A few little victories

Mar 05, 2018

With my upcoming surgery, I keep wanting to put my life on hold. A part of my brain is still so preoccupied with looking ahead that I am having difficulty staying in the present. Because of this, I have found myself cancelling and changing plans. However, last week was the Sewing and Stitchery Expo. For the last five years I have attended at least three days of it with a friend of mine. I was not going to miss this year!

As the first day approached I began to worry about food and exercise.

Fair food is all deep fried and even without the consideration of surgery it is not good for me. I decided to plan for the expo as if I were on a sort of pre op diet for breakfast and lunch. I packed protein shakes, hard boiled eggs, babybel cheese, and clementines. It worked! I wasn't even tempted by the offerings of the fairgrounds and it also saved me a lot of money (which I spent on quilting supplies).

Exercise was trickier. I packed sneakers and workout clothes but I have never been good at actually going to the hotel fitness centers. I did manage it the first two nights, but by the third I was so exhausted from all the walking around the expo that I had to skip it. So to make up for that a little bit I walked even more the last two days, but never got back to the fitness center. It wasn't enough really, and I know I could have done better, but I will be proud that I did anything at all and this time had to pack sweaty work out clothes at the end!

As always the event was amazing, I learned so much and expanded my sewing room supplies and fabric stash a little bit more; but coming home is always the best part. I missed my husband and my house terribly. Still though, I was not looking forward to weighing myself Monday morning. Yes, my food during the day was better,  but dinner we ate out every night. This morning though I did what I needed to. I had to see the damage I did... 

Surprise! I had lost 2 lbs to get within half a lb of my goal weight! 

I thought that I had done better, and I guess I was right. Someday I will learn to be easier on myself and not so critical of every perceived mistake. 


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 19, 2018
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
First time I was uncomfortable in a theatre seat. This was the night I began thinking about surgery.

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