MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 11 years, 8 months ago
How are all of you doing that had surgery this pas - I am doing great and was wondering how everyone else was doing. I am down 75 pounds but I will tell took 1 month for the scale to move 4 pounds recently. I have about 25 pd...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 11 years, 8 months ago
Is thsi Normal? - I am almost 5 months out..down 70 pounds..which is amazing..however, the last two weeks straight I weigh the same exact every single day..186.6..cannot move the scale! Any ideas. I...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 11 years, 9 months ago
Am I the only one going thru this??? - I am 17 weeks out today and down 67 pounds. My beginning weight was 258 and I am now at 191. I have been the same weight for over one week. The last few weeks have been incredibl...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 11 years, 10 months ago
Really need words of encouragement tonight - I had my surgery at the end of May. I started at 258 and am not at 198.8. I feel like I should be down way more ..does this seem like a normal weight loss? I feel like I look in th...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 11 years, 10 months ago
PROTEIN SHAKES - My girlfriend had surgery 6 weeks ago and I had mine 3 months ago. I sent her some suggestions on yummy protein drinks and she said her NUT discourages any king od protein drink. I...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 11 years, 10 months ago
Im confused - Why are so many people saying not to eat protein bars on here? I eat a Quest bar everyday in place of one protein drink. My NUT said it is absolutely fine. I have been steadily los...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 11 years, 11 months ago
Bariatric Choice - Does anyone order from Bariatric Choice and if so what do you normally order from them?

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 11 years, 11 months ago
Going out tonight..what to drink - I know, I know, I should not drink anything BUT if I decide to have 1 drink what should it be?? I am 10 weeks out....

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 11 years, 11 months ago
Ptotein Bars-now I am really confused - I went to the main forum and was looking at some conversations. Are we NOT supposed to eat protein bars?? My NUT just advised me if I am tired of the shakes I can start eating them...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 11 years, 11 months ago
FLAT OUT FLATBREAD - Hi! I am 10 weeks out and today I made a mock pizza made out of flatout bread sauce and cheese. It went down fine. Bread is in my plan. Do these stats look ok? Fat-2.5 g Chol-0...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 11 years, 11 months ago
Just had a breakdown..need advice - I am 8 weeks out and have been very good about eating. My NUT advises 3 meals a day with protein drinks in between. I am down 44 pounds (still cant figure out how to move my tracke...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 11 years, 11 months ago
Weight Ticker - Can someone please explain how I add the weight tracker on to my profile in simple terms? Thanks!

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 11 years, 11 months ago
When can I? - Everything is going great..Lost 41 pounds and my surgery was on 5/21/2012. I have no regrets but it was very hard..alot harder than I thought! Few questions, When can I- Eat...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 11 years, 11 months ago
How many carbs should I be eating in a day - Hi friends! I am now almost six weeks out and everything is going great! Now that I am adding new foods slowly I wanted to know how many carbs are generally acceptable in one da...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 11 years, 11 months ago
When can I finally eat solid foods? - I am five weeks out today..down 34 pounds and very happy! I am eating soft foods and my NUT told me to eventually add lettuce and things like that. I tried to eat a cracker saturda...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
Can someone with experience look at my menu? - I am just about 4 weeks out and off of pureed. I want to make sure I am eating correctly and would like those with experience to comment or suggest..please! I want to do this right...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
Off Pureed..need help! - Yesterday I was allowed to go off pureed foods. I met with the nutritionist but still have questions that I forgot to ask. She said I could now have toast, tortillas, cereal. Do...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
The truth after 3 weeks do you feel? - Tomorrow I am 3 weeks out. My starting weight was 255 and today I am at 234. These are the feelings I have day to day and am wondering if this is normal. If you are considering sur...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
I don't get it - I had my operation on 5/21/2012. My start weight was 256 and as of this past Saturday I was at 238pds. As of Sunday thru today, I am at 240?? How can I gain? I am still on pureed d...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
To all of you who are still on pureed diet..lets t - Ok..Day 11 out..15 pounds down. I cannot take another day of babybel cheese, yogurt, applesauce, and bananas. The protein shakes are alos getting to me. I was ok with this until I ...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
10 days post op--need help - I am 10 days post op and down 13 pounds today. Few mistakes I have made-I ate plain KFC mashed potatoes and had instant dumping syndrome last night. I never want to have that again...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
7 Days Post-Op-is this normal? - I had my surgery last Monday and was feeling pretty good. Tayya is a different story. I am in in actual pain on my left side (almost like a stabbing pain) and it hurts to walk or s...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
How much longer? - I had my surgery this past Monday and am happt to report that I have had zero complications so far! I have a few questions.. How long were you sore after surgery? When did you st...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 12 years, 1 month ago
Surgery in 3 days-what is needed for home - I am having surgery n 3 days and my husband and I are going shopping tonight to grocery shop. Can anyone give me advice on absolute food necessities I should get for the first few ...

MAXALBRIANACATE posted a discussion topic 12 years, 1 month ago
I am so scared-8 more days until surgery - I am so scared and feeling so anxious. I have this impending feeling of doom ..1 in 200 people die from this surgery? I have done my research and prepared myself and ready for a ne...
About Me
Mar 30, 2012
Member Since
