I feel great!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 18, 2009

I have finally came to realize that I look pretty good.  This last vacation I took made me thank about my life and how wonderfully I have it. I have such a supportive family and my husband is the greatest.  I am starting to see myself at a NORMAL size now and it feels great.  I am not done with losing weight, I still have a little more to get off of me but to be able to go into any store and buy something is life changing. For people who have never gone through that it is hard to explain the feelings we have gone through during this new life changing.
  Going to my 20 year class reunion opened my eyes to a whole new me.  People that I went to school with who didn't give me the time of day came up and talked to me like we were old friends.  People that I thought would grow up to be something and turned out to be nothing that important.  I had a great time at the reunion and so look forward to going to the next one in 5 or 10 years. I was able to reconnect with some great people and I hope to continue to keep in touch with in the years to come.
I going to close this out by saying that if you love yourself and have a great support system behide you there is NOTHING you cannot do but make yourself healthy so you can be around a while for your loved ones should be on the top of the list.
  Take Care, 

100 pounds gone

Mar 19, 2009

Hello everyone,
      I finally did it. I lost 101pounds.

It has been a hard fight at times, but everything is worth it.  I feel great.  This sunday the one thing that I wanted to do from the very beginning will happen.  I am going to Busch Gardens and ridding the roller coasters.  Bob will have to work but the kids and I will be going and celebrating my weight lose.  I will be posting pictures from the time there on sunday evening. 

My family and friends have been so very supportive.  Now I have to thank about how much weight I need to lose.   My surgeon seems to thank that only 24 more pounds would be good. But my family doctor says another 44 pounds.  I started out in a size 26 and I will be in a size 10 by the time I get the 24 more pounds off.  I personally cannot remember the last time I was in a size 10.  I may stop there. I just dont know. Please let me know what you  all thank.

      Take Care and Thank you for your support,


1 comment

6 months after surgery

Mar 02, 2009

I cannot believe it has been just six months.  I have lost 97 pounds since starting all of this.  I have 28 more to get to the first  BIG  goal.  The last few days  I have been thanking that I may want to go a little lower.   Im in a size 16 from a size 26 but I really want to be in a size 10.
From the beginning of all of this I thought I wouldnt want the  plastic surgery after but now Im starting to see that I may be needing it.
I feel so good and am so happy I did it. I just wish I would have been ready to do it sooner.
Im so excited about March 29. That is the first day Busch Gardens is open for season pass holders.  We have already bought the  passes and Im ready.  I even went and bought the water country passes. I am so looking forward to going and having fun with my family and not having to be the one holding all the bag when everyone is on the rides.
I am such a lucky women. I have a wonderfully supportive husband. He has been right beside me the whole way and helps me everyday stay  motivated.  I just thank he likes the NEW WOMEN I have become.
I also have to best teenagers a mother could ask for. They have been right  beside me the whole time and help keep me going when there daddy is not home.
My whole family has changed the way they eat and what they eat just for help me.  We all feel so much better and I cannot get over the good changes it has made in my famiy.

Feeling wonderful

Jan 10, 2009

Im so sorry it has been such a long time since I posted anything.  I have been so busy.
I feel so great.
I have so much energy  and I am about to do things that I have been afraid of even trying with all that weight.  Now I dont even thank about it.
I wish I would have had the surgery so much sooner.
I have less then 50 pounds to go before I am at the weight the doctor set for me. I have lost 82 pounds since I started this adventure.
I love going to the gym 3 or 4  times I week.  I even sometimes go to the gym twice I day.  The second time I go I exercise with my daughter.  The fact that I can do that and keep going is so GREAT.
GOOD LUCK to  everyone.
I pray this new year brings wonderful and new life for all of you.


1 Month after surgery checkup

Oct 06, 2008

Today went great.  I have lost a total of 29 pounds since surgery and I have lost 24% of the extra weight I needed to lose.
I can now go to the gym and exercise. I am so happy.
I can also eat anything that I want within reason.  Doctor Chastanet said that Im doing a good job. I am so happy about being able to start going and getting into a schedule of going to the gym again.  All I was aloud to do for the first month was walk 30 minutes a day.  I am so sick of just walking.
The pictures I just posted I can finally see a difference in my size.  I wish I would have had this surgery sooner.  I look forward to going to Busch Gardens and Water Country next summer with the kids and being able to ride the rides and wear a swim suit and not be ashamed of the way I look.


Oct 06, 2008


Sep 18, 2008

Today I feel like Im back at day one or two from the hospital.
I went walking on Wedneday and walked 2 miles.  MY body decided that was to much and at about 1 and half miles, I was in pain.  by the time I had walked the rest of the way home I was in so much pain.  I felt like I was tearing about from the inside out.  I was horrible.  By the time Bob got home from work I was doubled over in pain.  The pain was only there when I was standing and walking.  I had to walk doubled over for the rest of the night.  Bob stayed home from work this morning because it was still hard for me to walk and drive.  I have the greatest husband,  He has been great other then the getting after me for doing to much.
 I spoke to the doctor and he said that I just did to much and to give myself sometime to heal.  I have to wait a couple days before walking any length to time. He also reminded me that I am to only walk for 35 minutes at the most.  I just never thought that the extra half mile would be so bad.
Well Im doing better tonight and do not plan on pushing agian
I have learned to hear my body.
I guess I better be going.  Take Care to everyone.Love ya all,


Sep 05, 2008

Christine had her surgery yesterday and all went smoothly.  She will be back home with her loving family tommorrow if all goes as planned.  I'm so proud of her, she has more courage in her pinky than I have in my whole body.  I love her so much she is my very heart and soul.

MY surgery is coming

Aug 21, 2008

I'm so excited and cannot wait.
I have been fighting with my weight for about 20 years.  I am so tired of trying all those different pills and diets. 
I have been making some changes before the surgery and I am so happy that I stopped drinking soda and eating sweet. 
I do some form of exercise 3 to 4 times I week.  I figure the more changes I make before I have the gastric bypass the better.

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 20, 2008
Member Since

Friends 28

Latest Blog 9
1 Month after surgery checkup
MY surgery is coming
