Surgery Went Well.....

Apr 09, 2009

Dear Friends,
Sorry, I haven't been on in a while. It's been hectic the days before surgery trying to get everything together (house wise).Thank you all for your support it really means a lot!  How about I lost 15 pounds on my 2 week liquid diet....WOW.
My surgery went well...Praise God...The first few hours after surgery were the worst especially with the gas cramps and nausea from the anesthesia .Who would've ever thought gas could hurt so bad. I had some wonderful nurses that helped me get through it and yes the best way to relieve the gas is to walk walk walk. You may not relieve it the first night but it will come out eventually after it does you feel so much better. Besides not being able to get any sleep at the hospital. I hated the fact that they wake you up every half an hour to suck and blow and yeah I know that's to prevent blood clots but man it hurt like no other. All and All the experience was great I wouldn't change it for anything in the world and I look forward to my new life ahead. Today starts another 2 weeks of Full Liquids but this time I can have a little more then I did pre-op.

Best Wishes, 

Love Melissia


2nd day of my liquid diet

Mar 30, 2009

 I never thought this would be this hard and it's only the 2nd day! My stomach is grawling. I have a headache that just wont go away. I have diarrhea from those stupid protein shakes. I feel like creap....DAMN. 

O yeh, I almost forgot I weighted myself this morning. I lost 3 pounds! GO ME! 

8 days to go....


10 Day Liquid Diet -

Mar 26, 2009

I just got my instructions today for my 10 day liquid diet to start Sunday 3/29. O my goodness is what ran through my mind.

I can do it, I can do it with a little help and support from friends and family. I can get through this! I have to get through this! I will get through this. I'm determined I can't and won't fail.

The countdown begins......

13 days to go


Mar 25, 2009

Today I went for pre admission I thought I was. Stupid me should've knew to fast. Well, when the lady called to confirm she never reminded me to fast - Excuse.

Woke up and did my normal morning stuff including eat...oops.

So I had to be rescheduled

I have my date!!!! April 8, 2009

Mar 23, 2009

I'm so excited!! I've waited and thought so hard and long about it.
Have I made the right choice?
Is there more I could've done before coming to this?
Will my friends look at me differently?
Will I reach my weight lose goals?
Will I experience any surgery complications? 
All this runs through my mind daily.

And I've come to this........if it doesn't happen now it may never.
I want to be healthy for me and my family.
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About Me
Bristol, PA
Surgery Date
Feb 11, 2009
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