It gives me great pleasure to thank everyone for the past 3 years of learning and sharing.  Yes 2007 will make 4 years since I've had weight loss surgery.  I am so thankful in maintaining my weight loss, and learning so much more about myself.  I have to give it all to God for just allowing me chance after chance in life.  I know just like changes have occurred in all our lives, mine in particular so many changes have occurred after weight loss surgery.  Yes I've lost loved ones, encountered more challenges, but most of all grown even more spiritually.  I wish you guys could read my past profile from the beginning of my weight loss journey.  I just finished reading it, and WOW I inspired myself.  Just to know first hand how far I've truly come.  So I guess I can truly say OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE NEW. 

To all of you who are new to my profile....This is the brief version from the beginning of my journey....until NOW.  My pre-op weight was 313.....My lowest post-op WAS 174.  Notice I said WAS.....I'll get into that later....(smiling).   Boy did I experience some hardships during the time I was making the decision about surgery.  I had given birth to my second child (my prince), and caring for my first child (my princess) who has cerebral palsy.  MY2BLESSINGS.  I'd loss both my parents in the same year, called off a wedding two days prior due to disloyalty, and later let the truth really be revealed....MAJOR INFIDELITY.  Needless to say, Depression stayed with me all the time.  I literally stepped out on my own in life.  Well obesity wasn't my best friend...instead I WAS MY OWN ENEMY HEALTH WISE.  I made so many decisions based on what others would think or say.  However, God allowed some things to really take place in my life to PUT HIM FIRST, and LOVE ME ENOUGH TO MAKE SOME DECISIONS....One of which had to be my health.  I did just that.  My size was once a 26....Now I am a size 12 (even when I wear my maternity clothes)....SURPRISE!!!!! 

Remember I WAS 174....well now I am now 187.  Thats because today (03-01-2007) ....I am a NEW WIFE, with THE NEW LOVE OF MY LIFE, IN A NEW HOME, NEW JOB, WITH MY2BLESSINGS, AND WAITING ON MY THIRD BLESSING.  I am healthy as ever, and loving my life to the fullest.  Yes, its life...UPS AND DOWNS.  Its designed to only make you stronger.  Just like WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY.....its a tool.  You have to decide how you're going to ust it.  Its not a cure, but can definately be a BEGINNING.  Pray about it....and if its what GOD has confirmed for you....BE ALL ABOUT YOU.  Do what is best for you.  Live life daily....BE BLESSED AND ENCOURAGED ALWAYS......  Hopefully I can get some before and after pictures on this site for you guys.  By the way.....I was 227 in the bigger now I am even smaller.   

Please check out more pictures at the following site....  (TO VIEW MY ENTIRE JOURNEY PLEASE CONTINUE TO READ BELOW).....I am now 31 years old..My journey began FIVE YEARS AGO....Wow how time goes by!!!

(Type in blessdmkmom in the search block)

I am a 25 year old single female blessed with two children ages 11 months old and 6 years old. Difficulty with weight loss has been a normal occurence for me since a young age. I had grown accustomed to all the things even family would say to me and about me. For instance I was known as the "big girl" and was always told "hey you're bigger then your momma" by many. What a way to boost a young child's self esteem especially a little girl right? However, their way of justifying the insults aways came with what was called "assurance" that my big frame as a child "runs in the family." The only known weight loss method was to "push away from the table." Little did anyone know I hardly ate and often times ate FAR MORE LESS then others. So what was the REAL PROBLEM? I now realize that could have been a way to discourage my STRONG views of bariatric surgery only because its not what they would do. Attempting to be happy, I would always smile and try so hard to LOVE ME. Even with all the ridiculous statements, sadly enough I began to justify my weight like many of them forgetting all about ME. I WAS NOT HAPPY AND DID NOT LOVE ME. However, reality set in, and I had no other choice but to reassess my life. ITS PRECIOUS AND VALUABLE...and tomorrow is not promised. I have two young children (my 6yr old has cerebral palsy that affects her legs only) and they need MOMMY... might I add both are petite. So "it all runs in the family" isn't necessarily true. Their metabolic makeup is totally different from mine. However, I am a firm believer that obesity is hereditary, and should be taken seriously and not downplayed. The best time to do something about it is while a person is young. Just like potty training, training a child to learn about their metabolism is important as well. I watch my two children, and their ways of eating. My daughter eats so slow, and it does not take much to satisfy her hunger she knows when shes full and will not take another bite. My son on the other hand though he is small, boy he can chow down. He will eat all his food, and help himself to yours if you allow him. Its like he's never full. I am happy that I can already identify his problem, and instead of making excuses for him do something to help him NOW. My son has MY FAT GENE, and I will not allow anyone to teach him the ways I'd been taught or make excuses as to why he should not be healthy. My life really flashed before me when reality really took its toll in losing both of my parents in less than one year. They died seven months apart in 2002 (Apr & Nov). My father died first with pancreatic cancer (studies show obesity is a link), and my mother died the day after Thanksgiving in a local Walmart store of a massive heartache. Her prior history of congestive heart failure and hypertension were the leading contributing factors to her sudden death. Of course all this devastated me, but through it all God continues to mend my heart. I feel so lost sometimes without them, but I will learn the lesson from it. After my loss I suffered with depression and felt that life was not worth living. I was involved with who I thought was a wonderful man, and had planned a wedding to marry the man I loved more then myself. (BIG MISTAKE) LOVE GOD FIRST THEN MYSELF NEXT THEN THE REST. Of course every woman has the fairy tale wedding pictured in her mind. Mine was about to come true. However, two night before it was due to take place on April 12th 2003 my dream turned into any brides worst nightmare. It was to my SUDDEN surprise that the man who was calling me his fiancee' decided to send emails to his home state saying he was not sure about marrying me. Thats fine, but he never shared that with me, instead continued to make plans and even get marriage license with me. Even more I found out that his beloved family had issues with me for unknown reasons. I'd never done anything to them except buy gifts, send pictures, invite them to my home if they were willing to travel, and most of all invite them into my life. At that time the main thing did not occur to me, and that was them ALL BEING PETITE including the man I called my fiancee'. "Now how could he really fall in love and want to marry the big girl?" I laugh at it now because one thing is for sure I was not the very best for ME so how could I have been for him. Although them discriminating against me because of my BIG physical flaw was inappropiate I was still a wreck emotionally, and most of all spiritually. I had given up on myself and God was not pleased with me. Surely, I would not have offered my very best to a man becoming my could I when I wasn't doing the very best for ME. So now here I am....I put GOD FIRST (daily prayer and a humble spirit within) and ME battle with my weight and appearance FOR ME. I first started with my dealing with things, and not depending on others for my happiness. I've learned the lesson to reassure MYSELF. Don't trust that others will do it for me. Boy it was great when I came to terms with that, but now is the greatest battle being overcome with a GREAT VICTORY...MY WHOLE 304lbs. I would never tell anyone that, but the secret is out now. I'm telling the world about it, and how proud to say that all that is going to change because of a decision I MADE FOR ME. No matter what some critics may say....all I will say is watch out now and really watch out later. The new ME has a lot to do. I am ready to begin living my life healthy and finally be able to run with my children, be rid of the seatbelt phobia, and wear a bathing suit without a tee shirt. Most of all, finally exercise without being overcome by fatigue. I am going to live longer and will continue to grow with my two precious angels. I only knew my parents for 22 years which is a long but short period of time to be with your Mom and Dad. So now that God has continued to bless me to carry on their legacies I am going to make sure I invest wisely in my health. I hope this will inspire someone who maybe searching for something, and has not realized that they hold the key within themselves. THINK ABOUT IT, PRAY ABOUT IT, DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU. God Bless!!!!

07/18/03- Hey everyone the first time I viewed this site I was undecided about the surgery, but now after reading and seeing all the wonderful before and after pictures...its now my turn. I made the first step this morning by calling to begin the first process. I will be attending the initial group consultation on Sept. 9th. I am excited about it. I already scheduled my first office visit for Sept. 23rd. Though its seems far away its really not. I am very excited about it all. If there's anyone else who will be attending that date and is reading this feel free to email me. God Bless you all.

07/25/03- Today is my daughters 7th birthday. We are in the middle of moving, and needless to say I am not a happy camper. Its so hot outside, and the house is just a mess. However, with God's strength WE WILL MAKE THIS A HAPPY DAY!!! I've finished my daughters bedroom, and last night we did sponge painting on her walls. Its really pretty so this will be the setting for her birthday party. I think its going to be really neat. The kids will like the room, and also having the picnic style party.
Still a little undecided about the surgery, but have not stop researching it. I will keep you all posted. Until next time BE BLESSED...Stay Encouraged!!!

08/25/03- Okay everyone I know its been a while. I've been very busy with the house. Also I've been going through a little depression. This house was my parents home, and it has not been an easy task changing it around. I grew up here, and memories are so vivid. I had my 26th birthday on 08/10. It rained all day, and needless to say that did not help me at all. I did not do anything for my birthday it was just another day. My son had his 1st birthday two days ago (08/23). We went out to dinner and had birthday cake for him. He did the traditional cake smashing with his hands, and smearing it everywhere. We had a ball though even the waitress who had to clean up the mess. I helped her though and gave a nice tip afterwards. I did get a lot of joy. Although I am still waiting for my group consultation in September, I am pretty sure that I'll strongly consider WLS. I'm sure it is quite normal for everyone to go back and forth about WLS. I will admit thats how its been lately for me. However, my mind is definately made up about one thing, and that is GETTING THIS WEIGHT OFF. I know I have to put forth some TRUE effort, and not just wait for my visit with the doctor. That would be much to easy. I am a firm believer that God allow things to happen in life for a reason. He will open new doors for you. Well I am here in the house that has become the new home for my children and I. We once lived with my former fiancee' and suddenly he was called to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for temporary active duty for the US Navy. He is stationed on shore duty for the next 3-4 years here in Norfolk, VA. Him being called away suddenly was God's way of allowing the definate breaking point between us both for me to REALLY get my life in order. After the whole wedding ordeal distance was taking place in both our hearts. Though I was always fully committed to him and our relationship....things aren't the same. Maybe I was committed to him more then God. BIG MISTAKE...God is a jealous God. I am feeling that right now surgery would not be the best thing for my children because I feel like I can't do it all alone. However, I am learning there is something called faith, and until I definately know what I plan to do in regards to my weight loss surgery, one thing is for sure I WILL PRAY ABOUT IT DAILY, and not give up on it, but turn it over to God. I will continue to research it. I truly thank God for his work. For now I am going to start a few things myself. You know to get my body out of the unhealthy mode. So I am really asking for any suggestions from you all to really get me on the move into the right direction. It does not matter whether you've had WLS or not. Just share some things that have worked for you. I am very open to try anything reasonable and logical until I find what works for me. I will keep you all updated with my progress. Thank you all in advance for your ideas and wonderful support......God Bless. Remember always "Shoot for the moon and even when you feel you've missed you will always be amongst the stars." Stay encouraged!!!

09/09/03- Today I attended the group consultation meeting at Sentara Leigh Memorial Hospital. It was very informative, and if I ever had any doubts about having the surgery, I was reassured today that I am making the right decision. I met so many people today who had the same feelings I had, but then it was one person in particular that I saw which made me really realize that I better get my weight under control now while I am young. I always felt that I was only person to battle with my weight, but I am truly thankful that its no worse then what it is, and it can all be changed only if I truly want to change. It was explained to us that this is not a MAGIC SOLUTION, but a LIFETIME DECISION to change our lifestyles. I was really motivated and am quite excited. I know what everyone who's been waiting really feel like now. If I could have gotten on the table to get it done TODAY...I would have. One good thing is on Sept. 11th I will going to my primary care physician for the medical documentation needed. YIPPEE!!! I am really eager to start a brand new life. My office appointment with the surgeons is scheduled for Sept. 23rd. TWO WHOLE WEEKS AWAY. Thats not to far away, but FAR ENOUGH. I will keep you all updated....STAY ENCOURAGED!!!

09/11/03- Hey everyone!!! Each day I am more and more excited. Well today I went to see my primary care physican. Wonderful woman. I really thought she was going to try and discourage me from getting the surgery because surprisingly I'd lost 9lbs. However, she was so positive about it, and what made it all the better is when she told me she knew Dr. Schnechner. That made me feel great. She said that she would recommend any of her patients to him and Dr. Yancey for the procedure. Thank God. Normally some doctors are either strongly for it or against it unless your life is greatly at risk because of your weight. I do not have any known health conditions but she did treat me for depression. Which she said my weight is definately linked to that so why not get to the root and be rid of it. I just felt so good after talking to her. She did my physical form and wrote a prescription for lab work i.e. thyroid, cholesterol screening, hemoglobin, etc. So I will be doing that Tuesday. Also God works in mysterious ways. I just want to share with you all that about a month ago I was truly undecided if I was going to continue on with the surgery because I'd just moved and felt like I had no one to help me with my children in the event of me having surgery. Well my cousin happens to work for my primary care physician and needless to say she's so excited as well. They were talking and the doctor told my cousin that if she had to take some time off from work to help me then she would help her get the time needed to help me. Tears came to my eyes. I could not believe it when I heard it, but she said it. My aunt (cousins mom) also had WLS different surgeon though, and she also said that she would be here to take care of me. Then my brother came along and told me to tell him the date of my surgery when the time come, and he will take time off for me. Boy, I truly thank God. Just have faith the size of a mustard seed, and God will surely supply your every need. Everything is moving right along Thank God......It works if you just believe it will work!!! Everyone just stay encouraged!!!!! God is GREAT ALL THE TIME....Be Blessed!!!

09/23/03- Hey everyone!!! Well I went to the office visit today. Boy did it go quickly. I was so impressed. The staff was wonderful and straight to the point. I was out of there in 20 minutes. They ask you every question you can possibly think of, and its really great if you be totally honest with them because it will make a greater chance for you being approved. For some reason I am not nervous about being approved. I am just excited more then anything. I try to tell myself not to get carried away because the approval process in the biggest hurdle to jump. So everyone please pray that I be approved. I will keep you all posted as to my progress. Oh yeah and for those of you who made it through the Hurricane Isabel....please be sure to Thank God for us surviving the storm. It was truly a bad storm, and many people were affected. Please know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers. Always remember though a storm comes in life once in a while to attempt to blow you off course....God's radiance and sunshine is promise through his son Jesus Christ to provide a light and warmth for our spirit ALWAYS. Stay Encouraged!!!!

09/24/03- MY MY MY....I cannot believe I am updating you all SO SOON. I GOT APPROVED!!!! I am SO EXCITED!!!! I really did not expect the insurance to get back this soon. LESS THAN 24 HOURS. I can remember reading all the other profiles on this website and would it find it hard to believe that the insurance was so quick about it. I AM LIVING PROOF.....they do take bariatric treatment seriously and when you meet the criteria they will APPROVE it QUICKLY. Well my surgery date is scheduled for October 27th at Sentara Leigh Memorial Hospital in Norfolk, VA. Wow!!!! I now realize that is less than one month away. I can officially start the count.....1 month 3 days to go. Well I will keep you all informed. Blessings to you all!!!! Stay Encouraged!!!!!

09/27/03- Hi everyone!!! First of all I would like to give a special thanks to my angel Misty Adams, and my new friend Tahrea Crenshaw. Both of you have REALLY inspired me. You know I also want to share with everyone how God sent a special friend named Hilary Hutchinson into my life when I really needed someone. Initially she had moved down the street to help her brother, but it turns out she's here to help me. I'll tell you I've been really feeling like I am alone especially after my parents died and the ending of a long relationship with my former fiancee'. God sent someone to me to inspire me daily and be my buddy. So now I can say that each day is another day to be productive and do something wonderful. Anyway these three ladies have really encouraged me and they all say they are there for me and Tahrea even said she's going to be there when I go in for surgery....AWWWWW!!!! Thats so special to me. At any rate, I've been going back and forth not necessarily feeling like I don't want to do this, but more like is it the right time to do it. I talked to Tahrea who is on the losing side (since 08/05/03) and she told me that all these feelings are normal. So Misty if you're reading this...and you feel the same way girl...Tahrea says ITS VERY NORMAL. I can't believe its exactly one month away. WOW!!! Time is moving. I received a phone yesterday from Dr. Yancey's office (they are so sweet)and his secretary told me that she was mailing out a packet for me to get all my lab work done. I have four different appointments before the surgery. I was half asleep while talking to her so that may not be correct, but I do know she said in the packet I would receive all that information. I am so please with them thus far...they take care of everything. All you have to do is SHOW UP. WONDERFUL!! So I will update you all after I get my labs done...(needles YUCK!!!!), but I'll be able to handle it all. Well thats about it for now....I will keep you all posted...Stay Encouraged!!!!

10/10/03- Hey everyone!!! Well I am 16 1/2 days away from being on the other side. I am really starting to have butterflies now. I've never been so excited about going to get bloodwork and labs done, but I am for this. Even with my pregnancies I was not to thrilled about all the needle poking. The weekend is here, and Monday morning I'll be on my way to get the work done. Then next Thursday I go to sit with Dr. Yancey and his staff for two hours. I need to sit and think of all the questions I need to ask him beforehand so I do not leave out anything. God knows these last couple of days has been a challenge for me mentally, but I am so thankful for a lot of people who really came through for me to help me keep on going. (you know specifically who you are)....I LOVE YOU ALL!!! In particular my friend Michael Daniels, he's been on me alot these days to keep my spirits up and moving along with my other friends. Encouraging me not to give up on myself, and love me. Thanks GUYS!!! You're a sweetie. Thank God for wonderful friends and family. I did ask Mike out of curiousity about the surgery...(you know a males point of view) to my surprise he was so happy for me. Besides my brother he was the only other man I would talk to openly about it. He just said he could not wait to see me afterwards. He said I've always been attractive, but somehow I never believed that. He said he's happy that I am finally doing something that will make me feel so much better, and most of all healthier. I needed to hear that from him. He was so positive about it, and told me he supports me all the way in it. Oh and my darling and loving sister in law took a WHOLE WEEK off from work to take the children, and to be with me. She did not even tell me...what a surprise it was to me. My brother is taking some time off from work to be with me as well. My aunt and cousin are still going to be with me, and my wonderful friends Tahrea, her mom, and my darling angel are going to be there, and Hilary is waiting for the call as well. Wow!!! To think a couple of months ago I was so worried about how all this was going to happen and fall in place. My friends look at what PRAYER can do. IT REALLY WORKS. I have so many people that are so supportive of what I'm doing I can only rejoice about it. Thank you GOD!!! You just don't know how this website has really inspired me to just go for my dreams. Weightloss has been one of the greatest dreams for me. Well I could go on and on, but I'll save some for the next time after the lab work. Stay Encouraged everyone!!!!

10/13/03- Hey everyone!!! Well I made it through the labs, and I have to say that everyone at Sentara Leigh Memorial outpatient surgical services are wonderful. Hillary went with me, and watched my active son. My daughter was in school. The staff was so quick about everything and they all knew Dr. Schnechner and Dr. Yancey. That made me feel wonderful and only reassured me even more. My appointment was scheduled for 9:00 am. They wanted me there a half hour early to register. I got there 8:45 am and just knew because I was running late I would have to be waiting all day. I was really surprised. I was done and out of there by 11:00 am. I couldn't believe it. My blood work was done so fast and the girl who did it got my vein on the first stick. In the past people would have to search for a good vein. She really knew her stuff, and got it the first time. I even had a bet going that she would not be able to get it. I lost!!! Then the same young lady did my EKG. We were talking and she mentioned she had the surgery two years ago. She looked great. She told me her highest weight was 323 and now it fluctuates between 144 and 148. It was the first time I actually met someone that was close to my size now and see them post op. She also told that she had a little boy last August. My son is 4 days older then him, and of all things her little boy was born on my mother's birthday. That was so special to me. I will never forget that young lady for sure. She said that she would be following up on me when I go in for the procedure. I also had to take a chest and stomach x-ray. I had to drink barium....(yuck!!) Even that was not so bad. It had a chalky taste, but the makers of it tried to make it easy to drink by adding a fruity taste to it. That did help a lot. Everything came out okay though. So now in three days waiting for the appointment with Dr. Yancey himself. I will let you all know how that goes. Thank all of you that have been keeping me uplifted through your wonderful messages, and prayers. This past week has been a true challenge for me, and major changes occurred in my social life. I am praying on that situation, but will still hold my head up high despite those changes. You all have kept me lifted. God Bless you all!!! Stay Encouraged

10/16/03- Hey Everyone!! Well everything is OFFICIALLY complete in regards to pre-op procedures. Today I met with Dr. Yancey. Oh my he is so beautiful :-) Just had to add that. Now back to the visit....there were four other individuals there as well. I am the only person having the surgery on the 27th of this month, but everyone else that was there is having it the same week as myself. So we all agreed that we will be meeting up again on the same hospital floor and start our recovery together. It really makes me feel wonderful to be meeting individuals going through the same thing I am, and we all can talk openly and freely about our weight issues. Its all just so exciting. I truly thank GOD for him allowing those individuals to come into my life especially at this time. The visit started off as a group visit where we filled out some paperwork, took before pictures, and then had a group meeting with Dr. Yancey. He shared a computer animation of the procedure along with very detailed information in regards to our recovery and hospital stay. I mean he really made me feel so comfortable, and he really knows his stuff. I first went in thinking I was going to ask for the laparoscopic procedure instead of the open incision, but after talking to him...he really convinced me that the open incision was the best procedure for me. He also gave our prescriptions that will be needed after surgery. Last the appointment ended with an private examination where he and his nurse assisted in checking your reflexes, breathing, stomach, breast, etc. I felt so comfortable with him. Well everyone I am so much closer to that day. Very excited!!! I will update again very soon.... Stay Encouraged!!!

10/20/03- I AM ONLY ONE WEEK AWAY FROM THE LOSING SIDE YIPPPPEEEEE!!!!! Hey everyone!!! It is 11:47 a.m. Next week this time I will officially be on the losing side. WOW!!! Time went by so quick. I have so much to do before the week is out. I will try to update you all the morning of my procedure....if not then you will surely hear from my angel, Misty about my progress and also from myself if I feel up to it. Keep me in your prayers, and please keep those who are helping me during my recovery in your prayers as well. I would like to especially thank my brother, Fred and beautiful sister in law Atonya. They will be opening their home to my children for my recovery. Atonya even took A WHOLE WEEK OFF from work just for this special moment. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! My next update I will be well on my way....God Bless.....Stay Encouraged!!!!

10/27/03- Well everyone I am about to leave and on my way to the hospital. Please keep me in your prayers. I am very nervous, but know and believe that God has me wrapped in my everlasting arms. Also my parents will be watching over me. I will update you all when I return home, and is officially on the losing side. God Bless!!!!

10/30/03- HOORAY!!!!! Thank you Jesus. I am still here and officially on the losing side. I am staying with my brother and sister in law until I am back up and around again. My stay at the hospital was wonderful and the staff at Leigh Memorial only get very high marks from me. They really know how to care for patients going through this type of procedure, and everyone knows Dr. Yancey. He was great in making his rounds early in the morning, and told you step by step what to expect. The only minor complication that I did experience was my temperature went up a little. That came from me not using my breathing device to help clear my lungs. I was afraid at first because I thought it was going to pull on my incision, but it did not. After I started using it my fever went right down. Boy walking was a task at first, but WALK WALK WALK, it really does help alot. I had some back pain right after surgery, and I had to get up and stand as soon as I was taken to my room. The nurses were shocked that I was able to stand right after surgery. That did soothe my back right away. Well I am home and wanted to let everyone know I am officially on the losing side. I will keep you all informed as to my progress. Stay Encouraged and God Bless!!!!!

10/31/03- Wow!!! Thank you Jesus. I feel SO GOOD! I tell you I can't believe how wonderful I feel. I know that having this surgery is the GREATEST thing I could have done for ME. Already I see weight loss in my legs. I am so full of energy. My brother is going to take me out today to get my vitamins and things needed to keep my energy up. Plus he was telling me about this lady he works with who had the surgery, and she was saying the importance of keeping up my protein to control hair loss. So after I update you all I am on my way out to get some vitamins. I will be honest and tell you cravings do hit ya like a ton of bricks. I think its more of a mind thing though. I love pasta and spaghetti. Well guess what my sister in law cooked last night for the family. YEP you bet spaghetti. I had to get up and wash the dishes this morning just to keep from dipping in any leftovers. I am so proud of myself for doing that. Plus I was scared like heck to really dip into any of that sauce. Just remembering what everyone said about being naughty and the dumping syndrome. Believe me I am not one for any extra pain. So needless to say I think I can control my cravings now. I've just learned already to substitute my craving with something I like from my own food list. Well just wanted to let you all know how great I feel. Anyone reading this I hope my experience will encourage you. Stay Encouraged!!! God Bless!!!!

11/18/2003- A GREAT HELLO!!! To everyone :-)
(From 313lbs. to 291 lbs)(BMI from 49 to 45.6)
I am so happy, and you all are the very first for me to share my happiness with. I went to the doctor's office today for my 3-4 week follow up visit. I LOST 21.5 lbs I could not believe it. I had to get off the scale and get on it again. I was so excited. I know everyone had been telling me that I'd lost weight, but I could not see it. I guess its all because I am still able to fit the same clothes, but I must admit my clothes fit loose. The tights I have are now loose. I go back in four months. I was told that I will be losing about 10 lbs a month. We'll see about that. I am confident that I can do it. I also graduated from the MUSHY DIET (smile). I can FINALLY eat some real food. My favorite so far are king crablegs minus the butter. I am already in the habit of reading labels on food which is a great habit for anyone to get into. You would be surprised as to all the junk in food these days. That is truly why our kids are growing like they are. So just be careful as to what you're giving yourself and your family to eat. I have a 1 year old and boy does he love to eat. So guess what...whenever he see me snacking I allow him to snack along with me, but since I can only snack on good nutritious food so does he. Thats a plus. Well I just wanted to share with everyone my great news. I will update you all again very soon. Stay Encouraged!!! BE BLESSED....

11/26/03- (291 lbs to 286 lbs)(BMI 45.6 to 44.8)
Hey everyone!!!! Its been a challenge for me I must admit. My hormones are really out of order these days. I only pray that it all gets better. A lot of it has to do with I lost my mother last year this time. The day after Thanksgiving. Needless to say I am not in the mood for turkey and the trimmings. I will make it though. I've been laying around a lot lately...I really think I am dealing with depression again. I don't know what to do. Sometimes I get so lonely and don't have anyone to really talk to. Well I get a little joy from knowing I lost 5 lbs. Bringing my weight down to 286. So far my whole weight lost total has been 26.5 lbs. YIPPEEE!!!! My 1 month surgery anniversary will be tomorrow. So I guess that should be something to really hold my head up about. Everyone please keep me and my family in your prayers this holiday season. Its my first one without my Mother, and its hard. Be Blessed!!!! Stay Encouraged!!!!

12/01/03- (286 lbs. to 280 lbs.)(BMI 44.8 to 43.9)
Hey Everyone!!!! Just wanted to update you all briefly to tell you that I've lost 6 lbs. Thats been in five days. To get a bit personal with you all I was on my monthly after which the weight came right off. So I guess I probably experience bloating during that time of the month. I am excited because I am leaving the 80's and heading for the 70's. Thats exciting. You know it feels so strange to get on the scale and see the numbers decreasing instead of increasing. I still have to double take when getting on the scale making sure I am standing on it the right way. Sounds silly right? Well I go back to my primary care physician 12/11/03. I know she is going to be so happy for the weight loss. I've officially lost a total of 33 lbs. I am so excited. My big goal is to reach the 50 lbs. mark. I know I can do it. Thank you all who've been SO SO supportive. This surgery is truly doing what I've expected. Everyone Be Blessed and Stay Encouraged!!!!

12/13/03-(From 280 lbs. to 275 lbs.)(BMI 43.9 to 43.1)
Hi Everyone!!! I am down another 5lbs. Total I am down 38lbs. I have 12lbs to go to reach my short term goal of 50lbs. Although everyone else can see me losing weight, I am having a difficult time in noticing it. Everyone that I've spoken to says its normal to feel that way. I've been reading so many other profiles and been getting caught up in dreaming when I'll be able to write and tell you all that I am down 100lbs. Although I know everybody is different, but it seems that on the average it takes about 6 months to get down that much. Everyone please keep me encouraged. I am happy with myself because I've joined the YMCA. I've only been going once a week, but next week I am going to go three times a week. I will start an aerobics class Monday (12/15). I can't wait. I really think I need more social interaction. Well Everyone I know I should be saying this to myself, but STAY ENCOURAGED and BE BLESSED. I will update you all very soon.

12/31/2003- (From 275 lbs. to 260 lbs.) (BMI 43.1 to 40.7)
Hello Everyone!!! First I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and hoping that you all will have a great new year. It has been quite a year I must say. Great thing is I've lost 15 lbs. more since the last update. YIPPEE!!!! I've reached my short term goal of 50lbs. WOW!!!! I am just loving it. I am beginning to see it now, and so is everyone else. I am so tempted to go shopping for new clothes because my clothes are VERY loose on me now and hanging. I am about to give outfits away so if anyone is reading this and need some clothes (size 24 and 26) please let me know. I've lost a total of 53lbs. I am so happy about my weight loss, just wish life could be better in other areas. Well thats all I have for everyone now. Please keep me in your prayers. Be Blessed!!! Stay Encouraged!!!!

01/21/04- (From 260 lbs. to 255 lbs.)(BMI 40.7 to 39.9)
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!! Okay I know I haven't updated you all in a little while now. Well let me tell you that I hit my first plateau, and it was NO FUN. It was really a way to make my confidence level go downhill for a little while. I was normally losing weight at least every seven to ten days. Well as you can see from my previous update I was almost hitting the one month mark before losing anymore weight. Well I hopped on the scale this morning and oh to my surprise I'd lost 5 more pounds. My total weight loss is now 58lbs. May not sound like a great of a deal, but when you hit a plateau you're happy just to see the scale move in the direction of your weight decreasing. My next goal is to reach 75lbs. So I am happy to see that I am still losing weight. I only have 17lbs to go before I get there YIPPEE!!! I've reached the point now that everyone else can definately see my weight loss. My grandmother asked me the other day if I was losing weight. When she said that oh my confidence level really shot up there. Now get this she is 81 years old, and I know if she can see it (haha) everyone else can. For some reason though I still can't to much. I guess its because I am really looking for the drastic look. I still haven't purchased any new clothes. This may sound a bit strange, but really I don't know how to do that. I never really did a lot of shopping I guess because I did not like what I saw in the mirror. I think I am going to continue to wait just a little while longer to take that new step. I do not want to turn into a shopaholic though (smile). Well everyone just wanted to update you all on my progress. Keep me and mine in your thoughts and prayers as we will do the same for you. Stay Encouraged and Be Blessed!!!

02/07/04- (From 255 lbs. to 250 lbs.)(BMI 39.9 to 39.2)
Hey Everyone!!!! I know I's been a little while. Well I've lost ONLY 5 more pounds. You know I'm still happy about it though. My current total weight loss is now 63lbs. I've hit another plateau, but this to shall pass I know and believe. On 02/03 I was REALLY down about not losing as much weight. Although I've come a long way, I just can't wait to finally be down and have ALL my excess weight gone forever. So to make myself a FIRM believer again I finally took the first step into the shopping world. Boy I am so happy I did because instantly I was reassured that I had indeed lost weight, and the best way to tell it is a new size down or two. Well for me its 2 WHOLE SIZES DOWN....YIPPEE!!! I started out as a size 26 in jeans. Well I am now a size 22 and still have room. Now I know a size 22 to some is still a big size, but you know when you reach the point of just finally losing weight after many years, you really appreciate it when you GO DOWN in sizes vs GOING UP. So I am so proud. When I looked in the dressing room mirror I could not believe what I was seeing. Also I purchased some shoes. I went from a size 11W to now a size 10. I was just so excited about that as well. I would tell anyone who becomes discouraged treat yourself a little to reassure yourself ALOT. It felt great walking out of that store with a smaller size of jeans and also I shared it with the cashier....she was more excited then I was, and that really made me feel great. Well everyone hopefully I can get a picture up soon so you all can see me. I will update you all very soon. Stay Encouraged and BE BLESSED!!!!

02/17/04- (From 250lbs. to 240lbs.)(BMI 39.2 to 37.6)
WOW!!!! Its only been ten days since my last update. I cannot believe it. I've lost 10 more pounds. Total weight loss is now a WHOPPING 73lbs. Oh my goodness does that mean 27 more pounds to go before I hit the CENTURY MARK. I only have two more pounds to go before I reach my short term goal of 75lbs. GOD IS GREAT ALL THE TIME!!! The new pants I just purchased a couple weeks ago are baggy in the thigh area now. I told my aunt today how much I weighed. She was so excited for me and said OH MY GOODNESS soon you're going to be passing me. She weighs 216. Now I must admit when I hit the century mark I am going to treat myself to some nice tight wear, and show it off a little bit. I think I deserve that. Well I just wanted to share my wonderful news with everyone. I will update you all very soon...Stay Encouraged and ALWAYS BE BLESSED!!!

03/13/04-(From 240lbs. to 235lbs.)(BMI 37.6 to 36.8)
Greetings Everyone!!! Its been a while since my last update. Boy so much has happened some good and some bad. However I am still blessed and thank God daily for another chance to serve his will and purpose in life. Well I think again I've hit a plateau. I only lost 5 pounds. Still I am happy about that although its been almost a whole month since the loss. That brings my total to 78 pounds gone forever.....HOORAY!!!! I've accomplished my short term goal of 75 lbs. Next goal is the CENTURY CLUB. Oh my I cannot believe that I am so close a 100 pound loss. I've also gone from a size 22 to now a size 18. Now I really don't know how to act. I had buy some new clothes already. For the first time in so many years...I actually purchased a belt (1X) and its almost to big for me now. OH MY!!! It just feels so weird, but great all at the same time to be saying that clothes and accessories are to big for me. Its a wonderful feeling though. Oh let me tell you all this too....I brought a nice sexy black velvet dress with an aqua glitter design on the dress. I look great in it. I'll have to take a picture and post it so you all can see it. I also brought a skirt that comes just above my knees. I don't wear short short things, but I may go there once I lose some more weight. Well everyone continue to pray for me and my family as I will continue to pray for you all. Until next time....STAY ENCOURAGED and BE BLESSED!!!

03/24/04-(From 235lbs. to 228lbs.)(BMI 36.8 to 35.7)
HELLO EVERYONE!!!! I am so so excited. I've lost another 7lbs. Bringing my total weight loss to 85 whole pounds. UH OH!!! I am 15 pounds before I hit the CENTURY MARK. I am so proud of myself. I never thought I would reach this point, but look I am here. I FEEL GREAT!!!! Just when I thought things were going a little downhill for me....I REALLY STARTED TO LOVE ME, and just not care about the small stuff. Every day my precious baby girl (age 7) get up and tell me I am so so pretty, and then she'll add "Mommy I love you whether you're big or small." Now how's that for "REAL LOVE". You can't beat that right? My little man (19 mos. old) acts like he can see a difference sometimes. He'll do his little double takes once in a while by blinking his eyes at me super fast. Its funny...because I do the same thing ALOT in the mirror. I just cannot believe the woman I am seeing in the mirror these days. Today I was able to go through my closet and give some of my clothes away. She also had the surgery and is looking great too. I even gave a leather coat away....THAT FELT GREAT!!! Sounds strange right? Well I always like to give good things to someone who really appreciate it. My swap buddy was surely surprised about that. I was blessed with some clothes from someone else last week. Oh my I am now a size 16/18. Depending the material used to make the outfit. I am getting smaller and smaller at the top, but for right now the butt and thighs are taking their time. However, I've got a shape now. I am in the process of toning up to firm things up a bit. I am also so proud because yesterday I got on the treadmill at the YMCA, and power walked for 20 minutes straight. Boy did that really make me sweat. It felt great though. Well everyone just wanted to update you all. Hopefully this will encourage someone in making the decision to change their life. I don't regret this surgery for one moment...ITS THE BEST I COULD HAVE DONE FOR ME. Everyone continue to strive for the best....AND BE BLESSED. Stay Encouraged.

04/18/04- (From 228lbs. to 221 lbs.) (BMI 35.7 to 34.6)
Hello Everyone!!! First of all let me say that GOD IS GREAT ALL THE TIME no matter what we may face in life. Through his son Jesus we can and will live abundantly. I can remember when I first started my weight loss journey seeking a new "ME" and learning to LOVE ME. Well I am so proud of myself. I thank God for his mighty word (THE HOLY BIBLE). I can't say what anyone elses personal WLS journey has done for me, but it has opened my eyes in ways I never thought. I've learned to just trust in God first in everything. Believe it or not when you choose to have something like this done YOU HAVE TO TRUST GOD. Let him guide you in every decision you make, and let him guide you to the right people to help you in your decision making for this LIFETIME CHANGE. I must say its been a great motivator for me, and making it possible for me to really believe in ME. I am so so proud to say that I've lost 7 lbs. since my last update. Bringing my total weight loss to a WHOPPING 93 lbs. SEVEN MORE TO GO FOR THE CENTURY MARK. I am so happy to be able to inspire so many other people who maybe thinking that it cannot happen for them. IT CAN....IF YOU CAN CONCEIVE IT IN YOUR MIND THEN YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT. BELIEVE THAT. My next update will be when I hit the CENTURY MARK. Now that my weight loss has been slowing down a little it maybe a while, but surely I will keep you all posted. Until then .....BE BLESSED. STAY ENCOURAGED!!!!

05/11/04- (From 221 lbs. to 215lbs.)(BMI 34.6 to 33.7)
HELLO EVERYONE!!! Okay Okay I know I said that the next time I updated you all I'd be at the century mark. Well I am 2 lbs. away. I've lost 6 lbs since my last update, and my total weight loss is now a WHOPPING 98 lbs. Oh my its still A LOT to be so excited about and most of all be so thankful about. All praises to God. I've truly been through a lot especially dealing with my self esteem. I've been so motivated daily to just strive more and more. I know my parents are in heaven just smiling down on me and my children. Though I am a VERY SINGLE MOM, I am still beating the odds in so many ways. This weight loss has actually made me believe in myself so much more. Most of all I've learned to STOP sweating other people (MEN) and the small stuff. I am a QUEEN and really know it now. I want to share with you all that I got into a size 14 last weekend. I could not believe it. I had to pick up the phone and call my close friends to tell them. Two of them also had WLS, and by no means took it as me bragging about it. They were so thrilled about it, and that just inspired me so much more. I also went out on a date, and I wore a cute sleeveless spring dress with some cute open toed sandals. My date was so amazed, and so were the other men in the nice elegant restaurant he took me to. I felt so great, and for the first time felt so confident. The waitress even complimented me telling me I was so pretty. I've never been complimented by another woman before, and normally when a woman compliments another woman...hey you really got it going on. Women tend to criticize a little more then men. I think its because we tend to be more detail oriented. I must say I feel funny sometimes when men continue to stare at me. Though I am more confident....the shyness has not gone away. I'm working on that as well. Little simple things I really thank God that I'm able to do now. Crossing my legs, bending straight down to tie my shoes, sitting in small chairs, not having to rock out of chairs to get up, buckling/unbuckling my bra, wrapping a towel around me, and HAVING A REAL CHOICE OF CUTE CLOTHES. Most of all just overall feeling so much better, and healthy. GOD IS WONDERFUL. My only pet peave is how people treat me now. THEY ACT SO NICE TO ME NOW. That's so pitiful right? Especially when these are the same people who did not understand why I would get upset in the past when I knew I was being discriminated against because of me once being a larger size. Now everyone wants to talk to me more and make me the center of attention....especially people I've known all my life. SAD RIGHT? I'll deal with them, but keep them out my business all the same. They will say "You look good" and after a long pause I know they just want to ask about my WLS, but don't know how. I just smile and say "Thank you, and I feel GREAT!" Little do they know if they just be upfront, I'll talk about it. I am nowhere near feeling ashamed of MY DECISION. Then again some act like they're a little jealous because I've lost weight. Thats funny too. Being jealous of MY VERY HARD DECISION TO MAKE THIS LIFETIME CHANGE AND COMMITMENT. I am proud of what I FINALLY DID FOR ME, and my children too. I can run and play with them now, and most of all be stronger for my 7 year old who has cerebral palsy. She is my biggest supporter. She reminds me every morning how beautiful I am. My son (20 mos.) loves to jump around with me. Its so funny. He LITERALLY keeps me running these days. Today for the first time I purchased a new bathing suit. My daughter and I went to the YMCA for her aquatics therapy, and guess who got in the swimming pool feeling so great and confident...YOU GUESSED IT. Can you believe that I dare do that without a big tee shirt hiding my body. YES I DID!!! Oh it felt so wonderful!!! That made me feel so great!!!! Well everyone I just wanted to share my wonderful news with you all. For those of you who are currently on the WLS journey keep up the good work. For those of you still deciding....PRAY ON IT DAILY, and DO ONLY THE VERY BEST FOR YOU. YOU DESERVE IT!!!! Stay Encouraged and Be Blessed. The next update will surely be the CENTURY MARK update. Take care.

05/22/04-(From 215 to 213)(BMI 33.7 to 33.4)
I MADE IT EVERYONE!!! I MADE IT!!!! I AM OFFICIALLY IN THE CENTURY CLUB!!! I just got off the scales and I am down exactly 100 lbs. I hit a very long plateau, but those two aggravating pounds came off. I am so proud of that small but VERY LARGE ACCOMPLISHMENT. Oh my goodness!!! Now comes the next step in thinking about the tummy tuck. At one time I really did not think I would consider one. Then one day I was thinking to myself..."Hey I've come this far, why not right?" Absolutely right. Go all the way with it. This was very hard work, and I am going to do it all. I also want to share with you all that my brother had his surgery a week ago. I am SO SO PROUD OF HIM. He was hesitant like I was at first, but already he is seeing the great benefits of having it done. His blood pressure has gone down tremendously, and he also says he is so energized. WLS is the best we both could have done for our lives. Well everyone just wanted to update as I promised when I hit the century mark.....100 POUNDS GONE FOREVER. Stay Encouraged and Be Blessed.

06/14/04- (From 213 to 205)(BMI 33.4 to 32.1)
HELLO EVERYONE!!!! I want to really thank God for everything he continues to do in my life for the best interest of my children and I. I am just literally shaking my head because to think about how far I've come. God knows small things can be HUGE MIRACLES. I feel WONDERFUL about ME, MY CHILDREN, MY LIFE. The things I never took notice before and just really appreciate I thank God daily for those things. Even just waking up in the morning with a positive spirit. Its an awesome feeling. Well the latest and greatest news is my children and I have joined a church, and everything is wonderful. I'll tell anyone life is so much easier when you're following God's word. Just like you discipline yourself with WLS you do the same when you dedicate your life to Christ. IT REQUIRES DISCIPLINE. When you do that though...LIFE IS WONDERFUL, and truly recognize the BLESSINGS OF LIFE. Also I've lost 8 lbs. now I really don't know how to act. My total loss is a WHOPPING 108 LBS. It just has not registered yet that I only have 6 lbs to go before I am under 200 lbs. I haven't been under 200 lbs since I was in middle school. (6th grade to be exact). I just love what I see in the mirror now. I only wish to get down to 180 lbs. So for now my short term goal is to lose 6 lbs. Well everyone thats all my wonderful news for now....BE ENCOURAGED and STAY VERY BLESSED!!!!

07/01/04-(From 205lbs to 199lbs)(BMI 32.1 to 31.2)
ALRIGHT EVERYONE!!!! DRUM ROLL PLEASE......NOW INTRODUCING MISS EVA V. CUFFEE AND HER NEW WEIGHT......yep you bet 199lbs exactly. Six wonderful pounds GONE FOREVER. You all would not believe how wonderful I look and feel. I am so excited. I truly thank God everyday, and I just love looking in the mirror at myself. The change in me is surreal. I FEEL WONDERFUL!!!! Life is great, and most of all I FEEL SPIRITUALLY FREE. God has moved in my life in such a miraculous way. I've gained a new friend and love interest in life. Its weird we've been knowing each others family practically since birth. Just never crossed each others paths. He was living in another state for quite sometime, and he just moved back here two years ago. He says it was to find me. (smiling) We met at a house warming party of my cousin who I talked about earlier in my profile. She and her hubby had a beautiful house built. Little did any of us know that would be the place I'd meet such a wonderful man. Yes he knows all about my surgery, and is such a great encouragement to me. I LOVE YOU MAN!!! Well I wanted to share my great news with you all, especially my grand total weight loss......ONE HUNDRED FOURTEEN POUNDS (114 lbs). Everyone please STAY ENCOURAGED AND BE BLESSED.

07/21/04- (From 199lbs. to 197lbs.)(BMI 31.2 to 30.9)
Hey Everyone!!! Just a quick update because its been a little while. I've been enjoying the summer with my babies, and along with that I've been very busy. My little princess will be 8 years old in 4 days and my little prince will be 2 years old next month. So needless to say I am busy planning the birthday parties and gatherings for them. Lots of fun!!! My daughter is going to have a pony party (free fertilizer for the lawn). Thats going to be interesting....But fun all in the same. Okay about my weight...well I've lost 2 lbs since my last update. My total weight loss is now 116 lbs. WOO HOO!!! No I am not discouraged at all by my slow loss. I FEEL GREAT!!! I LOOK GREAT!!! I am still in a size 12/14 and feel comfortable there. I am fairly tall so I don't want to get to small. I would like to get to 180 lbs, and really don't want to go down to much further. I am planning to start a weight lifting program to do some major toning. I think the tummy tuck would take me down a lot and put me at 180 lbs. I am waiting patiently for the right time to do that though. My latest greatest news is tonight my daughter and I will be baptized, and also I am going into my business full time as an independent beauty consultant with Mary Kay cosmetics. Please free to visit my site [email protected]. Place an order if you like...I have full inventory. Well everyone please stay focused...STAY ENCOURAGED and BE BLESSED.

08/16/04-(From 197lbs. to 195lbs.)(BMI 30.9 to 30.5)
Hey Everyone!!! I know its been a little while since the last update. I've been so busy as I stated before with the birthdays and now back to school shopping. However, just wanted to share a little with you all. Well I've only lost 2 lbs since my last update. Bringing my total weight loss to 118 lbs. I am so proud of myself. I've been working out and started a new program in weightlifting to firm up my arms and thighs. I really don't have a lot of excess skin, but need to tone up. I am just so happy to have a lot of energy...its wonderful. I celebrated my 27th birthday 08/10. It was wonderful, and my friend took some pictures of me. It was an awesome feeling to see myself, and shocking all at the same time. I HAVE TO TAKE MORE says thousands of positive words when I feel that I'm not getting anywhere with this journey. I would recommend the same for anyone that feels that way. Also my former fiancee took me out for dinner to celebrate my birthday....boy I wonder the thoughts that went through his mind. It's amazing how people treat you so differently after you've lost weight. Oh well, I am still the same old me...JUST WITH MUCH MORE CONFIDENCE, and I truly do not SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF anymore. Well just wanted to update everyone....I will keep you all posted. STAY ENCOURAGED!!!! BE BLESSED!!!!

10/01/04-(195lbs. to 186lbs.)(BMI 30.5 to 29.1)
A great hello to everyone. I know its been a while since I've updated everyone. Well as you can see I've lost 11 more pounds bringing my total weight loss to 127 lbs since my last update. Yes the weight loss is slowing down tremendously. However, I've been on cloud nine for the longest time and don't plan to get off (smiling). I am so proud of myself. I could never express how much this life changing decision has been so positive in my life. God is so awesome. I dwell on his greatness everyday. Mainly because I think about all that I was going through last year this time, and now to see what I have become now. I've overcome so much and I know its only been GOD who's carried me. My weight loss surgery was truly a blessing for me in so many ways. It really made me DISCOVER who I am and my purpose. It gave me the confidence that I always knew I held deep within. Most of all, I've learned to LIVE LIVE LIVE, and not stress over people and things. When you're confident in life its just so much easier. Sure issues will always come your way, but when you TRUST GOD FULLY you will feel great and realize who you are. If you serve his will and purpose for your life then nothing will hold you back. I started a new job at the YMCA in which I joined last December. I work at the front desk, and often sharing my story with members. I feel great when I know I am encouraging someone who maybe feeling what I once felt before WLS. I will admit when I first started working there I wondered to myself if I would have been hired when I was 313lbs. HMMMMM. This is my very first job where I'm in an office environment. I definately find that individuals treat me differently since my weight loss. However, I am quick to remind them that I am the same woman and by no means will I become BIG HEADED over my huge accomplishment. I don't feel like I am better then a person who maybe going through what I once encountered. Needless to say I AM STILL ME...only thing I can get in a size 12 now. WOW!!!! Well I will update you all very soon. Be Blessed and Stay Encouraged.

Hey everyone!!!! I want to first thank God for blessing me during my one year journey. It has truly been a great journey, and such a success for my life. Secondly I want to thank EVERYONE who's shared many words of encouragement on this website. Its a wonderful feeling to know that everyone here despite their struggles still know how to lift others up in an awesome way. I just want everyone to continue to strive to reach their personal goals, and most of all maintain them.

12/10/2004-(From 186lbs. to 180lbs. BMI 29.1 to 28.2)
A GREAT HELLO TO EVERYONE!!!! It's been a while. However I have not forgotten about all the wonderful people on this site. Oh my...Its the holiday season again, and I must say I've been loving every moment of it. This year is almost over, and I am just excited about all the awesome things I know God has in store for my family and I. As you all see I've lost an additional 6 lbs.....TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS is now A WHOPPING 133lbs. YEP THATS RIGHT!!! When I tell people that...all they can do is hug and embrace me, and compliment my great success. I am pleased to say I haven't had any complications and continue to do EVERYTHING my surgeon recommended. THIS IS A TOOL, and has AWESOME REWARDS if you're OBEDIENT. It takes a lot of discipline, but its well worth it. My confidence

About Me
Chesapeake, VA
Surgery Date
Jul 15, 2003
Member Since

Friends 1
