One Year Surgiversary!

Jan 16, 2009

What a difference a year makes.  Even though I new from reading others experiences how much a life can change a year after the sleeve, somehow I just couldn't picture it happening to me. Well, I can say that it has happened. In some ways I'm not the same person anymore. I've lost a lot of the insecurity that comes with being overweight. I've lost some of the introvert personality that comes with being overweight. And I've lost a heck of a lot of clothes!!!.

I can't believe that a year has passed since I've had my surgery.  I still really enjoy and find going to a monthly support group very helpful and it is very supportive.  I really like getting new tips and ideas to try new things. At the last meeting on Saturday, I went to the support group wearing a pear of pants and t-shirt that I wore to the first meeting I attended.  It was amazing what a difference a year makes. I could hardly hold the pants up.  It's a good thing I h ad my new size 8 jeans on underneath! My personality is definately coming out more. I'm not nearly as self-conscious as I was being so overweight.

I'm happy most of the time. I find myself smiling without any obvious reason. My husband says he got the woman he married back.  It's all good. I have no regrets at all. I'm healthier as well since I go to the gym several times a week and I'm off my blood pressure med.  My New Years resolution this year is to get stronger (physically, mentally and emotionally).

I know I still have a few pounds to loose (the exact amount to be determined when I see my dr. next month). By my main weight goal is to ease into maintenance.  I'm happy at this weight and don't really mind it. I'm afraid I'm only going to get much more saggier if I loose more weight.

As always I want to thank all of you guys on this board for the amazing support and good ideas I've received over the year.  I know I'm not on much anymore but I check in a couple times of week just to see if there is anything I can add to a post or learn from a post.  I wish you all amazing success on this incredible journey we have chosen to take.

(I promise to post pictures within the week)

10-14-2008 9 months out

Oct 14, 2008

9 months out and exactly 100 lbs down . . . . once again I cannot believe it!.  I went on a plane two weeks ago and had more than enough room. I am constantly crossing my legs now and am loving that! Went up stairs and on a long hike and didn't have to worry about getting winded or needing a helping hand.  It was great.
I have been challenged the last few weeks with trying some old favorites . . . the good news is that I only have a spoonful or two and I'm done.  Guess I still need to work on my head a bit. 
I actually tried some clothes on in a dressing room at a store recently.  That was a first in many, many years.
Thanks everyone for all your support as always it is greatly appreciated.

My next goal is to go on the elipitical and  not have to change the weight (at least not up).  Hopefully I will make that goal by the beginning of December.

Take care and I will check in again next month.


9-14-08 --- 8 months out

Sep 16, 2008

On Monday I was eight months out . . . can't believe how life has changed.  I don't think there is a day goes by where someone doesn't mention how great I am looking.  It's good to hear because I still need reassurance.  I am wearing a size 12 now and can't believe the number.  I still have to ask my DH or DD how I look because I don't have a clue.  Guess I need to take some new pictures, maybe that will make me more objective.  It's hard to think think after being so overweight for so long.
I have to admit that I enjoy shopping now. I actually went into a dressing room and tried on some clothes for the first time on Sunday. Usually I just bring them home, try them on and end up returning most things.
My exercise is good. I can eat just about everything, just small amounts. I do have to admit that "good & Gooey" goes down a lot easier than protein. But as long as I stick to protein first, then I don't really have room for the other. My only problem that I would love to get rid of is the stomach acid.  I take omeprosole everyday but it isn't enough . . . guess I'll check with my PCP to see if I can take two a day instead.
As always, thanks for your support. I promise by next month to get a new profile picture . . . it's got to be different by now!
Life is good, I'm happy and in disbelief. I love my sleeve.

9/1/08 - Great goal met today

Sep 01, 2008

What a great day today was. I did my weekly weigh in this morning and my weight was 168. Not only did I loose 3 lbs this week, but that also means:
1. I am no longer obese, just overweight
2. I weigh 1 lb less than my husband (which has been a dream of mine for a long time)
3. And I've lost a total of 90 pounds
I went shopping to buy a gift for my daughter's birthday tomorrow and when they asked for my ID the sales lady said congratulations you have lost a lot of weight haven't you?  WOW really made me feel good. Life just keeps getting better.  It is truly amazing. I am so greatful for this amazing tool I have. I'm one happy "little" lady these days.

7 Month Journey & Pics

Aug 17, 2008

I am now seven months out and in total ahh of my sleeve.  I just can't believe the incredible change in this short amount of time.  Even though I had researched and new many people had changed dramatically, somehow I never really thought it would happen to me this quickly.

I am happy and getting more fit with each day. One of my motivating factors for having this surgery is to be a healthy grandma.  Well, I think I will achieve the "healthy" part before the "grandma" part. But I will be ready to be a grandma when my daughter is ready to be a mom!

The last month or so I don't think a day has gone by when I haven't received a comment about my weight loss - it's been great.

I still have no apetite for food and really do need to remind myself to eat.  I find that I can eat just about anything, just small amounts.  I love this as I don't feel deprived at all. My biggest food temptation is ice cream --- it goes down too easy. So I have replaced it with sugar free popsicles and hope winter comes soon as my craving seems to go away with the cold.

I am almost at the point of just being overweight and no longer obese . . . that is a moment I am looking forward to.

Thank you everyone for all your support . . .

6 months out and . . . .

Jul 17, 2008

I'm 6 months out and happy as a clam (so to speak).  I am now down 78 pounds and feel pretty good.  It's great hearing all the compliments about how "tiny" I am. I still weight about 180 pounds so that is not so tiny.  I'm lucky in that I loose weight evenly over my body and not just in one place.  It took a while to see the weight loss but now people are amazed. I will try to get some pictures posted one of these days.

Food - I can eat pretty much anything though I still have no appetite and find it challenging to get all my protein & nutrients in by food.  I would much rather drink protein shakes throughout the day though I know that is not best for me.

I still have a lot of stomach acid and take omeprazole almost every day.

Water - still a challenge to get down. I always get 2 & often 3 bottles a day, but feel I should be getting at least 4 down every day. I need to work on that.

Exercise - I'm still going to the gym 4-5 days a week and am beginning to enjoy it more and more.  My upper arms are sagging badly ----- but right now that is the least of my worries.

Attitude - much happier. I just got back from directing a camp for two weeks (our 21st anniversary) and many of the kids noticed that I seem happier.  My husband has noticed too. Well, I am. It's nice to be able to feel a bit better about myself after so many years of putting myself down.

Energy - much better. If it goes down I know it's because I'm not getting enough protein in.

Hair - well it's been falling out the last two months or so. I haven't started taking anything yet, but I'm going to.  I'm lucky I started with a thick head of hair.

I have no regrets so far. I wish I had done it when I was younger, but then maybe I wouldn't have been ready to make the life changes I am willing to make now. Timing is everything.

I still take it one day at a time.

I am always greatful for the support and information I receive from this forum.

Thank you!

5 Months out AND . . .

Jun 17, 2008

70 pounds down . . . I am just in awe of this sleeve.  I really can't believe it.  Even though my weight loss seems so slow the last two months . . . it's still coming down.  I've been wearing some size 14 pants and that's the smallest size I have right now!  It seems that almost every day I am adding clothes to a good will bag.  It is amazing.

What has helped so much is the support and information I receive from this board.  I know that I don't post often enough but I do try to check in every other day or so.

Every Father's day I make Almond Roca for my dad and brothers.  This year I had some left over so last night I brought it to a couple of friends I was meeting for coffee.  I knew if I kept it in my house that the temptation would be too great (it is really good tasting stuff . . . but really bad for you!).  I was proud of myself for being able to do that.

I still have no sense of body image.  For so many years all I saw was my face when I looked in the mirror.  I really have no objectivity about my appearance / size.  I think I am ready to take and post some pictures. I'm hoping this will help me to see reality.

I've been exercising pretty regularly . . . I need to get back into tracking my food again so that I know I'm eating healthy.  Maybe this month!

Again . . . thank you all so much for your advice, support and willing "ear".


Life is Good

May 29, 2008

Today I find myself smiling alot.  I'm happy.  I realize that I am smiling more and more and it's a good feeling.  It seems to make those around me happier too!

The last 6 or 7 weeks my weight loss has slowed down, I've had stalls but because I knew they would come I've been able to deal with them.  I'm fine loosing a pound or two one week and nothing the next (at least for now).   My clothes are looser and that's such a great feeling.

Yesterday I decided to start tracking my food again. I stopped at about 2 months out.  I was amazed to see how much protein I'm getting in (over 100 grams). My carbs are about 50 so I know I need to knock them down a little. 

I happened to check my BMI today and I am officially just "obese" no longer "morbidly obese" and I guess that is a good thing. I can't wait until i am no longer obese --- I really hate that word!

I'm exercising at least 4-5 days a week and I feel as though I'm getting stronger and my endurance is getting better.  I'm actually beginning to like the eliptical machine which I never thought I would.

I think I can now honestly say that I love my sleeve!  Thanks for all your support.



May 14, 2008

Well I made it to Onederland! I can't believe it.  I feel so great!  The last 6 weeks have been really slow going.  I was doing so well until then.  But you know, I didn't let it get to me.  This board taught me to expect stalls so when it happened I was ready.  I measured myself and saw that I was loosing inches.  It's amazing how quickly clothes are getting loose on me.  I got three pairs of size 16 pants for $5 each and they are starting to get baggy in the legs already . . .  my mouth is just hanging open in amazement!

This week is my 4 month anniversary and I am so  amazed that I've lost 60 pounds!  I know some people have done much more than that ---- but I couldn't be happier!

I am so glad I've had this surgery and I am so grateful for all the advice and support I've received on this board.

Thanks everyone,

3 month report . . .

Apr 19, 2008

Well last Tuesday I had my 3 month check up.  My labs were ok --- low in Thiamine and one of the protein (short term) tests.  Since my surgery I've lost 47 lbs.  Not bad at all.  All together I've lost 51 lbs.  My treat for loosing 50 lbs was a new hair cut which I got last night.  It felt good to reward myself.  I have 3 bags of clothes ready for Good Will - my closet is looking slimmer as well.

The first two months were a little tough - but this last month has been much better.  I am learning (albeit the hard way) to listen to my body and not my head.  Sometimes I "think" I should be able to eat a certain amount, but my body really doesn't want it all.  This is not an easy lesson to learn.

I've been going to the gym about 4 days a week.  I have 10 sessions with a personal trainer that came with my membership.  Can't say I'm enjoying the training, but I can see that it is good for me.  I'm learning to laugh at myself.  Sometimes I look at my trainer as if to say "you've got to be kidding!".  But I try to do what they say to the best of my poor ability.  I do feel I'm getting stronger though not as quickly as I had hoped.

All in all, I'm already a happier person because of the sleeve.  I have more energy & agility.  I believe my quality of life is improving daily.  At my appointment I told my doctor that pound by pound I'm gaining my life back.

Thanks again for all your support.  This forum is really invaluable to me.  I actually think I'm going to make my goal!


About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 08, 2007
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 14
10-14-2008 9 months out
9-14-08 --- 8 months out
9/1/08 - Great goal met today
7 Month Journey & Pics
6 months out and . . . .
5 Months out AND . . .
Life is Good
3 month report . . .
