Not much has changed

Jul 02, 2008

Well I thought I would stop in to update my page. I am still hoping to have surgery, but have to wait until open enrollment in December or Jan of next year, it's possible that there will be an early annual open enrollment at my job, if I'm still there. I'm planning on changing jobs soon.

At this time, I'm maintaining at the 280lbs, I walk with my sis around the block every night. I've been trying to research and find out as much as I can to know exactly how to make the process faster, when it comes around. Other than that, not much else going on.

I'm just trying to lose weight on my own right now. It's hard though, headline news talks about the weight epidemic we have in america, but for those who are trying to be healthy they make us suffer. If you want to eat low-fat, low-cal, low-carbs, and you go to the grocery store, all the foods that are good for you are way more expensive than the empty foods that have no redeeming value whatsoever. If you want to join the gym to get in shape, you have to pay $200 membership for 6 months, it's like well dag, no wonder so many people are morbidly obese, it's more convenient.

Looks like Patience is the lesson of the year

Jun 15, 2008

Well I did a little research on my own about my insurance coverage with Scott & White Health Plan, only to find out that my job covers Bariatric Surgery with a coinsurance of $1500 but not with the Scott & White HMO plan itself and only when medically necessary. So at this point, the insurance I've selected does not cover weight reduction plans or the bypass surgery, not even if my health is at stake. 

This to me doesn't make any sense. If, obesity is the biggest epidemic in America and we as Americans are trying to tackle this issue, why is it not included in the health coverage of all plans? Well anyway, my fault for not being interested in this surgery until recently. I'm not one to feel sorry for myself, oh well, I'll just do what I can right now. My job has an open insurance enrollment the end of this year, sometimes they have it early, but I plan on switching to BCBS (Blue Cross Blue Shield {Select PPO}). 

I also spoke to my PCP and mentioned the surgery and she tried to act like she had my best interest in mind when she recommended that I did it (lost weight) on my own, because she would hate for me to have to get cut up and have to go through the painful surgery. Of course first thought that came to mind was that if I could lose weight on my own, wouldn't I have done that by now? And also, this is my body, I do what I want with it. She don't know, but if I don't get a referral, than there are plenty of other PCP's to choose from, I like her, but if she's not going to allow me to make my own decision like the grown woman I am, then I will have to go to someone else. I'm confident over time, she will accept that this is the best option for me, when she sees how hard it is for me to lose weight...

But anyway she ended up prescribing some blood pressure medication to get my blood pressure under control. It was abnormally high, so I've been on the hydrochlorothiazide pills for about 2 weeks. I've noticed that these pills take away my appetite a little and also I'm very fatigue, have spells of nausea and dizziness and if I'm out in the sun too long, I feel like I'm going to faint. 

I've decided that since I have to wait until December 2008 to change insurance companies and the surgeon that is in my network requires that I be under a 6 month medically supervised diet, I more than likely won't get this surgery for another year... I believe prayer changes things, so we will see what God works out. 

But I am going to try to lose weight on my own, I told my doctor I was going to try to lose 25lbs a month and she sd that is too much and that I would be starving myself. I told her that I've done this before in High School times, (lost 50 lbs in 2 months) going from 175 to 125lbs, she said I probably was starving myself, especially as a teenager (well she may be right about that.) She doesn't recommend I lose more than 10-12lbs a month, she said that over 1-2lbs a month is really too much, because most doctors recommend to take it off slowly and surely, but she thinks I can safely lose that much a month. I feel that my doctor may have prescribed something that will aid me in weight loss because my appetite has decreased majorly. I'm more thirsty and I have bad heat flashes...I know I'm too young for all that...LOL

When I first posted, I do believe I was 279 on my home scale, (that was about 5/31/2008) the hospital scale on 6/4 said I weighed 281,  10lbs more from what I weighed February 2008 (my last appointment in February, I was 271lbs). This doesn't look good. At the rate I'm going, I will be 291lbs (less than 10lbs away from the big 3-0-0!!!! by the new year. Oh heck to the naw!!!!).. Good news is the day before yesterday I was down to 273, but today I am up to 276. 

I was moving into my new apartment ever since 6/12 so I had been pretty active, but the other day when I got my tv and my internet turned on at my new place, I have gotten lazy and ordered fast food, stopped moving around and now I'm paying for it.

By my next appointment, I want to be at the most 269lbs and at the least, 256lbs, we'll see what happens on 7/2..I'll keep you posted!!! So these next few months, I'm gonna try and do it on my own. Pray for me.

I have made my choice today

May 31, 2008

A couple of days ago, I had a revelation that if I keep going down the road I'm going down, gaining more and more weight, if I don't kill myself with food, I am going to make myself sick and either have a heart attack, a stroke, catch diabetes or heart disease or just end up so obese, I won't be able to walk anymore. I made my decision, that I want to live, but I need help. I have prayed and prayed about losing weight, just as I've prayed about other things in my life, and God has his ways of answering your prayers at the right time. Sometimes you pray for days, months, years and nothing happens, you think that God has forsaken you and that your praying is in vain, but then unexpectedly, your prayer is answered because all God's promises are "yea" and "amen". All his promises will come true, He may not come when you call Him, but He's right on time...I believe that this is my destiny, if not I believe that something will come out of this consultation I have with my PCP this Wednesday. I am so anxious to finally take a step to improving my health and well-being and finally wanting to live life and not being the hermit, I feel my weight has made me into. I know don't blame iton the way you look, you should feel good about yourself no matter what, but it does play a part into how you feel, you are lonely, sluggish, self-conscious and people mistreat others and prejudge people by how they look, it's not all in overweight people's minds. But I am ready to do what it takes to live, be healthy, be happy and have fun and not be self-conscious. Waiting for Wednesday to come.

About Me
Temple, TX
May 31, 2008
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Not much has changed
Looks like Patience is the lesson of the year
I have made my choice today
