Have been on a plateau

Sep 21, 2008

For the last almost month i have been stuck between 3 lbs up and down.  I finally got the walking revved up a bit (ok- who am i kidding- i should say i am now walking regularly)... and finally had a couple pound drop.  I would say i was trying to figure out what was going on but i think i know... besides not getting enough protein and then craving less healthy, i have been doing the stress snacking.  Although i eat WAY less than ever before, if i "work at it" I can surely get in too many calories.  I want to knock that off and get back on track.  Also i do believe i have been mourning my old self a bit... i go to the thrift store and there are clothes that are too big and i think, geez, that would have fit!  Yes i am totally happy the smaller ones fit, i love it!  But i still find myself a bit sad about who i was being gone.  I still have a ways to go to get to my goal also- Dr says 200, i was saying 175, now i am just hoping to make it to 200.  Guess that is NOT the way to think huh?!?!?!  

Time Flies

May 13, 2008

It has been almost a month since my last entry... i discovered i was allergic to the whey protein and switched to soy- such a difference!! I am only down 22 pounds- most of which i lost in first two weeks.....  Since then, was getting hungrier but i did have my first fill yesterday and I am back to not eating much at all.  I love it!!  So, hopefully pounds will start falling off again.  Now i just need to get on top of the exercise thing and make it VERY regular!! 

Guess I should read the instructions better

Apr 18, 2008

All these days thinking i only got like 3 oz at meal times- really should have read my paperwork better that was really just the first day or so.  Geesh... no wonder i was starting to get hungry by Wednesday!
Tonight i tried adding a bit of garlic salt and parmesan to my tomato soup, felt like i was getting spagetti!  It has been great talking to some other women going through same things right now...we can learn so much from others.  I am struggling to get the protein in- that seriously high protein shake with whey protein i have been drinking is starting to be like poison to me- just cannot stand the idea of drinking it! 

4 Days post surgery

Apr 15, 2008

Besides still hurting and being sleepy often i am starting to feel like "me" again.  Except in the food department.  The old me would have been dying to be eating- even smelling food would have meant something.  I think right now cause of the pain- easy to not be attracted to the food.  I imagine there will be times it will get way harder throughout this journey but for right now- not wanting food is a pretty amazing feeling all by itself!  Today i am going to drive myself the office max so i can send off my taxes- yes a procrastinator big time!  And.. tomorrow a small trip to my favorite thrift store with a girlfriend- doubt it will be a big expedition- still pretty sore feeling.  But a big treat to be out and about anyway for sure!!!

Second Day Post Op

Apr 13, 2008

Wow- second day after surgery and there is that word again- my life seems full of "wow" lately.  Yes.. i am sure my teens could find a less old fashioned word but it is working for me right now. 
I am hurting still but feel better being up and moving around.. so here i am for a minute or two..  My kids are being so cool and helpful (gotta wonder how long i can drag that out?-lol!)  Anyway... really been sitting here a bit too long so more later... 

Surgery This Friday!!

Apr 06, 2008

Time has really flown since my first appt with the surgeon.  I did my pre surgery class 2 days ago- pretty informative. I was starting to panic over two weeks of liquid only diet and they had some ideas like tomato soup (and other bisque type soups) that i totally love- so now i feel like i can have some variety and enjoy the tastes.  Those are the types of things i have been thinking about- kinda half way between mourning my old life and relationships to foods and excited about change and having to really focus on a new way to live.  My friends and family are excited for me- and being really supportive.  It's times like this i really am reminded how richly God has blessed my life even with all these things (weight related problems, financially strains, teenagers) that can get me down- life really is quite good!  Actually i had a dear friend remind me of that late last night after a totally fun day down at the beach- outlet shopping, beach fire in the rain, with my kids, their friends, and this friend of mine.  Was a wonderful fun, funny (rain and fire and trying to chill but instead being too chilly!) great day!
I also bought a second book to read during "recovery".

Pre-op appointment soon!!

Mar 07, 2008

3/7/08- wow- this process for surgery has gone very quickly in my mind..  I started with info session mid Dec, 2 days of appts for bloodwork, nutritionist, physical therapist, nurse practicioner, psychologist, etc mid Feb and have now lost the required 5% to meet with the surgeon and just in time! During this i discovered my persistent pains from gall bladder were from gallstones and very inflamed also.  After first being told by local surgeon could not do lap band and gall bladder at once i was scheduled for that surgery today but earlier this week i found out my weight loss surgeon will do them together- yippeeeeeee!!  So, now i have my pre-op consult with Dr Jan this Monday.  Wow- wonder how long after that it will take for insurance to approve the surgery?  Hopefully they will like the idea of two for one on a bunch of the costs and get right on the approval!  I am getting a little nervous as it gets closer. 

About Me
salem, OR
Oct 31, 2007
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 7
Have been on a plateau
Time Flies
Guess I should read the instructions better
4 Days post surgery
Second Day Post Op
Surgery This Friday!!
Pre-op appointment soon!!
