Two weeks Post op

Nov 25, 2009

Had my two week post op with the Dr. today. Everything is good and I got the go ahead to start doing some exercising. Woo Hoo! Lost 16 lbs. Very excited!!!

2 Days Post-Op

Nov 11, 2009

So I am 2 days post-op. The day of the surgery wasn't a picnic. Nausea & vomiting was something that I didn't count on. First day post-op wasn't that much better. The only good thing was no vomiting. Today wasn't looking like it was going to br much better. However, I had a little bit of a protien shake tonight and that made a big difference. Monday and Trusday I was questioning my decision about having the surgery, today not so much. I feel like I just need to take it one day at a time for right now. If I look to far ahead I might trip over my own feet.

One more day...

Nov 07, 2009

I have one more day before my surgery. I am anxious amd excited at the same time. Mom is here and she is being a big help in keeping the nervousness at bay. She's had the surgery and is doing well with it. It's like having a 24 hour very close support group.

Anticipating Surgery

Oct 21, 2009

I am very excited about having my surgery. My date is November 9. 99% of the time I am looking forward to the surgery and how my health will improve and my life will change. But there are moments that I wonder how is this going to work when no other weight loss program has. Those moments are few and far between, but I do have them. I have been lucky to have been pretty busy since the date that I scheduled my surgery so my mind has been engaged in other things and not just on the anxiety of having the surgery.

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 15, 2009
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