Dec 07, 2008

Well, it's been over a year for me since my surgery. It's been an incrediable journey and I know that I still have an INCREDIABLE one to go. I've not reached my goal weight but I am oh so close to it. I missed my last Docs appointment but thats ok. I plan on making a new appointment.
My surgeon has been really great throughout this. My last appointment he told me he was very proud of me. It made me feel so good to hear that. I was so close to my 100lb mark at a year mark. I'm proud of myself.
Lately, over the summer/fall and going into winter it has been extremely hard for me to concentrate on myself. It's not an excuse but the reality of it all.
Not for this to be a soap box or anything but my husband and I had separated (now back together and doing great), but during the separation it was devistating. I cried every night. I didn't eat, and when I did, it was really late and I would TRY to turn back to my old ways...when food was my best friend, however, it wouldn't work...*yay for my surgery and surgeon* lol ... But, it's been such a hard and long road back to reality for me.
I'm now back on track, only been a little bit since I've gotten back on track.
I've started to attend church again. It's been the best thing for me. All the support from the fellowship. They are all like family to me. Ontop of that I was baptised on Nov 2nd, 2008 this year...just over a month ago. It has put me back on track.
When I say on track, it's not that I've gained weight..duh, but, it's just that I've stayed at the same weight. I've not gained nor have I lost for a few weeks/into a couple of months.
I'm very proud of myself. It has gotten to be such a dramatic change for me to say I'm proud of myself. Before, I'd never do that, but I'm so happy for myself now.
Now, and normally I wouldn't share my size...but I'm in a 16. Do you know how greatful and how good that makes me feel?
After being in a size 26...and going back down to a 16, that feels so emontionally incrediable. I was happy when I hit a size 18...but after putting on 16s and looking forward to 14s...So much of a difference. I can even tell it in the mirror. My mom has been my "cheerleader" too. She is so proud of me and I hear it all the time. When I go to her house....all the time and it's great.
She always makes comments about my jeans falling off of me *because it's Christmas and I can't afford new clothes right now* It makes me feel so good that all of my clothes are falling off, but makes me so mad that I don't have any to fit!
Sorry about my soap box, but to everyone that has lost weight or is about to go on that journey good luck and congrats for taking that step. It has changed my life...especially to be able to run around and play with my 2 children!!!

The Blah's

Jan 03, 2008

Lately, I've just been having the "blahs".  Especially over the holiday season.  Family making all kinds of sweets and chocolates, pies, cakes, all of the good home cooked holiday dressing and turkey and ham.  Yummy, right?  Of course, small moderate portions, and thats fine, thats truly all I did.  But for some reason, all the sweets took effect as well.  I guess the sweets that I ate over december/holiday season evened out my eating habbit of nothing lol.  
I've lost a whole 2 lbs this month =*(
I can tell that I've lost weight when I put on certain clothing, but Not everything.  It stinks.  I mean, some days I can look into the mirror and see a new figure starting to form, but then others it's like I can't even tell any difference at all. 
I've just been getting down in the dumps lately.  
Between work and the holidays, working extra hours and what not, trying to pay for the holidays, really put a strain on me this month.  I didn't and having worked out this month, any.  I haven't do any exercise at all.
I've been taking a flight of stairs instead of the elevator every morning.  I work on the 5th floor, but taking one flight a week is going to help me, i just know it will.  This week I'm starting out by taking 1 flight.  Next week, two, the next, three...so and so fourth.  I hope it helps.  I drink tons of water, too.  
But, I really hope I get out of the "blah mood" that i'm in, I really do.

Up To Date

Dec 13, 2007

I haven't been posting anything or really have had any time to get on the computer after my surgery.  

I had my Surgery October 08, 2007.  It honestly was the best thing that I've ever done for myself, besides gettng married and having 2 wonderful children.

Just to sumarize everything up, I'm at 270lbs right now.  I've lost around 35lbs total.  I'm so excited.  I wish I could lose it faster and I'm sure I would if I would exersize, but I honestly hardly find time to.  

Between being a full time Mom and a Full Time Alltel Corp Office Rep it's kind of hard.  

I hope this christmas we all find peace with ourselves instead of food.  If any of you are like me, thats what I always use to do...now I can actually enjoy the little bit that I do eat =) instead of using it as my crutch!!

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Alexander, AR
Aug 05, 2007
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