June 30th and my sister is scheduled for an ultrasound on the same day she is pregnant and is having some concerns....all prayers are welcome and much needed.
I meet with my surgeon for my official 3 mo follow up appointment on the 30th as well I sure hope he is happy with my progress!

Well until next week, Best wishes to all pre-ops and post-ops were ever you are on your Journeys.
God Bless ~~~~~ Maureen

June,16TH, 2003

Oct 09, 2006

Hi everyone, I sure hope you all had a great week.
I had a bit of a rough week as my Grandmother passed away on the 13th of June....which also happen to be my son's 15th birthday........kinda a hard thing to celebrate.
This week I worked harder at getting an exercise routine placed into my schedule, not an easy task as I hate to exercise....I was blessed and received the set of walking off the pounds videos for my birthday so I have started with that, and the 1st tape of a mile walk.... I have troubles getting the walk in at home, but have talked a few of the gals at work to walk on our break at work so we are going to start that this week.... I have also started doing the stairs after lunch at work....so this way I make sure I get in all my exercise and not have to worry about if time will allow later, it is hard for me as only another nightshift worker would understand....working nights and raising a family.......no time for exercise!!! But I do believe I have found my solution, and I sure hope it kicks the weight loss into to high gear!
Speaking of weight loss today was my weigh in day and I was down a whopping -4 pounds! for a total of -66 pounds now....everyday getting closer and closer to joining the century club!! Well until next week, Best wishes to all pre-ops and post-ops were ever you are on your Journeys.
God Bless ~~~~~ Maureen


Oct 09, 2006

Hi everyone, well another week has flown by or so it seems I celebrated my BIRTHDAY Friday June 6th yikes 43yr! but to tell you the truth I haven't felt as young as I do now in a very long time.... the aches and pains of last year are gone! and I can move and have so much more self-esteem... I am not as embarrassed to get out there and be seen even though I am still heavy but with the weight loss I feel so much more alive..... and I am caring less of what others think.
I was given and $80 gift card from my co-workers and went shopping! bought 2 blouses and a pair of pants all size 22-24!!! that's down from a 32-34 or 4x. I am down another -2 lbs this morning for a total of -62 lbs my 3mo post-op is Wednesday so it is - 62 lbs in 3 mo I can handle that.... It might be slower then others but as long as I am headed in the right direction I can't complain to much.... after all we would all like to just wake up thin....but it isn't going to happen so we take one day at a time and take what we can get. POSITIVE THINKING REAPS POSITIVE RESULTS!!!
Well until next week, Best wishes to all pre-ops and post-ops were ever you are on your Journeys.
God Bless ~~~~~ Maureen

June. 1st, 2003

Oct 08, 2006


WOW! what another great week! down another -4 lbs for a total of -60 lbs my BMI has gone from 54.3 to 42.6 just amazing! I still have a long ways to go but it is coming off at a steady rate and I like that.....278 down to 218
We were very busy over here getting the patio extension completed and getting the pool opened for the
summer.... the weather forecast for this week is high 70's and in to the
80's later in the week and the kids have been biting at the bit to have the
pool up and ready sooooooooo work work work........but it is ready to go so happy happy joy joy. I can't believe how I could open that pool and clean it and all with out getting tired at all!!! amazing or what last summer I was sweating like a pig and had to take a million breaks as I would get so
tired. I am happy with weight loss and my progress......my 3 mo check up is on June 30th I hope to be down another 10 lb by then.
I haven't been doing my exercise routine as I can not get in to it at all I just hate exercising....... but I am doing stairs at work which is a better work out anyways...... I try to go that extra mile when ever possible....
you know take the extra steps to get some where, parking further away taking steps instead of the elevator things like that so hoping that counts for
something.... but on my 15 min break I am doing the stairs at work should help it burns more then walking!
Well my real birthday is this Friday.... but I am working so Sunday we are going to hit the Casino a new one is opening about 1 12 hr from us so we are going to check it out.... then on Monday my girlfriend and I are going to hit another Casino so I will have a great birthday weekend doing what I
love to do the most GAMBLE!!! Well until next week, Best wishes to all pre-ops and post-ops were ever you are on your Journeys.
God Bless ~~~~~ Maureen

The Journey Continues

May 25, 2003

WOW! am I excited this morning....... Drum Roll Please......down a whopping -5 lbs!!! But not only that I have made it to the 12 century mark with a total loss of -53 12 lbs......another nice surprise for my week was I tried on some clothes last night at the local Wal*Mart and I fit into a 22-24 which is down from a size 32 at the start of my Journey.......so much to be thankful for, and I give my thanks to God for this wonderful tool and the gift of the surgeons whom he entrust with our lives to better them.
Hello again, just stopping in after yet another week. WOW! what a different kind of week I had with a 3 day weekend at the start of my week then working for 3 days and then off for another 3 days! Had a nice weekend watching hubby working on an extension to our patio which is coming along very nice :o)
We went and had some fun at the casino last night...and actually came home a few dollars ahead and believe you me that doesn't happen to often.

On another note It has been a rough week with losing 2 of our WLS family members, one to the complications of obesity and cancer, and the 2nd to complications from WLS. I know many of us feel the loss as if it was one of our own family members. I am trying to keep in mind that we all go in to the surgery knowing the risk and that we make the choice anyways... but it is still hard to swallow, life is so short love as there is no tomorrow for there may not be.

I had no food issues this week so that was good trying to remember to eat slow and chew chew chew. But it is not always an easy thing to do. I am working on getting my water in.
Weight loss this week 2 12 lbs down now a total of -56 lbs weight 222 lbs
This week I need to continue to work on getting the water in, and I am still a bad bad girl and not doing a regular exercise program.
But I did accomplish something good this week I was able to weed eat the front yard and mow it with out getting tired or winded and you can't tell me that doesn't count for exercise!!! lol last yr at this time I would have had to take 5 breaks just weed eating alone! a loss of the 50+ lbs is totally amazing! God is good..... 

Mother's Day

May 11, 2003

Hi everyone, well another week has gone by and my journey is tending to get easier. I am not letting head hunger get the best of me, and continuing to stay on task.
It is so nice to be able to move around a little freer now, and with out so much pain. I still haven't started a routine exercise program I know shame on me.... but I did get dear hubby to take a walk with me after dinner this week. I am parking further away at the stores and taking the stairs at work, so I am adding a little more exercise to my daily schedule. The weight is still coming off this morning I weighed in at 23212 that's another 3 pounds down for a total of -4512 since surgery on 3-11-03 yeah me! I guess my 1st mini goal is set at 200 pounds a lost of -78 pounds by the time I go for my 3 mo check up with my surgeon which is scheduled for June 30th....so that's 3212 pounds to my 1st goal.... I hope I can make it!!!
2nd goal will be the century club, then I will continue to set new goals I think I will wait to achieve the 1st 2 before I set more :o)
Well I am now 2mo and 1 day post-op and am down -48 12 pounds I was really hoping to be down "50" but I just missed it!!!! oh well I am still happy with my progress, and how things are going.
I had a very exciting week... It all started out with Kim Mbodj asking me to be her angel... that was such an honor for me. I just hope I can do a good job for her... her surgery is June 2nd! I am so excited for her. I also had the opportunity to talk to Kim on the phone that too was very kewl, she sounds like a very sweet person...... I now she is excited to be on the losing side.
Mothers day was yesterday, after a long night at work I woke up to my 2 boys and their Happy Mothers day gift of a lovely amethyst heart pendant, it is lovely.
The day would have been wonderful, but my kids now mind you they are boys but they got into it within the 1st hour I was up and it kinda spoiled the day as my husband then in turn got angry too.
I went to visit my ex mother in-law as we remain very close, it was a nice visit. My mom however I missed out on as she was not home I left her a nice gift and a note, but never heard from her... I am from a large family and I am sure someone kidnapped her for the day. :o)
My mother in law lives out of town and hubby called her while I was a sleep so I missed out on wishing her a Happy Mothers Day.....but all in all and ok day.
This week I need to really focus on getting my water in and on eating my meals as I have not been getting in the requirements in either area and maybe that is why my weight has slowed down.... as I even picked up exercising last week... I am trying for at least 3x a week.so I have a few goals to shoot for and I am off to start....


Chew Chew Chew !

Apr 24, 2003

Well here's what happened to me tonight....after having had my surgery (open Ryn on 3-11-03) I just experienced my worst yet feeling..... I don't quiet know what happened or why.... but I was eating dinner, 2oz of Turkey and a small salad, and I mean I was eating slow and chew, chew, chewing, and about 15min had gone by when it felt like everything just stopped going down and was sitting on my chest.... it hurt something awful...and my mouth was a foaming like I needed to up-chuck..... however I am not one that can do that I just don't know how.... laugh if you like but....I'm serious I don't know how..... anyways it lasted about 4 hrs I was suppose to go to work I work the night shift, but I couldn't do it so after only being back at work not even 2wks I am already calling in.... I am sure I will be in trouble when I return.....my supervisor is not big on call ins. I don't know if this falls under dumping or not? I have had both food items before without problem... oh well I guess I am now one of the crowd and had my 1st food problem.
WOW! I was so excited at this mornings weigh in.... I can hardly believe it I weighed in at 235 12 lbs now down -42 12 lbs !! Yippy I can truly say I am so happy that I have had this surgery.... I am still wearing my same close but they are hanging on me but I refuse to spend $$ on clothes at this time........ I will so don't you worry, but I want to lose more 1st I want to be out of the specialty shops, you know, the ones that cater to only the large size woman!
to me this will be a real accomplishment.

I am doing well after my ordeal with the food stuck in my stoma issue.... and I am certainly not wanting to experience that again. I am happy with my progress still no noted complications from my surgery. Thank God

It has been a rough week with losing 2 of our WLS family, I know many of us feel the loss as if it was one of our own family members. I am trying to keep in mind that we all go in to the surgery knowing the risk and that we make the choice anyways... I know when it was my surgery day I prayed to God and asked him to watch over me, and my family to give them strength, I also told Gold if it was my time to go home with him I was ready, but that I would like to stay around for a while and watch my kids grow up and be a grandma. So much to look forward to, which of course is the reason to have the surgery in the 1st place to get my life back..... My heart goes out to the families, that loss their loved ones to WLS or for any cause as we are not promised a tomorrow, and where ever our paths lead us in the end I hope it is in to Gods hands. Where ever you are in your Journey my thoughts and prayers are with you.

About Me
Spanaway, Wa
Surgery Date
Apr 01, 2003
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