Meet Our Speakers: Jeremy Gentles

Sep 04, 2012

Exercise, Myths, and Realities-OH MY!

 Engaging, often comical, and very enlightening—fitness expert Jeremy Gentles, is out to bust those exercise and fitness myths at the OH “Celebrate Your Journey” event on October 5th and 6th in Atlanta, Georgia.  Jeremy brings to the stage his highly energized personality, quick wit, and the cold, hard facts! 

Fact or myth?  Is it true that it is better for your knees and joints to run on a treadmill instead of on the pavement?

Jeremy will answer this question and more, helping us to separate fact from fiction! What questions will you have for Jeremy?  Oh-and just for the fun of it, ask Jeremy about a Halloween faux-pas that he won’t soon forget…and you won’t either!  You will really laugh out loud! He claims it as his most embarrassing moment. Let’s just say it involves a diaper, a highway, and a siren!

Other fun, unknown Jeremy facts:

 -Jeremy says it’s hard to find a hat that fits his rather large head. “When I find one, it just looks funny anyway!” :)

 -Jeremy has an interesting hobby.  He has been known to make a little of his own homemade brewsky!

 Don't miss Jeremy's presentation, Exercise, Myths and Realitiesfor pre-op, post-op or anyone looking to learn about the realities of exercise.  Join us in Atlanta!  Click here to reserve your ticket today!

Jeremy Gentles, Founder of Sportably, is a PhD Candidate in Sport Science at East Tennessee State University and for a number of years, served as ObesityHelp's Exercise Physiologist. In addition to his experience with bariatric surgery as a treatment for obesity and type II diabetes, his research interests include sport technology, long-term athlete monitoring, and acute/chronic biochemical responses to training.

OH ARTICLES by Jeremy Gentles:

All Exercise Professionals are not Created Equal

Staying On Track During the Holidays

5 Common Fitness Myths

Know What You Eat

Have You Misplaced Your Focus?

